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Joined 1 years ago


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reduces my loyalty to the platform

Why the fuck would you have any loyalty to Apple? They sure as shit don't have any loyalty to their customers. In fact they piss in the face of their customers and tell them it's raining.

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Insert South Park Disney Mickey Mouse China meme

Big props to John for walking away.

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It's okay. There will be no Elysium. They'll die on this molten rock right here with us if they're still alive by then.

I think our reality is more like Idiocracy than Elysium.

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I love that their first posts are just highlight reels of Trump saying dumb shit and other Republicans absolutely trashing him.

I've come to the realization that the phone I want is a Nokia 3310 "brick".

  • Infinite battery life
  • compact size
  • headphone jack
  • indestructible
  • no spyware
  • no social media
  • T9 texting
  • no software updates
  • Snake
  • Brick Breaker
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“I’m allowed to have these documents. I’m allowed to take these documents…When I have them, they become unclassified. People think you have to go through a ritual. You don’t, at least in my opinion.”

This guy thinks when someone hands him documents that they become "unclassified".

I don't even know what to say to that. How was this man ever President of the fucking country... He's a fucking moron.

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The same photo is still in use by The Movie DB, one of Plex’s data suppliers.

So someone submitted a copyrighted image to a 3rd-party user-created database and Plex ingested the image.

Seems like the claimant has a legitimate case but it's strange that they didn't sue the people actually providing the image. Not enough money in it, probably.

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People think of AI as some sort omniscient being. It's just software spitting back the data that it's been fed. It has no way to parse true information from false information because it doesn't actually know anything.

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Most modern antivirus software is a virus in and of itself.

Remember that time Elon said he totally was not going to ban a single specific person when he bought Twitter and then turned around and did exactly that just a few days later?

Sure we can but will we? No.

Twitter has only lost ~10% of it's userbase after repeatedly abusing its own users. Reddit probably less. After everything we've learned about Meta, tens of millions of people signed up on day 1 to join their new service, Threads. Google Chrome still has like 80% market share.

Changing is honestly a trivial ask, but we won't, because no one cares.

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With the number of people concerned about privacy, it is a wonder why chrome is even popular.

It's no wonder. It's because people aren't actually concerned about privacy.

If you ask someone if they're "concerned about privacy" many people will of course say yes. If you follow up that question with "what are you willing to do about it", you'll find that the answer is a resounding "not a God damn thing". If they were they would spend 3 minutes on Google looking for an alternative browser that works even better than Chrome but without the privacy invasions.

A browser is the low-hanging fruit on the "do-you-care-about-privacy meter". It's the one step with no sacrifices and the highest increase in privacy.

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Decentralized marketplace will just look like Craigslist and Facebook and other classified marketplaces; chock full of spam and scams.

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This is always a hilarious conversation because the diehard Linux users will lie up and down about how Linux has no problems and it's just you that's too dumb to understand how to use it.

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Okay so for starters this article is clearly just a dig at Elon. If it wasn't they would never have mentioned him but Elon makes headlines.

Second, I don't buy it. We're getting one side of the story here. They've been selling these cars by the millions for years at this point. If the cars were failing "while driving in the rain", it would be a much bigger deal.

The " Elon Musk could buy everyone in the world a Tesla if he wanted to." line makes it clear that this is just more Elon/Tesla clickbait.

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Very curious that you thought about the fact that early humans had never seen their own assholes, as opposed to their faces.

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He's a fuckin' actor. This is literally how we got into this shit in the first place. Stop listening to fucking celebrities. They are not qualified to speak.

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Uhhhh, you don't dream of a job doing things that you already do for fun and getting paid for it?

One that's fulfilling and contributes value to society and helps other people?

Nothing like that?

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I see a lot of people saying "but that's how creators get paid"

And they're not wrong. But they put themselves in this position when they uploaded their videos to servers owned by one of the worst corporations in the world, with massive privacy implications, and no alternatives.

I watch them on other platforms when they make it available.

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Epic only has a lower cut because they're leveraging their undoubtedly massive Chinese investments to gain market share. You can rest assured they would charge 30% if they could.

I don't like that Steam or Apple or Google charge 30%. I think it's absurd. But also Valve is basically a saint compared to every modern corporation so I don't think twice about it.

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YouTube, I've been using ad-blockers since the advent of pop-up ads in the late 90s. You've never been able to stop this, and you aren't going to now.

I don't use the YouTube app or watch your videos on my browser. I use FreeTube on desktop, LibreTube and GrayJay on mobile and FCast on TV so 🖕

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OP said "the software and driver support isn't there".

Someone replied and corrected them to explain the software and driver support does in fact exist.

OP replied to say that what he actually meant was that it didn't support the specific software and driver they wanted to use.

Seems like a perfectly reasonable conversation.

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Anyone signing up for a new Meta account isn't going to be suddenly surprised at how invasive it is. The people who signed up for Threads obviously don't give a shit about privacy, as much as I'd like to think otherwise.

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Until someone actually does something about it, he absolutely does.

Honestly all governments should be doing this. They don't necessarily need to dump Twitter though.

In this way no one can censor them and they can control all communication.

And also they don't have to be responsible for content moderation.

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What's a Twitter

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“We got more photoDNA hits in a two-day period than we’ve probably had in the entire history of our organization of doing any kind of social media analysis, and it’s not even close,

How do you have "probably" and "it's not even close" in the same sentence?

Here's the thing, and what I've been saying for a long time about The Fediverse:

I don't care what platform you have, if it is sufficiently popular, you're GOING to have CSAM. You're going to have alt-right assholes. You're going to have transphobia, you're going to have racism and every other kind of discrimination.

People point fingers at Meta for "allowing" this but there's no amount of money that can reasonably moderate 3 b-b-billion users. Meta, and probably every other platform that's not Twitter or False social, does what they can about this.

Masto and Fedi admins need to be cognizant of the amount of users on their instances and need to have a sufficient number of moderators to manage those users. If they don't have them, they need to close registrations.

But ultimately the Fediverse can also create safe-havens for these sorts of things. Making it easy to set up a discriminatory network that has no outside moderation. This is the downside of free speech.

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It just doesn't work. It's a simple as that. Things are constantly breaking. When they do I look up support articles that are written in fucking Klingon and sent to the terminal to type in commands that always return some sort of generic error "command not found" or some shit because the solution is written for a different one of the 862700422 available distros.

I have no idea how to install all the different program types (flathub, db, appimage, etc.). Windows has exe. I click "install" and boom, it's done.

Sometimes I try to remove software in the package manager and it acts like it is uninstalled but it's still fucking there.

I can't even select a file because there are no previews. Just a gazillion blue squares with names like "dlcosn_3947912947".

And other reasons, but I digress. I don't have time to learn a new career, I just want a computer that works.

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If you look into the history of "fuck /u/Spez" this is the comment(s) that he edited way back when. It's an eternal reminder of the bullshit that he's pulled in the past. The Streisand Effect in all its glory.

I mean people spent $100/mo. on cable for decades with no option to opt out of ads. And they had to just like jump into the middle of whatever happened to be on at the time.

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You have a very privileged job if you're just allowed to just tell your employer no when they want more work out of you...

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When you get around to a new laptop, look out for one that is Linux compatible. Unfortunately many hardware OEMs don't take the time to provide drivers for Linux, and that causes problems.

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So sad. I got into argument just a few days ago and they used ifixit's repairability score as justification for their nonsense.

I don't understand, you prefer your water full of farts?

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Well the difference is they didn't use to ask you to accept cookies, they just took them.

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Okay, now you're at work, and your sister miscarries her pregnancy. When do you discover this? 6pm? 8pm? Later that week?

Gen Z finds out between customers. Or emails.

When do millennials find out?

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Do you really think that replacing FaceID suddenly gives thieves unfettered access to your phone?

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The case centers around Samantha Liapes, a 48-year-old woman who turned to Facebook to find an insurance provider.

I'm sorry, whatnow?

So now if I search for car insurance and Facebook shows me ads for a buttplug from Kickstarter, I can sue them? Because we're all going to very rich, if so.