I Tried Reddit Again and it Sucks Now

Karlos_Cantana@sopuli.xyz to Reddit@lemmy.world – 700 points –

I installed the official Reddit app and went on it to see what the old place was looking like now. My inbox was filled with spam. The "home feed" shows subs I never subscribed to. There are so many ads. Between the ads and the the extra subs in the feed, it's hard to just scroll. I also noted a lot of spam in some of the subs. Maybe they are subs with no mods? I'm not sure what's up with that.


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You should delete your account at r/redditseppuku

I ran shreddit to delete rest of my comments off the GDPR files that power delete suite missed. And it's really fun seeing everything be deleted as the script is run.


it is time. a month away from my reddit account has proven I don't have any desire to return. Damn Spez, way to shoot yourself in the face you fucking bellend.

Don't know what you mean. I don't have hard statistics but it seems pretty apparent that Reddit weathered the storm well, just as he said they would.

Sure, some users got very angry with Spez and Reddit but ultimately didn't go anywhere. They continue to complain about Reddit on Reddit.

Sure, some users left entirely but I'm certain many many more chose to subject themselves to the data-mining, ads, and pop-up notifications in the official app, thereby continuing to contribute to increasing Reddit's value.

If Twitter has taught us anything, it's that once you've built a sufficient userbase, there's almost nothing they won't tolerate.

I don’t have hard statistics but it seems pretty apparent that Reddit weathered the storm well, just as he said they would.

did I say I had hard statistics saying Reddit was going down?

No, no I didn't, but you imagined that and just ran with a few paragraphs retorting it lol.

Damn Spez, way to shoot yourself in the face you fucking bellend.

he's lost thousands of mods. you know, the idiots (like me) who did exceptional amounts of free labor, keeping the place clean and fun. you can already see the effect in multiple subs, the spammers are back in force.

that's how he's shot himself in the face. They're never going to go back after this shit, and now that lemmy exists, people are moving on to the better alternative.

LOL, oh yeah, Twitter's doing great. How's that advertising working for 'em?


Please, don't reply to something you're making up in your head in response.

bwahahahaha all the new rising posts on reddit are crypto scams. https://lemm.ee/post/6038434

that's working out great for spezzo

did I say I had hard statistics saying Reddit was going down?

...did I say you did?

No, no I didn't, but you imagined that

Please, don't reply to something you're making up in your head in response.

Pot meet kettle.

oh yeah, Twitter's doing great. How's that advertising working for 'em?

What does advertising have to do with the number of people on the platform?

silly me, I didn't know how accurate your username was. gonna block this idiotic discourse because you either can't or won't read, or are just shitposting.

More like blocking me because of what a giant buffoon you've made of yourself

I keep my account up because I'm in subs that have technical help for certain hardware and software and haven't migrated anywhere. I have lots of answers to issues that can be very helpful when searching. It sucks that Spez has forced so many people to delete important help like that.