
2 Post – 79 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

We had a project once called Asset Analytics which the steering team decided to shorten to AssAnal. It lasted a couple of months until it was changed to metrics

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Fake or not, it was great to read a nice story.

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For the ones wanting to get into One Piece but are discouraged by the episode count there's a project called "One Pace" that heavily edits the episodes in order to have a faster pace.

I have a friend that wanted to watch but never had the will to start. After watching the Netflix show he got inspiration to start and when searching where to watch he came across this project. Its not perfect since there are some arcs not covered but it does a very good job trimming down the anime antics and focusing on the core.

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Super simplified version: the office buildings are losing value due to low occupation. Owners of those buildings lose money if the value goes down. Those owners do not want that.

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From grades 1 to 4 (6 to 9 years of age) we had the same teacher. She was fine for the first 3 years but somthing must have happened because during the last year she completely changed.

That last year is still burned in my mind. She would verbally and physically assault us at the minimum mistake. For example, when she was delivering tests she had us go to her to pick it up and the ones with average or bad grades would get a knuckle punch to the forehead (it hurt like hell).

Slapping was common occurance, as in several times a day. She also once broke a plastic ruler on a girls head for speaking out of turn and banged another girls head onto the blackboard several times because she was writing with too small letters.

One of the worst things I recall involved the special needs kid. I don't remember what condition he had, just that he had no understanding of social rules and also had trouble reading. One day this kid decides to climb on the toilet and look at a girl that was peeing (the closed toilets to the classroom were unisex). The girl came crying to the teacher and she proceeded to grab the kid by the ear and twisted it hard. While he was crying is hear out, she pulled down his pants and underwear and slapped his ass several times. He was quite never the same after that...

The worst part? Telling my parents about this and them thinking I was crazy because there was no way a teacher would behave like this.

Luckly that was the last year and I moved to another school but the memories remain.

If you're still alive, fuck you Lena.

What are the odds that 45 similar SUVs crash in the same way? That road must be a deathtrap.

Elon Musk, of course!

"I've done more for the environment than any single human on earth. What I care about is the reality of goodness, not the perception of it - and what I see all over the place is people who care about looking good while doing evil," - Elon Musk


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Time for new friends!


It sucks, I know :(

What do you mean? Zero Punctuation has been on YouTube for more than 10 years.

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Sorry to hear that, hope you can find a way out of that situation.


Asking the real questions!!!


I think it means Swear To God

Wrong! You see, all billionaires worked really really hard to exploit others! It really is all about hard work!

All hail the Eternal Growth!

From Edgerunners anime show from the games studio CD Project Red, creators of Cyberpunk 2077 video game. The show takes place in the same city, before the events of the game.

Learned about digg and started using it only for it to die a few months later. Discovered Reddit back in the 2010s while searching for Bodyweight fitness advice and stayed till the API fiasco.

Digging Lemmy now (☞゚ヮ゚)☞

The FAA won't let you get a license if you've ever smoked weed or sought treatment for depression.

For real? But it's fine if you drink alcohol.... some rules seem so arbitrary...



Indiana Jones and the fate of Atlantis


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I hear he can eat a peach for hours.

And we're here for the sillyness and goofyness!

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Right? Since when any of these companies were built with any other goal other than make someone rich?

From what I can remember, the simbolism is stronger in the first movie and not so much on the other two. I recall two key things that can simbolize the struggle trans people go through or are references to transgenderism.

  • Neo feels that there is something wrong with the world and that he does not belong in it
  • The Character Switch was originally supposed to be a man in the real world and a woman when plugged in to the matrix.

I'm sure there's more but it's been a while since I came across the analysis.

Worth noting that when I watched the movies I never made an association with transgenderism. I think in great part because I was not even aware of it.

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You watched Event Horizon as a child? Damn, that's rough! I watched it as a young adult on TV thinking it was just normal sci fi and was scared shitless by the end...

As a child there was a part of a movie I watched that gave me nightmares for days. It was someone rubbing a bloody chickens paw on a womans leg. That's it, that's all I saw before my parents yelled for me to go to bed but it haunted me for days.

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Not the game for you?

Fo guck yourself, fothermucker!!!

Yes, please leave the fromage ヾ(⌐■_■)ノ♪

Yes but do you condemn Hamas?


If it was only money they wanted they would not do this. The limitations they are imposing will cut revenue to their biggest Game companies. I mean, the laws are not in effect and there was already a big crash on Netease and Tencent stock prices.

But people are only valueable if they work or exploit others to work for them.


Yeah, currently reducing frequency to 2-3 days a week from doing it virtually everyday for the best part of a decade. Hoping to transition to a pause after getting comfortable with the reduction.

Where I am its not legal so I have no idea on how potent it is.

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Yup, the stuff hoarders collect over almost always just end up in the trash and serve only to bring annoyance to whoever has to clean it up. Recently had to clean up after a hoarder relative died, not fun at all.

Goooooooood morning Night City!!

Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.