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Joined 12 months ago

She’ll just get crowdfunding money from Republicans (white domestic terrorists).

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Pretty sure if I shared a classified war plan I would get life in prison. Lock him up.

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So they get massive amounts of free data for Machine Learning, but want to charge users for supplying it?

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This is literally what Jared and Ivanka did the entire Trump presidency, yet that's not a big deal.

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That’s what you get for using Facebook. Just delete your account already.

He’s not a democrat, so he should quit lying.

Second rule of SQL: Never trust user input. Third rule of SQL: Never trust user input.

My assumption is they’re using this to train an AI model.

PLEASE DO! And say goodbye to all your federal benefits. Good riddance.

This is a massive leap from the Folding@home project. From 4 million to 71 million is insane!

Sounds like a Trump problem, not an our problem.

Did you read the article? She threatened to do it multiple times on previous days. She then scoped out the site she would do it at before she actually did it. 100% premeditated murder.

Talk to your University counseling services. They can likely help waive failed credits for diagnosed mental health issues, since they qualify as a disability. You can also possibly get accommodations such as extended due dates, etc, if you have continued mental health issues. Even without accommodations or getting credits waived, utilizing the counseling services for therapy or psychiatry can likely help a lot. There’s a lot of options and services likely available for you that you may not know about. I would have dropped out of college if I hadn’t started going to University counseling and I had failed several classes due to anxiety and depression. Seeing a therapist turned that all around and I was able to graduate and only had to take one extra semester. Hang in there!

Don’t tempt me.

Nice try Elon.

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He’s a shitty shitbag that doesn’t do shit and shits all over our rights.

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He can suck something much harder than an egg.

Tots and pears.

Holy word salad Batman.

I think you misspelled piece of shit.

That’s the thing, if FSD isn’t advanced enough to handle tricky intersections no matter the circumstance, then it’s not ready for deployment.


But I thought free speech meant no consequences?! /s

If you need to rely on an external force and fear of hell to have morals, you’re not a good person.

Ted the Caver is my top one, but Eric the Pie is a close second.

Did hell just freeze over?

Calm down hun.

One of those cheap wire head scratcher things. It’s like a headgasm.

Yeah, I don't even think about Reddit anymore, who cares. If people want to waste their time on that shit site fine with me.

No, they charged him with sharing documents with unauthorized people.

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What is this, 1995? /jk

Ted the Caver is seared into my memory. Highly recommend reading it.

Here’s a really good video that explains this concept really well. It puts it in terms of thought germs and how they spread virally in the form of memes.

I eat this shit up like it’s shit and I’m shit hungry.

Some people just want to watch the world burn.

Have you been conscious since 2016? If so, maybe you’d understand people being a little bit spiteful.

The link is broken. Here’s where I found it, reading it now:'s_Goatman_Story

It’s in the article:

In a 60-page superseding indictment unveiled Thursday, prosecutors also accused Trump of possessing a highly classified war plan that he shared with people lacking security clearances months after his presidency ended.

Can we heal though?

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