2 Post – 323 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Listen, there are so many legitimate criticisms of Reddit, no one needs to make things up. This happens every year in June. Somebody posts about Tiananmen, some automod or real mod removes it, someone screams "Reddit" is censoring things.

There are tons of posts about Tiananmen that are still up after years. Tencent owns a small minority stake in Reddit.\_you\_seen\_this\_footage\_of\_tiananmen\_square/\_tiananmen\_square\_massacre/\_of\_the\_aftermath\_of\_tiananmen\_square/\_real\_picture\_of\_tiananmen\_square\_massacre/\_tank\_man\_from\_tiananmen\_square\_massacre/

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This is an actual conversation I had with my oldest nephew when we went to the Boston Tea Party Museum last week.

"If you ever hear people complaining that damaging commercial property during a protest is unacceptable, remember what you learn about the Tea Party today. Our country was literally founded on protests trashing commercial property. And remember that some people complained to them that it was unacceptable too."

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I mean, notorious conservative apologist David Frum is the one who said it out loud:

"If conservatives become convinced that they can not win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy."

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Not even hyperbole:

"Trump is listening to a voice they were not: evangelical Christians who appear to believe in the “Rapture.” Some, like vice president Mike Pence and secretary of state Mike Pompeo, hold posts inside his cabinet. For Rapture Christians, returning Jerusalem to the Jewish people is a key to the second coming of Christ.

A fundamental part of believing in the Rapture is believing that all of Jerusalem (currently split between Arab and Israeli-held territory) must be returned to the Jewish people, and then the rest of the world must go to war. For Christians awaiting end times, Israel “is at the center of the end of history,” said Greg Carey, a professor of the New Testament at Lancaster Theological Seminary. “History will culminate with this great battle” in Israel, Carey said.

Some White House officials and supporters have described the Trump administration’s actions in Israel with similar language. ”When we open the American Embassy in Jerusalem, we will in a very real sense end this historic friction, we’ll embrace reality,” vice president Pence said in an interview with the Christian Broadcast Network on May 3. Trump supporter and Fox News host Jeanine Pirro said Monday that the president had fulfilled a biblical prophesy.

Critics warn that Rapture-believing evangelicals pose a threat to global peace. “They want to bring on the Kingdom of Christ, and their version is weaponized,” said Mikey Weinstein, the founder of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, a watchdog group that tracks Christian fundamentalism in the military. “They want to do whatever they can do to bring their version of Jesus back.”

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Malala Yousafzai is a famous activist for education of young girls who the Taliban attempted to murder for her activism. Hence her comment "Boo 👎" on this young girl's post about skipping classes.

Young girl is just shocked she got called out by a famous person.

Uh...proposing sending a state guard to another state to enforce federal immigration law is VERY new.

It's not. It's a completely historical comparison. Delusional is pretending like the very clear repeat of history isn't happening because the idea of modern Nazis makes you uncomfortable.

"Adolf Hitler was named chancellor on January 30, 1933, and enacted policies to rid Germany of Lebensunwertes Leben, or “lives unworthy of living.” What began as a sterilization program ultimately led to the extermination of millions of Jews, Roma, Soviet and Polish citizens—and homosexuals and transgender people.

When the Nazis came for the [Institute for Sexual Research] on May 6, 1933, Hirschfeld was out of the country. Giese fled with what little he could. Troops swarmed the building, carrying off a bronze bust of Hirschfeld and all his precious books, which they piled in the street. Soon a towerlike bonfire engulfed more than 20,000 books, some of them rare copies that had helped provide a historiography for nonconforming people.

The carnage flickered over German newsreels. It was among the first and largest of the Nazi book burnings. Nazi youth, students and soldiers participated in the destruction, while voiceovers of the footage declared that the German state had committed “the intellectual garbage of the past” to the flames. The collection was irreplaceable."

Jesus, pure intentional enshitification. It's so disgusting

Oh, so NOW the feds have a problem with secret corporate ownership.

Maybe let's do something to limit the onshore tax havens in Delaware, Wyoming, Nevada....

The pandemic IS over. Covid has become an endemic virus just like we always expected it to.

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"Women are specifically stating that the direct reason they're choosing to delay pregnancy is the fall of Roe creating emergency health concerns."

"I dunno, are you sure you can believe what women say? Did you check the "real" data?"

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It's different for doctors and nurses. We have moral and legal obligations to our patients. Giving an end date is often the first attempt. Indefinite strike is always an option that can be deployed later, if necessary.

Plus we're always in a precarious situation with the public. It's easy for a doctor's strike to lose public support, which results in things like strike breaking laws being passed.

There are different ways of striking that can be effective.

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You ever try to draw from a syringe while you're hypotensive, gasping for breath, and panicking as you're about to pass out? That's the primary innovation of the epi-pen. Remove cap, stab through clothes, press button.

Granted, syringe and vial would be better than not having epinephrine though.

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He followed Glenn Greenwald down the "I feel like people don't respect my leftism enough, so I'm gonna join the alt-right" path

No, no there are literally tankies. the ml means marxist-leninist and is just straight up tankie CCP apologists

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Am nurse. Can confirm. Scrubs is right about a LOT of things

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He might not look like much, but the man delivers even in the face of Republican obstruction.

"Biden has assembled the most impressive legislative record of any president since Lyndon Johnson. Drawing on his decades of experience, Biden deftly navigated a 50-50 Senate to pass a historic bipartisan infrastructure bill, generational investments in clean energy and semiconductor manufacturing, the first gun safety law in almost 30 years, a bill codifying same-sex marriage, a bill aiding veterans who suffered health effects from burn pits and an electoral reform to prevent a repeat of Trump’s attempt to use Congress to undermine the election. And that’s all without mentioning the nomination and confirmation of Ketanji Brown Jackson, the first Black woman to ever sit on the Supreme Court."

Now if we can get the Senate on lock and regain the House, we'll actually get a lot of serious work done

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They think they do. No amount of money will protect a person from the collapse of a civilization. Never has, never will. Their plans are very much predicated on the assumption that markets will somehow magically continue to function after the general populace has lost all faith in them

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And building a case this secure is why it took 2.5 years to get this indictment. Honestly, light speed in our legal system. Everyone who doubted along the way doesn't understand how these things work.

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If the carbon is in my body, it's not in the atmosphere where it would contribute to climate change. Checkmate, atheists

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I'm not. Poor people always suffer the most in violent revolutions no matter what.

He's not 100% wrong about the H1B being indentured servitude. By many accounts, the only employees Twitter was able to retain were those here on H1B, which doesn't allow them to change employers without renewing their visa status. A good friend of mine was stuck in a bad employment situation because she was here on H1B. Employers definitely exploit that visa status, pretending that paying the visa processing fees gives them the right to abuse the employee.

But heaven forbid we just reform it to give the H1B visa holder greater employment rights and more freedom to switch jobs easily. Never forget that "meritocracy" is always code for rich. Those who can afford the best schools, the best tutors, who have the best social connections to achieve in their careers. A "meritocratic" system absolutely would not be more fair.

GOOD. What a ridiculous idea that ever was

These women have valid fears of risking their careers by speaking up, but go off I guess

If you remove the capital letters, "the first lady" got Covid could imply that only men have gotten it up to this point

Sorry, I'm just gonna repeat that for the folks in the back...


Their content promotion algorithms are not protected by section 230. Those algorithms are the real problem, pushing more and more radical content onto vulnerable minds. (The alt-right YouTube pipeline is pretty well documented. Reddit, I think, less so. But they still promote "similar content")

There only being that one playbook is the exact reason why I have a patch on my backpack that reads: "Evil is boring"

The secret ingredient is ✨🌈 misogyny ✨🌈

Thank you. People seriously need to stop acting like words don't have meaning and it's impossible for actual fascists to actually exist.

"But whatabout teh mom & pop shops!" was from day 1 a deliberate talking point that existed to delegitimize the very legitimate protests. Do you really think none of the Tea Party contemporaries said the exact same thing about them? "Whatabout those poor sailors who carried that tea who are losing their payday and had nothing to do with the Stamp Act? Whatabout the poor local community merchants who will lose out on all those tea sales now? The Stamp Act is not their fault." Do you really think none of the loyalists were saying that?

We need to face the fact that we have a class of American citizens who continue to suffer under an oppressive police state. Their protests are valid

Seriously, the handful of times I've checked back in on Reddit recently just made me think, "Wow I hate it here."

I'm so much happier on the Fediverse.

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They're game devs, not an acquisition and mergers team. "We signed contract to do business with xyz terms" should be plenty reliable enough for conducting business. Not "Lol, whut? You didn't read the fine print? Psyche! We're changing everything."

Unity deserve to get sued into oblivion for this

No, you're actually wrong on this account. Grooming is definitionally the emotional manipulation that is performed specifically in order to get away with sexually abusing a child. One example of this kind of grooming involves doing illicit non-sexual activities with a child in order to seem like a "fun adult" who "let's them get away with bad things" and to get the child to practice "keeping this our secret" so that when the direct sexual abuse starts, the child is already in the habit of hiding illicit activity from other adults.\_grooming

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It'll continue to be better than the long term health problems caused by actual Covid infections.

This is not going to be different from the annual flu vaccine. None of this is unusual or surprising. Get your shots, folks.

A statement like this should get you instantly booted out of Congress

I refer to him that way because you don't see a lot of the others out desperately trying to make arguments that conservativism is a logically viable political stance. People like DeSantis know their views are shit; they just don't care. Frum cares; he's just wildly wrong.

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West Virginia. No I'm not kidding.

They will pay you $12,000 to move there. Housing costs are absurdly low. Morgantown is a thriving university town close to Pittsburgh. And the eastern panhandle has a lot of access to VA & MD.

Move there and vote please.

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I thought it wasn't about her shoplifting? Make up your mind.

Oh, I'm sorry. It's not about any of that, is it? It's just about whatever you need to excuse a government agent murdering an American citizen without a proper trial by jury.

Do us all a favor and never pretend you respect the United States Constitution ever again.

Case in point

Fully admits to being a literal child at the time. Still talking like they have something to contribute about the situation they fully admit to knowing nothing about. Gets snarky with the people who were actually impacted by it.

Fucking why do people like you feel the compulsive need to open their mouths about every god damned thing? Maybe your opinion, I dunno, isn't relevant.

I would like to introduce you to a different possibility. It's called keeping your mouth shut and listening. Crazy idea, I know, but it's often followed by this thing called learning.

Give it a try sometime.

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