
419 Post – 324 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

If there's XMPP involved in that pattern then I question your recollection of events that happened. If anything this is going to be more like e-mail where commercial service providers might want to set up some obstacles to avoid spam but also hurt little guys in the process. We'll see how that goes with EU DSA laws though.

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Highly misleading. Samsung Next, a Samsung VC firm closed Israel offices but will keep investing in Israel.

This appears to be original source from a month ago: https://www.calcalistech.com/ctechnews/article/by1p82me0

Today, I am sharing the news that Samsung Next has made necessary organizational changes in the Tel Aviv office to consolidate its activities. Israel remains an attractive market for Samsung Next, and the existing relationships with partners and portfolio companies will remain unchanged.

That's fair, it's €100 per word.

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Guy wanted to vent about smart thermostats, explicitly said he doesn't need advice and got bajillion responses with advice, mostly from FOSS folks who couldn't contain themselves. I'd be annoyed too.

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Hey, that's not true. Apple forums reps will ask you to factory reset everything twice, then refer to store for servicing and then ghost you.

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Article added to post body now.

I'm just loving the amount of bad press Microsoft is deservedly getting.

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Not using reddit pretty much guarantees it.

Please don't jump to conclusions yet. This has been observed in European common frogs so if your advances towards, say, Tasmanian toad, have been refused and the toad appears to be dead, it might be, in fact, dead.

[edited more commas in]

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Mastodon.social, the biggest instance ran by Mastodon devs didn't and encourages wait and see approach.

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TikTok is banned in India so there's way less anti-muslim sentiment on the platform.

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They knew what they were doing.

If you're after moderate right flavored discussion I sympathize but you'll have trouble finding it as the broader right has been consumed by alt right and far right. If your point is that those viewpoints specifically are missing from Lemmy then I'd say it's a good riddance. I just wish Lemmy was as hard on some immature leftie takes.

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Dutch ASML is essential to 7nm and smaller processes. US pitched in enormous amounts of cash in very risky R&D for EUV lithography so they have a say in how it's used but I wouldn't say they control it entirely.

These things are too risky, complex and expensive for any single country/federation or economic block to be on the cutting edge. It's entirely possible to pour money for years and come up empty.

EU should pull as many strings as possible to have cutting edge production capacity within own borders in case of emergency but first we'd have to invest heavily in education of engineers and guarantee competitive salaries because it's incredibly challenging work.

It took Taiwan a generation to accomplish and even now their manufacturing staff is being poached by China because of economic pressures and likely state funded corporate espionage.

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Smartphones were supposed to kill off portable consoles and for a brief moment they did. It took 2-3 years until people realized dedicated hardware was so much better and Switch happened to launch at perfect time.

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Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night, drenched in sweat, worrying that I don't see as many ads as the Yanks do.

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I don't think the Lemmy is well prepared to handle bots or more sophisticated spam, for now we're just too small to target. I usually browse by new and see spam staying up for hours even in the biggest communities.

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From bot bio:

Have an issue? Contact @L3s@lemmy.world

How is this racist? Behavior of BJP mob on Reddit was observable by how r/worldnews looked like depending on time of the day.

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I like the data they had to release under new EU regulations so far. For example, they have a single employee that speaks my native language, which is sixth most-spoken among languages of the European Union. It definitely shows when trying to report things like "kill yourself" posts, which apparently is OK with both Twitter terms of service and local law (that one came as surprise to me and would probably surprise lawyers as well).

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Also: Can weed buds in an air-proof packaging stay fresh for a year or so?

Store them in a glass jar, preferably with rubber airtight seal. Choose a a size so that it doesn't take more than 2/3 of jar volume. It can be dark glass but you still should keep it away from sunlight. Drop Boveda 62% humidity control pack into that jar, check it every couple of months and it should last for even longer than that.

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I was among reddit refugees a year ago and it took me a moment to notice what was going on ml and their communities were more significant in comparison to what we have today.

One of the reasons I'm on sopuli.xyz now is that it was one of the first reasonably big instances to defederate hexbear outright. Hesitance and outright hostility to defederate it from some instance admins was also worrying.

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New EU regulations put more responsibilities on tech giants: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_Services_Act

Lemmy instance admins are responsible for staying compliant with laws of countries they operate in, there's nothing new about it.

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I have read your comment history and formed an opinion on it. I don't think people should take your advice.

He is fine with that:

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That's why I keep saying it's pointless to defederate corpos. They'll just scrape everything before you notice.

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Oh no

Some were licking the boot because reddit promised ways to monetize subs during a Mod Summit ~2 years ago (business model would be taking a cut of all transactions happening on their platform). I quit modding shortly after and then reddit entirely so I'm not sure if they ever implemented this. Even if they didn't, mods will remember that promise.

Why not browse your subscriptions through subscriptions section? I understand that it's annoying that you can't make it default on startup in the app but it's there.

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I'll lift a comment from techdirt:

“Let companies rip off your work, or else only Big Tech will be able to rip off your work”

Maybe we're so far in capitalist hellholle that we simply consider everything to be for sale. What about GPL work that OpenAI steals? Or personal data? With how secretive they are with data they "scraped" we don't even know if they have any right at all to repackage and sell it.

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Oh no, not the Facebook! I can't even imagine the world without all the good that it does!

You're right, fixed that headline now.

Ernest is still posting devlogs:


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Pretty cool. I keep saying that this is a win for open standards and Meta probably does this to appease EU regulators. It's no surprise that this happens as Threads launches In Europe.

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While it's pretty much guaranteed all tech giants will sell your data to China if the price is right, Bobby could give it away for free to the Taliban for shits and giggles.

I expect them to cover this in as much detail as possible. They are probably the last big tech / business news website standing. I know Gizmodo, Engadget, Tech Crunch etc exist but nobody seems to have resources and connections The Verge does.

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Millenials can't afford houses so there's enough disposable income in the system for a market for $200 Gameboys. I'm only 1/4 joking.

Very sustainable technology, this AI 😎

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