Marjorie Taylor Greene Says States Should 'Consider Seceding From the Union'

Flying to politics – 504 points –
Marjorie Taylor Greene Says States Should 'Consider Seceding From the Union'

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I might be in the minority, but I say let 'em go: provided they take a proportional amount of the US debt with them, and give back all the military assets that the rest of the country bought. They can re-staff all those military bases they named after Confederates on their own dime, while paying back debt and funding their own Social Security.

I bet once they actually get presented the budget for their ideas, all of a sudden they decide they like the Blue states (and their tax base) a lot more than they used to.

I fully agree, fuck em. What do they contribute, cotton? I'm willing to pay higher prices for imported goods to get rid of those racist pricks once and for all.

We'd have to move Kennedy Space Center to Guam or something. There's a good, nonpolitical reason it's in Florida.

It's so that crashes only hit Florida, right?

No. Favorable orbital mechanics given Florida's location, plus failed rockets and staging can fall into the Atlantic instead of over land. Hawai'i would be another option but the natives would protest the fuck out of it and only some of them care about money more than their ideology.

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I don't know about the debt thing, but I've had a fantasy for a while that some place like Florida decides to secede, and that attracts all the conservative chuds, white supremacists, and christo-fascists, who all rush to move down there to have their "revolution." Then we just wall Florida off the way they wanted to do with Mexico. The conservatives can have the ultra-capitalist nightmare they've always wanted to build, and the rest of us can get on with life and finally have socialized healthcare and properly funded schools.

Maybe we keep the coasts for launching things like boats and so on. Let them have the very worst parts of the state that are already full "Florida man" anyway and a small sliver of the coast and tell all the cons to move on down to their conservative paradise. We normal Americans will keep everything of value and of military strategic importance and they can have their Jesusland.

Bullshit. Those bases belong to us. They can build their own.

Tough shit if they don't like a Yankee military base in their state.

No, they can keep the bases, we would take all the equipment, ammo, and tech. Let whoever decides to stay behind defend the base with their own personal ammo stash.

I wonder how far the first US military convoy out of a seceding state would make it from the base they were cleaning out before Y'all Qaeda decided to capturing the equipment and ammo.

We can call that "Operation Fort Sumter Redux"!

I’m surprised I had to scroll this far to find this top level comment I thought I was going to have to make myself. Fuck them. Let them secede. Good luck lol they’ll need it.

Proportional in terms of population?

That would be the fairest way to do it, of course, but there would be some poetic justice in making it proportional to the seceding state's electoral vote weight.

I like this one the best, looking at you Wyoming

I think there's some states that should take that deal. North Dakota has a $22b strategic reserve and would only owe ~$75b as a share of it's national debt. It could turn itself into a cold, shale oil, Dubai.

Perhaps they could come up with some sort of 3/5ths compromise.

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