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No surprise there. Senate Republicans want another delay in a Democrat win to fuck over America. Remember how Iran delayed releasing hostages so Reagan could use it against Carter?

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Starving parents are gonna want starving children says fat dictator.

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If they aren't getting rid of George Santos they are not getting rid of Matt Gaetz. Honor among theives.

Subscription based models is how they kill the second hand car market. No one will touch a BMW with a subscription off lease.

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Time to collect the abortion bounty from Texas by claiming these migrants were seeking an abortion in California. Have everyone sue governor Abbott for this.

Don't be like Feinstein where people have to question your health and be ignobly forced out. Leave on a high note.

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Conspiracy to commit treason doesn't require you to complete it. And the first amendment doesn't cover trying to create a fake group of electors to certify the election.

Slave catchers and preventing black people from leaving for free states. That worked well in the 1860s.

Windows 10 should be proud it is XP next generation. We are going to get another vista disaster if Microsoft keeps pushing 11.

Scotland trying to colonize the Darien gap It bankrupted Scotland and forced the union of England and Scotland to be the UK.

There is no first amendment right defense when you are the president. You can't incite insurrection, start a coup, while as president and claim you have a right to lie about it.

Force him out and let the Biden impeachment die or let him stay and be neutered for the rest of the session. Truly the greatest of choices for the MAGA caucus.

Trump still has his passport. He is flying out to Saudi Arabia or israel where the US can't touch him.

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A HOA for rich people. How exciting.

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China has so many phone brands they don't even have to use a US brand. It was surprising it took this long after Huawei and ZTE was banned by Trump back in 2017.

People in Atlanta may not know how he does business in New York and Florida.

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How Gauss was able to solve 1+2+3...+99+100 in the span of minutes. It really shows you can solve math problems by thinking in different ways and approaches.

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So turn the bond rating of the USA to junk status?

Looks like Microsoft needs to be reminded about their anti trust case again. some things never change.

He is the forefront of apartheid theory and sees anyone not espousing it a threat to his existence.

Lithium polymer batteries that make advanced computing portable. We wouldn't be able to create multi function cell phones without the battery power and longevity of those batteries. Star trek tricorders are going to be the next big tech coming to the generation after Gen z.

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They weren't even that before Trump. They were busy dismantling the VA and cutting benefits for veterans before him. Jon Stewart had to go to Congress to argue for benefits for veterans exposed to burn pits.

A bunch of lunatics willing to die for their cause vs a bunch of rich people. Michael Corleone was right.

Only the war on state and community colleges. Not ivy league rich universities like Harvard, Yale and Stanford where the majority of Republican donors matriculated.

So now Trump's RICO indictment can go after him now.

Those Texas price gouging electrical bills, they become nationwide under desantis.

Lost causes are relegated to the history books, and remembered by ivory tower academics.

House Republicans will find that this will not be another Clinton impeachment. They will find a very hostile opponent and will end Congress with nothing to show the voters in 2024.

Threat from the modern left sounds like it came straight out of senator McCarthy.

God changed his mind about black people in 1978. So blacks are included too.

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NK gonna send their troops to Ukraine.

What was that saying? Loose lips sink ships?

Trump will dump his ass on the street like the whore he is.

All it takes is one far right politician to take all that social security money for tax breaks for the rich, write a massive IOU, create rules regarding how far it has to be funded, and then declare social security bankruptcy. It's what is happening to the USPS.

We aren't even sure those are real as well. It's why NY was prosecuting him for tax fraud.

Food you want to eat but won't risk your life for

Them alarmed at what is happening in the house while Tuberville is blocking necessary appointments in the Senate.... Those MAGA people, like Jordan, Graham, Paul and Scott are going for McConnell seat in 2024.

Huckabee has nothing left but Trump. Once Trump is gone Huckabee goes to the old folks home. He did nothing for Arkansas and nothing for America.

Lapado doesn't even have the numbers to show there is herd immunity from COVID. As of December 2022 only 72% got the 2 shots while less than 1% got the booster. All the unvaccinated will get hit with another wave.

Because cops want someone else to do the de escalation. Always shoot first and ask questions after.