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Joined 11 months ago

You got it admit, it is a good suggestion. It just wasn't the right one. But it is trained well enough to correlate left and right together. Since those are very commonly associated together it is certainly a logical choice.

14 more...

Honestly, I don't think anything short of an Eagle Eye situation would make much of a difference.

For those that haven't seen the movie, a DOD super advanced AI reinterprets it's core directive to uphold the constitution to mean that the entire Judicial, Legislative, and Executive Branches of the United States Government must be "removed from office" due to corruption with only the exception of the designated survivor.

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Oh, buddy. Everyone laughs at you all the time. That time was just to you face.

The only thing I think of with this conflict is the Doctor Who speech on war:

Because it's not a game, Kate. This is a scale model of war. Every war ever fought right there in front of you. Because it's always the same. When you fire that first shot, no matter how right you feel, you have no idea who's going to die. You don't know who's children are going to scream and burn. How many hearts will be broken! How many lives shattered! How much blood will spill until everybody does what they're always going to have to do from the very beginning -- sit down and talk! 

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That idiot is the reason I dropped Spotify. I don't want my money funding such a dipshit.

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*FORMER US President.

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Up next on SlowMoGuys...

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Too bad no one aborted DeSantis.

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I had YouTube TV from the beginning. $14/mo. Great deal. It had everything we needed, mainly local broadcast stations plus the major basic cable channels, to supplement our streaming services. Then they kept adding and adding, raising the price each time. I finally looked at what I was paying last month, $80. My son had one show he watched on ABC and I would record football in the NFL season. Not worth $80/mo. Too bad. I would really like that $14/mo service again. It was all I needed.

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I would argue that if the government makes a mistake then it is on them to own the problem, not the citizens. I might make an exception for a partially large mistake, but presumably most people would report if they suddenly received a million dollars in their social security check so I doubt it would be that big of an issue. Any smaller mistakes should be a write off.

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Anyone who has a B in their net worth.

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If we had done to the south after the civil war what the world did to Germany after world war 2, I firmly believe we would be in a much better place.

Those states are going to be in a rude awakening when they realize they are broke because the blue states are by far the largest contributors to federal funding. When they cut that off, the welfare state will come crawling back quickly.

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My opinion is that ANY legislation that is passed in one chamber MUST be brought to a vote in the other. No quietly killing bills that clearly already have legs. If you want to squash things originating in your chamber, fine, but not something already in motion.

Hopefully whatever government rises up from the ashes of the US after its inevitable downfall will put gun control in the constitution.

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No, they're also grossly incompetent.

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When he was in office, I had a chrome extension that changed the font of all his tweets to look like a toddler wrote them in crayons. Reading it that way made the font match the message and helped soften the existential crisis.

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That's ok, none of the Republican congressmen know how to read, so silly things like "rules" won't get in their way.

There are 8 billion humans on this planet, neither him nor any one else is special in any way. We are all just sacks of meat and then we die. So wishing ill of a particularly rotten sack of meat is perfectly acceptable.

She probably has the syphilis of a koala too.

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If you found a five star for 50 a plate that is quite the deal.

So then that leads to the question: why is run by a bunch of prudish babies?

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You mean red Starbucks cups?

Here's the funny bit. His district houses Pensacola NAS and Elgin AFB. Two major military bases which, with no working budget, will have no working civilian or contract employees. That literally thousands of people in his district he is putting out of work until a budget is passed. Idiot.

I mean, there is a difference. You even pointed it out. With a rocket you go point A to point B. That is it. With a prop, you can fly around for as long as your fuel supply lasts. Which is what makes it a drone.

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I don't think people realize how much corporate policies affect their Teams experience. A lot of complaints I hear are not things I see in my experience because our Teams isn't strangled by corporate policies.

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I fully agree, fuck em. What do they contribute, cotton? I'm willing to pay higher prices for imported goods to get rid of those racist pricks once and for all.

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I would love to see Trump Tower rebranded to something like Barack Obama Tower, just to piss him off even more.

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Gee, where does this sound familiar?

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What a twat.

I'm going to be honest. I kinda hope she gets reelected. As far as I can tell the only thing she has accomplished in her time in office is constantly having news articles written about her for the latest stupid thing she has said. Given the choice of her or a more capable republican, I choose her.

Counter-point: elections shouldn't be so complicated that you can't perform a snap election on short notice. Other countries do it.

Murderers hanging out with murderers. That tracks.

I view medicine in the US similar to video piracy. If you are going to make access expensive and difficult to obtain, then I have no issue with stealing it. Medical debt is handled differently than other types of debt. IANAL, but I have no qualms with running up a 700k medical debt for life saving treatment then bouncing on the bill.

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Yes, and it's by design.

Well if you are thinking that the cops will be on the people's side, boy have I got news for you.

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Some advice to anyone who is defending themselves in a fight: ALWAYS fight dirty. Rules are for the ring. If someone is attacking you, put them down however you need to. The "Gentleman's Code" isn't a real thing.

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Remember kids, if you have a psychopathic Senator trying to start a fist fight with you, kick 'em in the balls as hard as you can. It's the right thing to do.

But really they are just protecting other Nazis.

My desired state is that every governmental position at the senior level is subject to voter recall regardless of whether they are appointed or elected. All of them. I would still expect a high bar to be met to trigger that recall threshold, but the people should ALWAYS be the final say on those in power over them.