0 Post – 243 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

The VLC team are heroes. Three cheers.

I never thought they would grope MY pussy

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This channel needs to be de monetized

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Yeah, this story needs way more precision than it has.

"Were 16 when they started texting him". Ok, well how old were they written the allegations occurred, and what is he alleged to have done?

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One more headstone in the Google graveyard

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Time to move farther away from the office.

Say... 51 miles?

What a stupid policy.

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This seems incredibly stupid on its face. Someone please give me context that makes it make sense.

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In my opinion you're overthinking it.

Just get a live distro, put it on a USB, and boot into it. If it meets your needs, then install it.

No concessions offered by Republicans can be trusted. It's the whole reason we're here: because the Republicans insisted that they renege on the agreements when the budget resolution passed.

No agreements.

If the Republicans want to vote for Hakeem, then they can. Otherwise: fuck off

Is Erik the dumbest one? I can't keep them straight.

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We don't want 82 million in giveaways to Comcast.

We want public Internet that is free to users and run by the government

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Consider redacting your data and deleting your account

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If Congress does not pass a debt commission this year to move the needle on the crushing national debt and inflation, at least at the next debt ceiling increase at the end of 2024, I will not continue sacrificing my children for this circus

Ahh. So she's one of the child sacrifice Republicans

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She should stay in until the general election. There is a non zero chance he has a stroke or an MI. He is not doing well.

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Windows 11 isn't a particularly bad version of Windows by any stretch of the imagination. Some elements of the user interface might grate a little, and there will always be users for whom one design choice or another will be loudly rejected – there were those, after all, who raged at the imposition of the Start Menu over the Program Manager of old. But the operating system itself is... fine.

The enshitification of Windows has been going on a long time.

I don't want the latest flavor in my devices.

"we're sorry for how you reacted"


How is this not a criminal civil rights violation?

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Ahh. Another Republican advocating sedition.

Lock her up!

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At first I read Bill Barr as Bill Burr, and I was so confused.

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He also understands that a Christian is of absolutely no value in negotiating with Israel for Palestinian prisoners.

It's brilliant: make a magnanimous gesture that seems incredible but really has zero chance is being accepted.

That's appalling customer service.

Amazon stopped me, giving a generic message about fake reviews on this product

Can you elaborate? I've never experienced this and would like to understand how they do it.

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Delete your account

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Free to play with all items available at DLC

hard pass

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I don't really understand your argument.


Haven't we already tried Trump U and Praeger U?

This is just one more embarrassment for the conservative movement.

1.5 operators per vehicle!?

Consider that"dumb" cars are only 1 operator per vehicle. This is somehow reverse-AI

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They have created the perpetual copyright scheme we all suffer with.

There's no reason copyright needs to last longer than 7 years

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You should delete your account at r/redditseppuku

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Don't tell us... Tell the airport police you called to escort them off the plane, and the no fly list you added them to because they didn't want to sit in vomit.

Donate to the union fund, and give the scab performance a one star review on Google maps

Reddit sucks.

Delete your comments, then delete your account.

Exactly. Well put


Kagi is really good

You need to pay for it but the free search allowance is enough for me.

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uBlock origin does not block twitch ads, in my experience

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