
3 Post – 508 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Grandpa Joe, but not by much.

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30% of the population is pro-tyranny.

The tradition for an out-of-it pres is the first lady runs the show.

That's the real danger of Donny. If you care at all about the country you have to vote for the Democrat. It gives the Dems too much power.

What does "moderate" mean, owned by some corp?

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Let's dig a little deeper.

The only reason to make divorce harder is if they also take away a woman's rights to be independent from her husband, otherwise she could just leave without getting a divorce.

Just pirate everything until they get their act together.

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Convicted felon and Jan. 6 conspirator Mike Flynn?

Unregistered foreign agent Mike Flynn?

"their man", such deluded fools.

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Nobody would vote for someone who was paid millions by China, stole secrets about nuclear submarines, then showed them to people who passed them to China. Now he's on trial but with a judge he'd appointed who's stalling the trial because the evidence is too damning for her to dismiss it.

Nobody would if they knew, anyway.

That's way too low since several of the names match.

"Pro-Life" is the best branding in the history of branding. If you've screwed that up there's no where else to go.

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I have to admit, she's my favorite MAGA:

  • Getting drunk and crazy,

  • Jacking off Democrats in theaters,

  • Loud dysfunctional family who can't stay out of jail,

  • Eternally baffled by real politicians

She's the only authentic one of the whole nest of snakes.

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Getting up every day and not doing something stupid is hard work.

As a Washingtonian, don't fuck with Seattle Children's Hospital, you piece of shit.

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Pure hitlerism

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My job was broken in to. They sent a detective. He looked around and told us there was basically zero chance he'd catch the guy.

I found a cigarette butt outside. He said "It could be anybody". I said "nobody here smokes". He said "even if it's his, there's little chance it's a DNA match."

To his credit, the detective took the cigarette butt and tested it. There was a DNA match to a guy living in our small town who'd been in jail three times for robbery meaning the cops knew exactly who he was and what he did for a living but weren't doing anything to stop him.

When they went to his house they found everything of ours that he couldn't sell.

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What the hell is the argument for immunity? Even if presidents can't be charged for doing their job, stealing an election and walking away with nuclear secrets is not part of the job.

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My doctor's nurse called me up and said I had a high liver enzyme. "What does that mean?" "You can't drink alcohol." "But what's going on with my liver?" "I don't have the details, you'll have to talk to the doctor." The doctor moved away before I could get in to see her.

I called her partner. "New patients are six months out." Six month's later: "Sorry the doctor moved away."

Pick a random doctor in the phone book. "New patients are six months out." Six months pass. I miss the appointment. "I want to reschedule." "Sorry, the doctor won't see patients who miss their first appointment." I'm trying to get in to the next doctor. So far I have no idea what's wrong with my liver.

Among other problems, it turns out our local health care group was bought out by venture capitalists. Their mismanagement is part of why so many doctors are leaving.

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One of the justices should have asked "If we decide in favor of immunity, couldn't Biden claim in order to protect the rule of law he could kill us and replace us with justices who would actually uphold the law and the Constitution?"

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Everyone should start calling Cruz "she"/"her" and when she complains, tell her she's not allowed to use her preferred pronouns.

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Are we at the "anyone who doesn't vote for me is gay" stage?

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Remember when Clinton lost the election because the FBI didn't find anything on her assistant's laptop?

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His Achilles heel is people actually opposing him.

This man would rather destroy the country than spend one day in prison.

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The strings attached to The Dutch are controlled by the student council of some high school in Japan.

How corrupt is Joe Biden? The guy's famous for being in the Senate for 30 years and never getting rich. Is he squeaky clean? I don't know, but characterizing the situation as "both sides are corrupt" is close to disinformation.

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I hate this kind of news. We don't need her say-so to realize she was lying.

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The impression is that Trump has a vague sense nuclear weapons are important but he isn't sure why.

Good article, but I'd guess the reality is more like 25-50x as much work as non-technical people assume, and a good interface takes about 5x the work of everything else.

They don't merely underestimate the non-interface work, they greatly underestimate the interface work as well.

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Gee, I wonder why chairs of the Intelligence and Armed Services committees would want to prevent the release of information about heretofore unrevealed aircraft?

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The constitution of the Confederacy forbade states from banning slavery. The confederates were fighting against state's rights to abolish slavery.

You die and become a bacterium

billion years later: still that bacterium.

Shouldn't appearing with Musk and Jones be more embarrassing for him?

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Maybe, but truly explosive diarrhea can come on suddenly.

I like her timing on this. He made a gaffe so dumb it made headlines and she jumped on it just before New Hampshire.

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"don't attribute to malice what can be explained by stupidity" is good advice for friends and family.

It's bad advice for salesmen, politicians, corporations, etc. They are more sophisticated than you and will take advantage of your willingness to extend trust after bad behavior.

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No, Germans just do that.

I misread the headline and thought he was against selling steel to Japan, but he's against selling the company "US Steel" to Japanese owners.

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Wrong. What the democratic party does is nearly irrelevant.

"We will not vote for Biden because of Gaza" and "We will do what's best for the Palestinians who live in Gaza" are, unfortunately, truly mutually exclusive positions.

It's extremely sad, but that's the position your Republican neighbors have put you in.

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