1 Post – 53 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Mail Carrier, Autistic, Parent, Pagan, and a very cool dog.

Nonbinary with no preferred pronouns. Engaged to a bisexual sponge.

Considering the statistics for tattoo removal in general when compared to the rate of gender de-transitions, I'd be genuinely flabbergasted if this post wasn't true.

For me personally, I don't have an issue separating Rowling from HP. IMO, she retconned herself out of the HP universe the day she tried to make wizards shitting themselves canon.

16 more...

"Yes, we believe Hitler was right and we want to exterminate every race other than us so that our white children can fulfill their white destinies..... But we don't want people to know our names. They might get mad."

Fuck all of these bigots.

I once used $1k caviar as a topping for a Papa John's pizza. It was delicious.

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Short term profits making quarterly reports look better to stakeholders. Isn't that how 80% of these bigwigs get their job in the first place? We should be calling it the Zaslav Model at this point 😂.

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I exclusively use a VPN with everything and have done so for years. If steam has an issue, they have yet to inform me lol.

On a serious note tho, there is an issue if you use a VPN to access store prices for a country outside your own. Regional pricing means that some people game the system and Valve rightfully cares about that.

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This comment was amazing to come across and I look forward to the film adaptation.

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Can't buy beer or wine at Walmart before noon on Sundays. But there's totally a war on Christianity here lol.

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Obviously Apples claim is complete bullshit but damn ya gotta feel a little for Microsoft tho, right? Like they've been trying to capture the search engine market with Bing for so long and only after being crushed by Google, they're being accused of succeeding 😂.

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Only the last year or so. We had a special thing on the ballot because Republicans were sure it wouldn't pass. It did but still has that noon stipulation.

And side rant here but I'm sick of local people acting like I'm an alcoholic for this bothering me. No, I don't need to drink before noon. I do however schedule my grocery shopping for Sundays before noon as I am a mail carrier with Sunday being my only permanent day off. And I shop in the morning while everyone is at church to beat the crowds. Having to go back out hours later for only alcohol is bullshit.

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Each one of these placating statements from them expressed sorrow for not listening/communicating more with their consumers, but I can't help noticing a conspicuous lack of apology to their own employees.

Like, stop acting as if this is out of a clear blue sky and you're simply course-correcting in good faith. Your own people told you this would happen. My trust in Unity is gone until they address this.

For adults, it's under-diagnosed. Because some of the most common prescriptions for it are stimulants like Adderall, there is a fear that adults are trying to scam the doctor. Additionally, and imo even more infuriatingly, doctors are apprehensive about diagnosing an adult because "you made it this far in life without needing help. You can't be ADHD/autistic/neurodivergent." Fuck that mentality. I'm ADHD and autistic and I don't need a doctor to validate me when they can't even agree amongst themselves half the time.

Yeah. Like I get what OP is saying but the fact is that serial killers are generally less hazardous on a global level than your average lawn care company.

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Fantastic take. Imagine a conglomerate of smaller instances that largely make no waves and allow 70% of the community to just see what they want. Dare to dream.

The Space Race ended without closing ceremonies.

I remember back when parents freaked out because we were wearing different colored bracelets to school and that it meant we were doing bad sex things. I yearn for that level of stupid nowadays. It was so much smarter than "No! No! The school isn't allowed to tell Jimmy he can be Jenny. That's, like, against what my God says..... or something."

Oh sure as an adult I can see that. But I'm not going to deprive myself of nostalgia simply because times have progressed. Sometimes I like to enjoy my childhood again and put on a movie or show or book from when I was young that may not hold up now. As a grown up, I can enjoy it with nuance. But you make a good point and that's why HP isn't a bedtime story for my kid lol.

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Nah, that's not a plot hole. That's just a seed for the Act 3 twist we're due in about 2 years. When the Vatican incorporates and invades Yugoslavia.

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Not to mention that the entire "Alpha Male" philosophy was disproven by the very same guy who hypothesized it. My dude went back to check out the same family of wolves years later to see how things had gone and guess what? The "Betas" he'd witnessed weren't the inferior members of the pack at all. They were the kiddos. The "Alphas" he'd witnessed being recognized as superior by the "Betas" were actually just the parents raising their kids. He tried to tell the world how he'd fucked up but by then the damage was done and nobody was listening.

The moment I found out that that court is answerable to no one, I lost any faith in it. How many "Who watches the Watchmen?" scenarios do we have to go thru before it becomes apparent that an actual system of checks and balances is always necessary?

Out of curiosity, why put the 10 commandments before the words of Jesus? I dig the general point you're making but that caught my eye.

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"and you can't make her."

Fantastic. Made me actually laugh. Thank you.

Really? Because it only showed up once in my feed. So I guess I'm glad they cross posted 8 times. Thanks, OP!

Also, this is fucked up. Abortion should be available on demand without apology.

  • Classic Doctor Who
  • Halloween VI (producer's cut)
  • Kazaam (Sinbad edition)
  • Fantastic Four
  • Batgirl (I can dream 😂)
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Of course. And while I don't have the specific statistic for HP tattoo removal, I wouldn't think its rate of removal would fall too far away percentage wise from the overall rate of tattoo removal.

Honestly, the term is antiquated beyond just being gendered. We say hunt when we really mean search and capture.

And people make jokes about this but it really can matter. If someone hears there's a manhunt for Sam Jones, they are more likely to assume it's a man. It could be a Woman, tho, and using gender neutral terms could help prevent false assumptions.

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When you buy a house, closets are just there. You could take the doors off, I suppose, but closets are just a thing. As for the void under the bed, that is a feature and not a bug. Yes, it may allow for a fear of what's under the bed. It's also an inherent defense against the actual bugs on the floor that would otherwise crawl up the child's bed.

Basically, the answer isn't to change the standard child's bedroom but to instead work around it. Take the doors off the closet if it scares them. Check under the bed every night and maybe put their "bravest" stuffed animals under there for protection. But rooms are rooms. Blocking off a closet and putting the kid's mattress on the floor is not the answer lol.

Gotta love old school MST3K! Our favorite is I was A Teenage Werewolf. He's going for the milk!

Lots of shower thoughts actually aren't. This was. Good job.


I once had a high school science teacher tell us that trail mix was a homogeneous mixture because there was an equal amount of each ingredient. He was ridiculously incorrect of course but that stuck with me lol.

Ads have never stopped me. Reasonable pricing to access content stopped for me for several years tho. Fuck you, Zaslav.

F (you know, to pay respects).

I don't know science very well. But this reminds me of when I tried whiskey stones because people insisted it was better than ice. Well, the stones are bullshit. Maybe this is too.

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Can't wait for someone to claim this as woke culture instead of the reality that it's just misogyny striking again.

Exactly this. I love the characters. I'm having a blast with them. Thank you for understanding that.

I agree. Once I realized the distinction, tho, I'm still happy. Having the authorization in hand when negotiating, especially after taking into account the current double strike, will presumably give them more leverage than ever. I'm cool not having any new media for a couple years if it saves the industry.

So not shadow banning so much as putting feeds thru a kaleidoscope 😂

I'm gonna just cut thru the larger spiel I would normally give.

No, it is not wrong. You paid for it in the sense of reasonable expectations of ownership. That means being able to watch it in as convenient a method as if you'd bought the VHS back in the day. While this may not line up with legal definitions of licenses, fuck them. Replace "file" or "stream" with "tape" and it becomes crystal clear.

So it's from the French who took it from a poem about Greek gods. So the Christians stole from the pagans yet again lol.

Batgirl refers to the film that was in post production that Zaslav canceled so that HBO could get a tax write-off. If I'm ever in the room with Zaslav, my partner understands I'm going to spend the night in jail.

Fantastic Four had a 1994 film that was made but never released. It's able to be pirated tho.

Fantastic Four 1994 wiki