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Joined 1 years ago

Gotta get all that Concord money back somehow!

Trump once told a story about seeing a man bleeding out in front of him after falling down. His first thought was that the blood ruins the beautiful marble floor. He's a sociopath.

Also, countries with socialized healthcare usually also have private health care. But since they have to compete with the public option their prizes are fairly reasonable.

And that's not socialism, it's capitalism.

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Pictures of him smiling are the worst. He looks like it physically hurts him and his false teeth are so comically white it looks like an AI picture.

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It's relentlessly bleak and cruel but fun and entertaining at the same time (at least the first one).

It's also really not all that hard once you figure out what's most important to grow the city.

It worked for Germany. Just, you know, for all the non-dead people.

"I love you, christians. I am a christian!"

Who the fuck talks like that? And who the fuck votes for a guy that talks like that?

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To someone from Europe like me, the US very much feels like a dystopian hellhole whenever I read stories like these. How can a government hate its people so much?

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This is the same guy who wants to put implants into people's brains and send them to Mars. Let that sink in.

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That's not PTSD. He's a narcissist and that was the last moment where he was the center of national attention and it looked like there was no way he could lose. Then Biden stepped down.

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Which is a terrible app. I made the mistake of buying a HP printer and that app crashes more than it works (and the printer doesn't work without it, of course).

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Also, Hitler had to declare a state if emergency to gain the absolute power the Supreme Court has just handed to the US president.

Suffice it to say, something lile this is impossible now in Germany. The justices of our highest court, the Bindesverfassungsgericht, can only hold the job for 12 years and can be no older than 68. They are also always equally voted in by two different branches of the government and need a two thirds majority for any decision.

Our democracy isn't without faults, but this is probably our strongest bulwark against another descent into facsism.

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As a man, I would say sort of. The movie does not shy away from a very obvious feminist message combined with an unsubtle (hilarious) spoof of toxic masculinity. On the other hand, it's still a matter of personal taste. I really liked the movie, but I could see how someone would find it a bit too simplistic and formulaic in its story, completely independent from its themes. Not liking female directors in general just because they're female is complete bullshit though.

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Quackdrillion, in this case.

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Magazines are routinely reprinting articles from the last year every year again, slightly changed. Especially timeless stuff like "Why is tick season so bad this year?" or "This is how you bake the perfect apple pie".

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Or printed on every bible.

Wow, he really wants to go with the "childless" thing, huh? Should go over swimmingly with Millenials and Gen Z that can't afford to have children anymore.

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Fun fact: The grandmother of the current BMW owner Gabriele Quandt was literally Magda Goebbels. No, seriously.

And unlike cannabis use (as far as I'm aware), alcoholism is actually a real problem in Japan, because drinking alcohol is not only socially acceptable but downright enforced.

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First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

— German pastor Martin Niemöller

If you watch interviews with him when he was younger, his cognitive decline is shocking. He still comes across as sleazy asshole though.

First, you take the dinglepop, and you smooth it out with a bunch of schleem. The schleem is then repurposed for later batches.

Then you take the dinglebop and push it through the grumbo, where the fleeb is rubbed against it. It's important that the fleeb is rubbed, because the fleeb has all of the fleeb juice.

Then a Shlami shows up and he rubs it, and spits on it.

Then you cut the fleeb. There's several hizzards in the way.

The blaffs rub against the chumbles, and the plubus and grumbo are shaved away.

That leaves you with a regular old plumbus!

Unironically, if he would actually show human emotions and ask for forgiveness in front of the world for his horrible behaviour all his life, tears streaming down his face, they would immediately turn against him.

Since the Oblivion and Fallout 3 remasters will be on the Creation Engine, they will probably just be the old games with HD textures more or less. So basically what is already possible with mods.

EDIT: Also, I wonder if the Skyblivion project will finally be finished just to get a cease and desist letter by MS because they do their own remaster of the game.

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This is a quote by Martin Niemöller, a German theologian who spent eight years in concentration camps towards the end of WW2 and who afterwards publicly spoke out a about the dangers of complacency in the face of fascism.

There is an enormous lack of humanity behind the entire "healthcare" in the US. As a European, it is never not equal parts baffling and horrifying to me.

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The AI in black fled into the desert and the wordslinger followed.

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There's no guarantee you will get more money! Get the same money or less guaranteed instead!

What I don't get: Doesn't this turn the Wagner mercenaries into even more of loose cannons? What's stopping them to just fracture into chaotic splinter groups now?

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Manuela is a very German name, so much so a German rapper actually made a song about it.

But of course its origin isn't Germanic at all. Which I doubt people with such convictions care about.

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Fascist power fantasy. No need to sugarcoat it.

And they have expertly proven their point. It's always "my freedom", not "your freedom".

He shouldn't make it about himself? Has Karl Rove even met Trump? He's the posterchild for untreated, raging narcissism.

It's like saying Biden should come in skating and say "hello, fellow kids!"

Not even then sometimes. In Germany, there was a small village buried under a mudslide from a flashflood that was a direct consequence of extreme weather patterns created by climate change. That same village overwhelmingly voted for conservative politicians that don't care about doing anything about climate change the very next year.

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A lawyer at the Nuremburg trails defined evil as the absence of empathy. That's exactly what this is.

Or an ongoing, exponentially worsening global climate catastrophe.

He chickened out of fighting Zuckerberg as well, who does Judo and is also a robot.

As if there weren't plenty of fascists in the US already. Like a certain Fred Trump, who was arrested in 1927 for taking part in a KuKluxKlan rally.

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It's totally the point. The problem is they are running out of "outsider" groups they can demonize effectively so they have turned towards their own potential voters (mainly women).

As much as they want to turn transgender people into the new jews, most people just don't have that much of a problem with them.

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Fellow German and... yeah. People joke about the Hitler comparisons, but you won't see us laughing. (I mean, in general, but that's a different topic.)