
4 Post – 519 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The Logan Act deals with private citizens negotiating with foreign governments. Unless he fucked with Starlink at the direct request of the Russian gov't, I don't see how the Logan Act applies. EDIT: apparently he did it after speaking with Russian government officials. So never mind, Logan Act is absolutely implicated.

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Biden is not even in the same league of asshattery as Pelosi and Feinstein, despite a long career and being in the Executive twice. I’ll never forget Pelosi talking down to a high school student who asked her a question about economic equity—I don’t remember the kid’s question, but her response is seared into my brain. She got pissy and said “America is a capitalist country” like capitalism was handed down from god on high or enshrined in the Constitution. It was contemptuously delivered, to a degree as bad as I once heard Rick Santorum speak to a student who asked him about LGBTQ rights.

Feinstein was a regressive in a lot of ways, perhaps she escaped being labeled a DINO because her votes were more important than her sometimes asinine rhetoric.

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Why the fuck is it Elizabeth Warren speaking up and the Executive is totally mum? My GOP dad thinks Muskovite fucked up majorly, caused Ukrainians to die, and should be punished. Not that he’s a bellwether, but if he thinks it was wrong, many other GOP folks do as well. Fuck billionaires playing demigods. Warren speaking up is a GOP poison pill and a guaranteed “that’s what the rich are allowed to do, frail mortal!” moment where nothing fucking happens. EDIT: I love Warren. But she gets as much traction as a jr house member.

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Can't we just agree that religions that teach women are subservient to men should be opposed? A concept of religious freedom that gives parents/fathers the right to compel observance on their children under threat of beatings or death is a fucked up sense of freedom. I don't blame France for trying to protect their secular society by banning religiously-derived garb in public schools - removing the power of parents to dictate such garb gives kids a chance early on to make up their own mind - do they like the freedom from family-mandated othering they experience at school, or do they like displaying that they are subserviant to men when compelled by their family?

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I suspect that such decisions are being driven by fear of tort liability WAY more than any religious or social beliefs of the medical practitioners. I’m not trying to argue in favor of denying women needed medical treatment in any way, shape, or form—it’s just that my lawyer senses are tingling, and I wonder if this is an area where Doctors are overall more likely to get sued if they offer the treatment than deny the treatment. Any MDs in here want to offer a more informed opinion of what the F is going on with such denial of care situations?

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For all of those who are down voting the nope, read the instructions on how to apply in the post. You all failed that trick test teachers handed out in grade school, where if you actually read the instructions, it tells you to put your name on the paper and put down your pencil without trying to answer any of the questions on the test, because the test is “do you pay attention to shit” not “do you know the answers”.

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Model (USA) Rule of Evidence 407: Subsequent remedial measures are not admissible as evidence to prove negligence, culpable conduct, a defect in a product or its design, or a need for a warning or instruction.

But the court may admit this evidence for another purpose, such as impeachment or — if disputed — proving ownership, control, or the feasibility of precautionary measures

EDIT: I’m not looking up the contextualing comments that accompany the rule, but I will share what I remember from law school many years ago: this rule exists for public safety. You don’t want to penalize fixing a dangerous situation, regardless of the facts of any specific case.

Don’t disparage the Commodore 64. It was actually a TI-99/4a.

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Excellent. Now I know that there are different classes of heat pump. Mine is not for prolonged crazy-low temps, others are. Thank you.

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Fucking hate this. There is a local public meeting that starts with a prayer to the Evangelical God in Jesus’s name that I’m forced to attend because of my job. I hate being essentially compelled to participate in prayer. The SCOTUS precedent supporting this is 100000000% Christian bias.

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As an attorney that worked for Legal Aid in a past life, I offer the observation that people in poverty have an entirely different experience with the legal system than folks who are not desperately poor. A traffic ticket turns into an inescapable pile of court debt, your license gets suspended because of the debt, but you have to drive to get to work. You get caught driving on a suspended license then you miss your first court date because the notice went to an old address that you were evicted from, then you are late to your second court date because your boss wouldn't let you out the door. Then your kid gets sick and you miss another date, but your phone is dead and you can't call the court, and the judge throws your ass in jail for contempt. You miss work, you lose your job. You are absolutely panicking, and possibly incredibly cynical and angry to boot. Once you've got the system looking at you, the attention offers numerous ways to fuck you thirty times to Tuesday, in ways that reach beyond the direct action of the system.

I am not justfying crime, but I have seen enough variations of the aforementioned scenario to understand that for some, this translates into an extremely nihilistic view of a very small world where the morality of certain behavior stops being evaluated.

Again, not excusing responsibility, but just sharing what I've encountered - I've also witnessed people that seem like perfectly well adjusted folks who suddenly commit shockingly criminal acts, and seeing this transformation occur, it is clear that something just isn't right in their head. Don't know if it's nature or nuture, but they're subtly broken and there's probably not a damn thing that can fix them. These folks are far fewer in number than folks driven by worldview shaped by desperation.

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They built a barbed wire topped chain link fence between a middle class townhome neighborhood in Chapel Hill and a working class apartment neighborhood in Carrboro. It was actually the owner of the working class apartment complex that put it up. I lived in the nicer neighborhood. Many people, myself included, were opposed to the fence. Nevertheless, the impact was an almost immediate and complete cessation of window-smashing/car robbing epidemic that plagued the nicer neighborhood. It being Chapel Hill/Carrboro, bolt cutters were soon employed. Fence had cycles of breached/repaired. Whenever fence is intact, no car break-ins but no social justice or whatever. I never felt so conflicted.

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The problem with high density housing is that the quality is shit. The quality is shit with lower density housing too, but things like thin walls in apartments goes a long way to people wanting to join in the sprawl. Developers fight tooth and nail against any regulations that are focused on QOL or environmental improvements (like "passive house" standards) and promise that they will make it cost far more than necessary if they are so burdened.

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Nederlanders actually are able to talk to each other, come up with solutions to intractable problems, and plan beyond the next political cycle. They also have empty churches.

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i'm on the Board of Directors of a nonprofit in a realm that has a lot of drama. I fucking hate it. The reason I stay is because leaving means the drama fucks won, to the detriment of all. Not saying my situation is identical to mods on reddit, just that people often have reasons for staying in leadership other than power.

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They’d close the library as a fuck you.

Instructions unclear, now stuck in MLM organization with grifting and shaming. :D

It would be super easy to get away with sinking known billionaire yachts worldwide if you do it right.

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You know, I thought that after I posted. But I don’t think there’s a damn thing going to be announced ever. Call me a pessimist.

Seriously. I spend a little too much time watching a short that is clearly designed to get me worked up about stereotypical communication difficulties between men & women from a "women, am I rite?" perspective, suddenly I'm getting Jordan Peterson and Joe Rogan. I spend a little too much time watching a video about certain Ukrainian war equipment or a Slo Mo Guys video involving guns (wood stock hunting guns, I felt like it was the early 80s all over again before everyone decided they needed assault weapons), suddenly I'm getting served tacticool idiots with kitted-out murder machines. Or I watch a Bart Erhman video (secular New Testament scholar with a large lay audience) and suddenly I get served muslim da'wah/apologetics videos and Catholic catechism ads.

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When the rainbow stopped being a reminder that god won’t genocide the world AGAIN and started being a reminder of love and inclusion, man that was too much for those great purveyors of xtian love.

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I live in a purple state in a rural area, and I HATE it. Not because there are conservatives, but because massive numbers of these conservatives are trembling with fear of the other and if they think that I am on their "side" for whatever reason, they won't hesitate to say the most ignorant, racist, bigoted shit about "those people" - essentially anyone who isn't straight and white, while demanding prayer of the exclusively evangelical variety in public meetings. Their world view is so insular that it's suffocating to be around.

These organizations exist to actively deny women the ability to choose by (1) not making it crystal clear that they do not provide abortion services, (2) surreptitiously eating up the time a woman is legally allowed to get an abortion. They are designed to fool unsophisticated women into NOT HAVING A CHOICE, and purposefully increasing the emotional toll of the decision to have an abortion. Fuck them all. EDIT: I’m an attorney. When I use the word “unsophisticated” in this context, I mean “unfamiliar with the phenomenon of religious organizations pretending to be pregnancy centers, that are designed to run out the clock from having an abortion.” If you’ve got limited time to make a decision, and you make an appointment with one of these places saying you need an abortion, they will tell you to come in, and will not volunteer that they don’t offer abortions. It is well documented that women have run out of time to have an abortion because of these asshats. But go ahead, fuckface, be a disingenuous shill.

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Some countries other than the USA that have criminal disenfranchisement laws have them ONLY for crimes targeting the state/democratic order. As of 2012, Germany, Norway and Portugal are doing this. Though most countries just let their criminals vote.

Given the surge in felony disenfranchisement laws during the Civil War and after the adoption of the 14th Amendment makes it pretty damn clear that it was to keep black people from voting. And looking at the US map of the 2023 felony disenfranchisement laws, it is pretty damn clear that not much has changed.

Such subscription models essentially beg to be hacked and/or for third parties to come up with entire replacement computers for the vehicle that bypass entirely all of the locks.

Not the commenter but the answer is easy - right now, it's not costing me anything to run Windows on my PC, and installing Linux takes research, time, and attention that I don't feel like investing in my home PC at the moment. Probably the next PC I build (whenever my 10 year old Dell i7 is too damn slow, only now starting to get laggy) will run Linux. Previously I only installed linux on laptops I retired from active use, just for shits and giggles. Never once had a linux powerhouse, but now that linux gaming is a reality, I'm very interested in getting away from the advertising platform that Windows has become.

Yes. But it would be wrong for you to use a site like archive.is to circumvent a paywall.

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Sounds more than anything like a couple trying to establish grounds for divorce back in the day when no fault divorce didn’t exist. You had to claim abandonment or infidelity or some other fault to give yourself standing for divorce.

All I can see is Law and Order.

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The studies that you would cite to support your "you can't tell a breed by its look" also tend to show that people are quite accurate at identifying that one of the many breeds that are called pit bulls are present in a particular dog. in other words, they can't accurately say "this is a pure bred Staffordshire Terrier" but they can say, "this is a pit bull" and they're correct, unless you're playing stupid semantic games.

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There is no difference. They think there’s a difference. Got it backwards.

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I had one tell me “you know nothing about communism, stop talking,” and I was like, oh, that’s right, I know nothing despite being well informed about the history of workers movements going back to the 1840s, Das Kapital, the Manifesto, and despite these noble ideals, the fact that every single communist government relied on purges to accomplish its goals, formed an exclusionary ruling class, and were corrupt as fuck. Fucking teenagers and their black and white thinking.

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Fuck any religion that posits death or beating for anyone. Fuck any religion that teaches women are subservient to men. I don't give a flying fuck about "a lot of restrictions" -- fuck this brutal religion.

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I’m so fucking sick of this bullshit. Fuck the General Assembly. My vote means nothing, but I still vote.

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Relevant: Excellent congressional legal memo explaining the current US law on CSAM (as of 2022) Link

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Oh my.

They're only two to three times more efficient if they aren't frozen solid. Don't know how it works in Canada, but my mini-split heat pump can't handle a week of 10F let alone -20 C - sure it will put out some heat, but it absolutely needs to be supplemented with my wood stove. And I live in the South. Maybe there's some new high tech heat pumps that cost a fortune and don't freeze over in the insane temps of the great white north? EDIT: hey, folks, how about actually responding instead of downvoting me? If I don't have a clue, please enlighten me. Fuckers.

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Can't believe someone whose user name is inspired by Nietzsche is toeing the line for Christian misinformation and spreading their talking points while simultaneously misunderstanding how content moderation works in the real world.

I’m a lawyer and I enjoy getting fucked. I also enjoy fucking. And conserving the fuck out of nature so that it exists in the future—so much so I do it for a living.