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Joined 12 months ago

Oh no! Won't someone think of the poor automakers!

I would argue violation of our constitutional rights is worth more, and if you have a problem that it's tax payers paying it and not cops, end qualified immunity, make cops carry liability insurance so when cops do fucked shit like attacking fundamental rights our country was founded on its not tax payers paying. The best way for the aclu to get that from government is by getting as much money from the tax payers as possible so when their state our county cant fix roads or keep schools open they can point to all the money spent settling lawsuits from shit cops and then maybe tax payers might start wanting cops to be liable for their shit behavior

OK cool, let's tax the rich and not give aid to Israel. I really don't see a down side to this.

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Maybe now we can get someone young like a 80 year old

No, just no, you were not right Hillary. Just go away please

At this point it better be the biggest olive branch ever and with absolute guarantees, no b/s of trust me I'm your colleague I would never go back on my word. Republicans have lost any good faith and deserve to be treated as liars and cheats so any deal needs to be iron clad

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I would say it was all republicans for the last 50 years that's got us to this very bad place.

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They didn't set it aside, they displaced people to make a park.

Condoms are a hell of a lot cheaper than children

The Thai government didn't ask for help from Elon, he took it upon himself to send a team there and when experts told him his idea was stupid he got all pissy and called a guy a pedo. In fact the Thai government told him not to come and his idea was impractical and they had actual experts already working on a practical solution

Those lazy boomers just don't wanna work any more, my generation (millenial) has at least two jobs and shares a apt with 6 other people. Or why don't they just learn to code?

He is welcome to leave at anytime, no one is forcing him to be there

Are you saying the general public should be juicing so we can survive police attacks?

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He traveled across state lines to commit a hate crime, he should be getting some serious charges not some slap on the wrist BS

Libertarians are even worse, they are like anarchist Republicans. Slamming two dumb political ideas into one really dumb political idea and acting like they are very smart about it.

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Bernie did a speech about his support of Israel just last week.

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If you are supposed to win 30 plus house seats and only get 9 and are gonna take control of the senate but you lose a extra seat giving democrats the majority I think I would consider that losing. I think it's worse because historically Republicans should have won the house and senate no problem but got absolutely destroyed.

It's doesn't matter your wealth, healthcare should be free.

Just cause she is "acting" like a human she should not be trusted, she has very radical views and would happily take away all your rights. She is just as responsible for the situation we are in as any Maga and just because she decided to act like some level headed republican doesn't excuse her from all the harm she has done. She was praising the Supreme Court for ending roe v wade and voted every single Trump fascist justice in with a smile

It's always been weird, it's a job, do you tell the Starbucks employee that serves our country and helps keep the American economy going "thank you for your service"? It would make sense if we didn't have a volunteer military but we do so it's the same as thanking anyone for the job they do if they see you in your work uniform

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This is confusing because Hawley is pretty fucking evil but this bill makes sense..

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"I'm shocked after creating this monster I'm unable to control it" - mitch McConnell

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Time for the students to protest by having hair that isn't "acceptable." I imagine suspending most of the students won't go over well

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They're supposed to realize Trump will have a Muslim ban and take away their rights and then go full on genocide using US troops to help Isreal do it more efficiently and then probably throw all Muslims into camps to be reconditioned or worked to death. I don't know what they expect biden to do, I don't claim to understand geopolitics but I'm pretty sure it would be a disaster for the US to end relations with Isreal.

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Not really, the guy is worth 5-6 million dollars so this won't scare him at all. He will get a fine and pay it then go on his merry way

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Did mitch forget who he is? Or is this a new bug in his reboot. The guy spent 4th of July in Moscow, he created tucker and Trump and has ruled the gop for decades

Answers that are sus for 1000

Why should they move?it's their homes, their lives. Should we just make a state for black people? Or instead represent the people fairly. If you look at the maps it's pretty obvious they cut the districts to give black people less representation

Including a nice pay raise for them, bunch of crooks the lot of em

I wish I could vote on how much money I get.

Well this isn't creepy as fuck.....

I wonder how much Tax revenue is lost because tipping? When I worked for tips the only tips that got reported to the government was credit cards and I mainly got cash so I could see it being 12-13 thousand a year unreported and I wasn't making even close to other cute waitresses who were easily getting 3-4 times more than me a night and they didn't report cash tips either

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Muslim ideology doesn't exactly fit with democracy so it makes sense for them to embrace radical extremism. Same goes for most religions.

They fully recognize race is a factor. They are only recognizing two distant areas with a high population of black people shouldn't be one district. If you look at the map it's grouping two random areas together that's are not even close and it just happens to be areas with more black people. Democrats recognize race and that it plays a factor in this country, republicans deny race exists and that it plays a factor while designing a system that systematically targets people of color.

Wait times are are just roughly 10 percent faster in the US than Canada so I'll take free and waiting a month more than going into crippling debt

Isn't the point of the republican party to dismantle and shut down the government? Why would they "get their act together" when the literally platform on shutting down as much of the government down? This whole thing is going exactly the way republicans dream of. They have stopped any governing from happening which is the republican dream

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The longest one was under a trump presidency, republican house, and republican senate. Republicans are guaranteed going to shut down the government any chance they get. It never shocks me ever, it's in the platform to destroy function of the federal government

So fine already poor people to make them less poor? And how do you decide "lifestyle" poor? This is exactly the stuff the GOP is spreading and the want "camps" that would be fenced in areas for tent cities way outside the cities that the poors could live in

I'm sorry but lactose intolerance is not a disability.

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Biden is fine as president but I find it hard that a octogenarian can possibly understand the realities of my life and that's the problem, the largest voting block isn't old people anymore and democrats need to pivot for that. I'll still vote for the old bastard.

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