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I'd personally prefer the use of manure or animal dung instead of spray paint as the former is a bit more natural and should not create any issue to the environment.

Furthermore, if used in the right quantity and of the right quality manure can permanently stick to a porous surface thus rendering the entire yatch, car, jet, helicopter or transport mean completely unusable for a very long time. For this application I'd suggest the use of carnivore ejections as these are usually far more unbearable than those coming from herbivores.

Anyway, keep up the good fight!!

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Of course he will be discredited as a doctor and he will be found to be a west-paid spy for a large number of years before falling from the window of his prison cell (in Russia they are so humane prison cells don't have bars on them).

I sure hope Putin's next doctor won't be as careful when dosing his medications. I'd love to see some ipecac being distributed in the coffe cups of a closed meeting between Putler and the north-korean bimbo

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puts the end to a story of violence and blood

Yeah, sure Biondi, we can rest easy knowing mafia has been defeated once and for all. /s

What a fucking clown in a fucking circus if a country. Mafia will never be healthier than when we think it to be dead, they thrive in the shadows and in the cover this kind of happenings provide.

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Lol, they might be a bit dad-joke like but I find these wordplays very funny.

Thanks for the laugh!

IF (and that's a big hypothetical) you are not trolling you are one of the problems our society is living through at the moment.

Lemme be real with you boss, if all the articles you have found feel biased maybe the bias is not in the articles thselves but in you. Maybe you want to find a reliable source disproving the theories of "the left" against the Donald, or an official statement capable of cleaning your cult-leader name.

You won't. We all listened to the call he made to Georgia State Secretary and we all saw what happened on January the 6th after Donald' speech.

So IF you are not trolling Stop, revise your approach to the issue and check whether the bias is in or outside you from an objective point of view. Then keep looking for facts and information

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Ah yes, the Grand Old Projection party.

The "party" p is lowercase because the name is not referring to a proper political party but rather to a group of people came together to have fun among themselves while making the lives of everyone else a living hell, just like frats do during off-seasons.

Sorry to bother but could anybody post the article contents for someone like me who'd like to avoid a further subscription to manage?

Thank you very much in advance!!

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That's not true at all, genetics only play a part in the mental development of a person, much of it is instead related to the environment where a person has been growing.

It is as with talent, some people are better than other at certain activities but even the most gifted person cannot compete with a professional who has spent his life training and studying his craft.

The same can be said for "intelligence": if you are never taught to think you'll never think once in your lifetime, even if you are the exact copy of Leonardo da Vinci; on the other hand, even if you are thick as a rock but you've been growing in a society focused on your development you'll be able to become a normal person.

Eugenetic politics do nothing for humanity betterment, social structure is much more important IMHO

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Because that's not how a functional society works. If Texas wanted to secede from the USA the whole USA would have to be called in this decision. You can't do what Puidgemont did in Catalunya, call for a referendum in the specific region, count the votes and declare independence from the central government. You are part of the government, if you want to secede this must be a common choice.

If you were an adult you might understand this with a (non-perfect) similitude with divorce: you cannot divorce by yourself, you need to sign the documents as a couple for divorce to take place.

That's also why Russia's claim of annexation of the Ukrainian regions has no value for the international law, it's a faux secession with no bearing on the Ukrainian national rights

Well, a fall from a high window is not the best way to survive captivity :)

It's useless to cite Karl Popper to centrists, they are just rightoids who don't have the courage to admit this simple fact to themselves first and to the world at large second.

Just like most Nazi are closeted homosexuals who cannot understand their natural urges and act against them for some bullshit reason

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I think he meant they were inspired in their writing to provide an answer to fuckwits like the one in the article. Evil capitalists are not a modern occurrence, they existed in the whole of human history unfortunately

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It Will get better IF after the 2024 elections the GOP will be left with a minority in both the houses, Congress and senate. At that point it will be only on the democrats to pass legislations, notwithstanding eventual characters like Sinema and Manchin.

Ah-eh, support of the sedicious insurrection happened on January the 6th 2022 is still not enough to be qualified as "something"?

I love when conservatives pull shit like these comments out of their brains to defend the human garbage they voted into Congress

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Content moderation is gonna be tough, especially when advertising for absolute freedom of speech. It's possible trolls will ruin the environment in a very short time if moderation and its rules wouldn't be very clear and applied when necessary

Kinda sure that's not Satan but Baphomet. Completely different characters if you know what you are talking about; which is not your case since your Christian mindset doesn't allow for the retaining of useful information as it is normal for a sheep mindset

Love how you ran away from your stance as soon as you were required to provide the evidences cited in your comment. Really a true conservative

The best steps would be the ones taking them to the guillotine

That's not Satan, that's Baphomet.

A bit of demonology (or culture in general) can go a long way in helping these people avoiding this kind of nonsensical responses.

It's like if someone were to deface a statue of the archangel Michael and I went on a tirade about how evil all the cherubims really were. Michael is an archangel, not a cherubim. Similar but not the same.

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Too bad that you wouldn't be damaging just the leisure of a super rich person but also the environment around it.

We need to find ways to hurt them without damaging the environment worst than they are already doing if possible

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Dude has a problem with his question being answered.

The guy who wrote the article has experience in a combat zone and has seen more military action than he will ever have.

By any standard these are speculations but they are presented by someone who has direct knowledge about these kind of groups, therefore they might be slightly more reliable than the average person's point of view.

If you are not happy with this explanation I'm afraid I cannot provide you with anything else

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Absolutely. Poverty comes never alone, it usually brings other friends to the party. Like poor education, lack of security, stress, poor nurishment and poor social environment. All this together can easily bring out the worst of people, while the contrary can improve their conditions.

If you are focused on surviving you'll never be able to grow as we are all supposed to

As far as the republican lead investigation has shown Hunter has received no money or bribe form anyone and, since I don't think ALL republicans are complete morons, expecially in cases where they do have vast interests at stake, I tend to think that this should be the case.

Would they have found definitive proofs of bribery or of foreign agents paying dues to Hunter for any kind of return I think we would have seen them in the open but, since this has not been the case, I think I can fairly certainly ascertain that Hunter has received nothing in return for nothing.

But if you want to cling to the idea that he has sold anything to a foreign government while not holding any office in the USA government hey, you do you. Keep wearing your tinfoil hat and have a great life 👍🏻👍🏻

I'd like to suggest a cancerous growth in a very painful area or a debilitating illness which may prevent them from functioning as a normal human being to make them understand the feeling of being in a helpless situation.

But it would be enough for them to lose their next election and therefore the right to issue legislations against the common good while seeing the American politic shifting towards a more progressive future and being unable to steer the course the modern world has taken.

God, I'd love nothing more than seeing this bunch of retrograde ape-men and women being forced to live in a world where their religion is tolerated but completely inconsequential to the democratic process. Let them rot away in complete silence and watch them ravel in their uselessness

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Prighozin was funding much of Wagner himself, for example.

So, who is going to pay now that he's dead?

And that Russia's young men are not coming home in boxes because they are just not coming home (Russia doesn't want the bodies so as to avoid paying death benefits to families)

I imagine these families will be happier and happier each day that goes by without having any information about their loved ones.

But honestly, the biggest head scratcher here is the plain fact that mercenaries "to dispose of Putin" have been available forever

But if Prigozhin was paying their fees and keeping them in check with his control structure how could they have been available to change their masters?

I see your reply to the article as you see the article itself: full of speculations and assumptions but the main difference between the OP post and yours is that you are a nobody giving his opinion on the internet while the author of OP post was assistant director intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance for the HQ Land Command.

Given the status I'm more inclined to listen to his speculations rather than yours, respectfully

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Bruh, you are the literal embodiment of the issue plaguing the USA in this historical period: you say you are ready to have a discussion and then, once somebody engages you with actual facts in his hands, you attack your interlocutor with the most vapid point without replying to his considerations.

Furthermore I've been taught that there are two possible sides when tackling a problem: you can either be part of the problem or part of its solution.

As far as I see nowadays republicans are ALL part of a problem called "political extremism". If you vote for the party which is presenting an autocrat and a crybaby as it's frontrunner for the past and upcoming elections you don't get to be offended when someone calls you out for that. If you are not voting democrat you are actively choosing to be ruled by a tiny minority which sees it's religion as the only viable solution to all the (made up) problems they see in the modern world. Should you vote democrat, on the other hand, the worst which may happen is that you'll loose some purchasing power when the world has been facing a pandemic and a regional war at the gates of Europe.

If your choice is to actively vote for the first option I've news from you: you are an enemy of the people and of democracy, don't be surprised when people will treat you as such in your future interactions with tem

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Thank you so very much.

The article is not paywalled but it's not available to those who are not subscribed.

Much love <3


Have you ever tried to remove shit from a (both natural and artificial )leather jacket? Expecially shit moist with urine?

I don't see anybody using the soft and comfortable sofas usually provided to these boats for a very long time

First of all, gun laws have been more or less the same for the past 100 years in the U.S., so how can they be the cause of the recent rise in mass shootings? Simple answer: they’re not.

But they are, would your laws be stricter the appearance of these mass shootings would drop significantly since they perpetrators would have to go through a much mor rigorous screening process before being allowed near a firearm. The copycats and emulators are able to repeat these crimes ALSO because they have easy access to firearms, don't act like this wouldn't be a root cause for the mass shooting problem

Secondly, mass shootings make up a tiny fraction of gun violence; the fact that so many White liberals harp on mass shootings really just shows that they only really care about the gun violence that threatens to affect them and their kids. If they were serious about curbing gun violence, their focus wouldn’t be on mass shootings so much as smaller-scale gun crime

Those who commit small-scale gun crime use the same laws in place for mass-shooters and everybody else to access firearms used in their crimes

Third, many liberals are openly willing to kill a hobby that most gun owners enjoy without harming anyone, because they personally find said hobby unsightly and stupidly think they can stop gun violence in the U.S. by getting rid of gun stores—because that’s always put a stop to gun violence in other countries wherein it’s illegal to buy/sell guns (/s).

The Australian experience after the mass shooting in Port Arthur at the end of the 90ies tell a different story and it shows that guns buyback/confiscation can and will reduce crime committed by guns

I personally want to see many improvements to our gun laws in the U.S., such as more stringent background checks, laws against people with histories of serious psychiatric illness having access, laws against people with violent criminal histories having access, etc, but getting rid of all guns? No, total overkill, and such hardline, unreasonable stances are costing Democrats much-needed votes and ironically helping right-wing Nazis get closer to taking over the country. These views make no fucking sense when you scrutinize them and are clearly fueled by emotion rather than logic.

Tell that to the republicans, who see any intervention on the existing gun laws as an attack to the second amendment. More background checks? No thanks. Red flag laws? No thanks. Limiting firearms possession to those convicted of violent crimes? No thanks.

Who is the party operating according to feeling and who is the one operating according to common sense and logic? Let me give you a hint, it's not the blue one who is using scare tactics to keep everything as it is

Let me lmao at you and at your view of how a state should actually function. A state is not at the service of its enterprises, it should only be concerned with the well-being of its inhabitants and citizens: should a state work according to your view then we shouldn't have any public transport, public school or public health. Basically nothing should be founded by the state given that all of these investments do not bear direct returns after they are placed.

Why don't workplaces arrange training courses to ease the entrance of their workforce in their ranks? Is it maybe to save on costs while maximising profits? And why should the state be responsible to form the companies workforces if it doesn't receive anything back from the same companies asking for trade schools instead of colleges?

Late stage capitalism must fall and this moment will never arrive soon enough

I don't know why but I can't picture Alito in a full suite of armour with helmet and sidegun and all... the image I have of him with such a loadout on himself is that of a frail, weak, elderly man blabbering about his authority on people's life...

Wait, that's how I would see more or less anyone of that sort nowadays.

Maybe American institutions nedd a bit of a refresher

I'd much prefer a panel if doctors deciding my fate rather than my mother or my father who may be blinded by their own emotions.

Even more if my family members were part of a sect like the Jehovah's witnesses, for whom not even blood transfusions are acceptable. How stupid do you have to be to leave a loved one to die just to follow the instructions given by illiterate people living 2000 years ago? This kind of decisions should be informed but should also have limits around them. Keeping religion outside if this realm should be a very clear one for instance

Problem is that communist views don't threaten the American constitution as the case Yates Vs. United States has confirmed. With this decision the high court has set a precedent where a distinction was made between political positions that advocate for abstract points are not the same as advocating for immediate or future actions.

Since this beast of a woman has already shown her disregard for the American constitution by supporting the people who tried to golpe the political system, adding another tally to the treasonous list must not be a big deal for you, who are such an enlightened centrist.

Not a conservative but not an intelligent person either I see. You therefore must be a centrist :)

Also implementing the separation between church and state at school level would be a major win to crack the nut(case) that religious extremists are.

No child indoctrination = less grown-ups nutcases running around and acting according to childish believes

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So the fact that the op was "unable to find any article related to the Trump indictment without bias" should be treated a "reasonable" stance?

Sorry, you wannabe centrists wasted too much of our patience and caused too much of our current problems to be treated kindly and with white gloves.

I'm extremely angry because you cause extreme anger in me with your false calm aptitude when discussing a con man and his deeds. Would you have been a normal person you would feel anger too towards such a scum, the fact that you are not angry about an almost robbed election should be worrisome. And you still have the nerve if calling my stance unbecoming.

Go fuck yourself, but kindly

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Because the movie does not hint at eugenetics as solution to the crisis, it's a hymn against stupidity and a cry to better educate the masses. First of all about sexual education and the danger of unprotected sex and secondly about politics and civic duties. I mean, I really don't see how one could interpret the message of the movie as "do eugenetics", that's all.

Okay, you go first tho. I'm following you, believe me, just jump from the bridge first

Gymbo actually made me lol in a pub. Loved it

I am a "regular" flyer and a stoner and I never fail to bring with me a sample of devil's lettuce when I'm leaving for extended period of time and never once I've had any issue bringing my hazardous material with me.

One time I even embarked with a small firework in my wallet I forgot I placed there after a party and none bat an eye.

Security level: top (not gun)