
5 Post – 204 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

It's not 1996 anymore?!! Why didn't somebody tell me? My license is probably expired.

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My guess is that anyone attending will have to sign an NDA. That will make it hard to speak out against Meta joining the federation. If someone does say anything, the Meta lawyers will destroy them.

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That's not going to help them out of the mess they've gotten themselves into.

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2 chicks at the same time

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There's also zebras.

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You're so wrong!

Only 70% of the Earth is flat.

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As soon as they stop believing politicians

Wow, I didn't even notice that.

R̶e̶d̶d̶i̶t̶ Lemmy

I tried firefish. When I tried to do something, I was told my account was suspended for violating the rules. I hadn't done anything on the platform yet, so I don't know how I could have violated any rule. It also didn't tell me which rule I violated.

App support is the biggest reason. The interface isn't smooth or intuitive. It's harder to navigate.

My teenage child

That's why I don't trust family members that would abuse my kids.

I believe in freedom. As long as my actions don't hurt someone else physically or financially, then leave me alone. As long as your actions don't hurt someone else physically or financially, then do whatever the hell you want. I also have the freedom to tell you you're stupid for doing what you're doing. You have the freedom to tell me I'm stupid for doing what I'm doing.

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It looks like these are Android phones that have just been rooted and had a different os installed.

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It's because of the napkin gnomes. Nobody can ever catch them.

I thought it was "Two Doors Down".

If you did, someone probably spit in it.

There's also a woman that will replace my will to live. I call her my ex-wife.

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They'll never stop leaving.

So, you can earn an undisclosed amount of money if you make an undisclosed amount of comments each month. That sounds like a deal worth passing up.

This also applies to cars. Why should I have to look at a screen, find an icon, touch it to open an app, then find the touch controls in there rather than just have a physical button and/or knob that is always in the same place and tactile, so I don't even have to look at it to operate it and accomplish what I'm wanting?

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Dave's Electronics at 4th & Elm

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For the same reason that orgasms are better if you're wearing socks.

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The owners of the servers would be responsible to the laws of whatever country the servers are located.

Where the hell did you go to see all that? I've lived in the US for half a century and never seen any of that. There are some states that need to figure out how to pave roads that will last more than 2 years, but many states have figured that out.

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I don't think anyone making movies understands how guns work. I've seen people in movies chamber rounds 5 times as if to intimidate. If you did that in real life, you'd just be wasting ammo by expelling 4 rounds out of the side of the chamber.

It also bugs me when people are shooting an obvious 8 or 10 round pistol and fire off 30 rounds without ever having to reload.

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"The US" is a broad spectrum. I would tip a lot more in Los Angeles, California where a shit hole house costs $1.2 million and gas is $6/gallon than I would in Anderson Missouri where a really nice house is $95,000 and gas is $2/gallon.

Most delivery drivers pay for their own gas and make minimum "tip" wage, which is lower than the regular minimum wage. They also have to pay for maintenance and repairs for their vehicle, which is more than it would be if they were just driving to work and back. When I delivered, I averaged about 60,000 miles a year. That's a lot of gas and maintenance.

When you tip a server in restaurant, you're tipping them to walk the food out about 30 feet to your table. When you tip a delivery driver, you're tipping them to drive your food X number of miles to you in their own vehicle, at their own expense.

I think you should tip more for a delivery than for service at a restaurant, but the beautiful part of tipping is that it's up to you.

I usually tip $10 for a small delivery. If I'm ordering for multiple people, I try to get everyone to chip in $4-$5 each for the tip.

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That really bothers me for some reason. You know, they make wooden spoons with notches in them so you can set them on the lip of the pot. That a lot less of a spill hzzard than what you've got going on.

I'm not falling for that.

That's more than 1 word.

Nothing you do on the internet is private. You can remain anonymous on Lemmy by joining an instance that doesn't require an email, and not using your real name. That's as close to private as you're going to get.

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I hate them so much! I wish there was a patch for movies that removed all the kissing scenes. It skeeves me out. I usually mute it and look away.

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How do you archive your profile on archive.org?

As I stated in several other replies, I still use it because of a couple specific hardware and software help subs that haven't migrated anywhere. As long as the owners keep the subreddits as their only place for help for their product, then I'll have to keep using Reddit. That's also why I haven't deleted my account. I have help topics that people can find when searching for those devices or app. I'd hate to take those resources away just because Spez is a douche.

A politician