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Yup all these train track memes and people complaining about Arabs and Muslims not supporting their values, while automatically assuming the Palestinians will be killed regardless.

Like there was nothing to lose and everything to gain if Harris had a left facing platform. But they told their base to go pound sand... After voting for them of course.

Your whole movement wants/needs to learn about politics and human behavior.

You expect blind loyalty and obedience in support of your beliefs and values but refuse to be anti genicide...

What would have Biden and Harris lose if they stopped the genicide in Palestine? Would they have lost Republicans votes? How about Zionest votes? How about the Evangelicals votes? No. So they told millions of people Arab, Muslims, and Far left people to fuck off and then want to cry about what? Not being liable in the genicide? That our genicide was more just because it was going slow?

Every Arab and Muslim coalition in the DNC warned them that if they didn't change course on Palestine they wouldn't get Arab and Muslim votes. So who's fault exactly?

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Just shows that the democrats would rather lose to trump than to stop pouring billions into the military industrial complex.

There was/is no downside for the democrats to have ended the genicide in Palestine. Zionest and evangelical Christians were never going to vote blue anyways. So why give them what they want when they knew they would losemillions of Arab, Muslim, and left members of their base?

Literally many Arab, Muslim, and left organizations in swing states told DNC that they would not vote for them if they didn't end the genicide. And the DNC and Neo-Liberals of the party laughed in their faces. Whelp. Here we are.

Is asking for no genicide by anyone really too much to ask for? Even more so when we literally have the power to stop it?

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It's a promise.

Just look at pregnant women death rates in red states. Combined with the fact that red states per capita have higher rates of sexual violence towards women.

In red states, rapists get to pick the mother of their child.

What a solid way to destroy whatever remains of their birth rate.

They don't want the nuclear family for the poors... They want as many poor, unhealthy, uneducated, and subservient people as possible.

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One in five women in the United States experienced completed or attempted rape during their lifetime.

The chances of having a miscarriage is 1 in 4 pregnancies.

Multiply those statistics for every girl and women in your family.

Add in the fact that red states have disproportionately more sexual violence than blue states.

Are those odds you are willing to take?

No one is say moving well be easy. But you can start saving, planning, and applying for positions in safer areas. (politically, economically, and socially.) You don't have to just move your core family. Everyone that cares about women's rights can move too. If migrant women with no job, no prospects, no money, and no path to citizenship to receive services can do it, so can you.

Red states don't deserve you. Every day you play the odds

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I keep saying this but Neo-Liberals of the Democratic party control everything and cry blood murder if you mention...

Justice System reform Wealth redistribution Ending genicide in all its forms by whomever commits the crime against humanity. Universal Health care UBI Banning of all none essential fossil fuel Free public education at all levels Covering every Americans essential needs so they can focus on saving the earth.

But no we're the ones being unreasonable.

Marginally addressed. Like I get it. He's better than Trump, but so is 50% of the average person I see outside. There is no effectively addressed, when we know the tested, studied, and actually implemented solutions.

For example: The ACA. Yes an improvement from what came before but a quarter baked bandaid on the bullet wound of a health care system. We know universal health care system is the answer. It's a fact. The Democratic party never once made that a core part of their platform. Even if you know you won't get everything when working in a democracy you still have to argue from a far left position so when you compromise it's a stronger shift. The middle ground between universal health care coverage and 100% free market is the public option. Where Americans can decide between government coverage or private. But the ACA essentially forced everyone above the poverty line into private insurance held up by government subsidies.

Another example: instead of being 100% anti genicide the Democrat leadership landed on reducing the sizes of bombs given to Isreal?! What's the middle ground between the 100% pro genicide party and the 75% genicide party? Ya ones better but if we land on a compromise of 87% genicide, did we really achieve anything?

Income inequality: Republicans 100% pro oligarchy Democratic party leadership is 75% pro oligarchy. The party of facts and science knows our economy with collapse every 20 to 30 years to keep the jinga Tower from crumbling to the foundation so what do they do? Bail out the companies that destroyed the economy in the first place and reset the lopsided tower. If we bail out a company why shouldn't it also be nationalized?!

I can keep going on. Every issue the Democratic party's solutions are little more than the queen saying, "let them eat cake."

I live in a solid blue state and surround myself with far left people because we've realized, expecting the federal government to improve your life is a fools errand. We're building our own bubble of compassion, science, and facts. Yes we vote blue but know the only change we can truly make starts by getting involved in our community and surrounding ourselves with those that will fight from a strong position and not a already right leaning position. If we're going to die it'll be with a Molotov cocktails in one hand and surround by those that actually care about each other. Opposed to at the feet of the oligarchy begging for crumbs.

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It's literally state law in half of the country.

In over 50% of America's land area Rapists get to pick the mother of their child.

Flee red states.

The only why they'll learn is if the rational people leave. The whole fill strategy will never work because red states need you more than you need them.

Flee red states!

Project 2025 advocates for tracking of child barring age women and girls. They will turn you into brood sows the moment they get a chance and justify it as the moral good.

Flee red states!

Blue states aren't perfect but we at least know what freedom is and don't need a 2000 yeast old book to decide what we should do next.

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Yup the ACA was little more than a hand out to the insurance companies. The original version off set the government subsidies to insurance companies with a tax penalty to the uninsured or under insured. Republicans removed that so now insurance companies can double dip while the middle class has to essentially pay for their insurance twice. Once in deductibles and premiums, and another time in taxes to cover the insurance companies losses. The ACA privatizes the profits while subsidizing the losses.

Yuppy, they got 1 out of 10000 issues right. But did they continue using that as a springboard to get other things right? Nope.

No inflation? Yes, but did they investigate companies that price gouged during the pandemic? Very little to none.

Low unemployment? But are those high quality jobs that would lift people out of poverty? Nope.

Recession? Not for those at the top. Us normal people have been in a 30 year recession.

Everyone knows that if the Democratic party was just as ravenous as Republicans but for left policies our country would be better off.

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Uhhhhhh no. But people are mad that the democrats are starting on the 50 yard line and meeting the Republicans on their 25 yard line.

No one thinks their political wishes will be granted automatically if they win an election. The problem is One party is willing to do anything and everything in their power to achieve what their base wants, while the other won't even give their base a seat at the table. It's even more of a problem when the democrats demand loyalty and then cry when the people most likely to vote for them just stay home one election day. Look at all the popular policies that the democrats won't even put on their platform. It's crazy to think people are naive and dumb when they are going to lose regardless.

Okay but when Republicans even have one branch of congress they bring the whole government to a stand still until they get concessions.

Just name the top 5 left/progressive wins over the past 50 years against the top 5 right/consecutive.

Republicans have had version levels of control as well and have dictated what happens to the country the whole time.

You/we have no evidence that the democrats would bring about left policies of given 50 years of unchecked control.

Once again, what even has been their agenda? They have never supported universal health care. They've never supported reducing or ending wars. Arm sales? Nothing. Redistribution of wealth? Nothing. Crisis climate legislation? Nothing. Nationalization of too big to fail corporations? Nothing. Police and justice system reform? Nothing. Money in politics? Nothing. Corruption in the Supreme Court? Nothing. Insider trading by government officials? Nothing. Immigration reform? Nothing.

Can you honestly say the democrats leadership has been even really trying to move the country towards science, facts, and compassion? They don't even try to lie to their base anymore. I'll say it until the day I die. If democrats were as ravenous about left policies as the Republicans or nation would be a better place. Yes they are not purely to blame but they are ment to represent their base voters and haven't put forth a platform that amounts to little more than crumbs. It's a strategy failure the dems are guilty of. Being less authoritarian and oligarchical than your opponent is nice but what's the downside to being 100% against those things? That's what the people want but if we can't get even the platform to represent those ideas, what's the chance of it happening?

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Are you willing to risk your mother's, sisters, and daughters bodily autonomy on a under performing political party?

I'm not saying leaving will be easy. And I'm not saying it paradise and blue States. But I am saying red states don't deserve you. Start making a plan at least because they won't stop.

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Your argument would actually make sense if the president had to do things by themselves and didn't have access to millions of people and Trillions of dollars. Once again they never even put left ideals in their platform let alone tried to get any of them done. Grow up dude. Like I said no one is neive to think they'll get everything they want when it comes to politics. But when your party is already standing on the middle line and meeting the other party on 3/4th of the way, it's a problem.

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Ya and what have the democrats accomplished over the past 30 to 50 years? It doesn't matter which branch they are in. At every level and field the Democratic party has grossly under delivered. Even their most left and progressive policies have been water downed to the point that they are unrecognizable as left policies. What truly left policy has been signed into law at the federal level? I honestly can't think of one.

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The democrats don't care enough to have a platform and policies that'll gain them voters and they spend elections trying to pull Republican votes. Just have an actual left agenda and they won't have to worry about what Republicans are trying to do. The American people want universal health care. The American people want higher wages and wealth redistribution. The American people want justice system reform. The American people want sooooooooo many left policies but the democrats won't even put those things as issues they are trying to solve.

Take up left-facing causes will guarantee landslide victory. Run as a left populist. They know what the American people want but just ignore it

Dude sat on his ass for 4 years and did next to nothing. You think he'll do anything now?

Dems imbraced the race to the bottom instead of being a true opposition party. I voted for them this time around but never again unless they make a platform surrounding core left prencipals and left leadership. Many within my communities gave up on political means to help their communities and threw themselves into volunteering, activism, and self sustainability. You can't demand bottomless support and obedience from your base while ignoring their cries for help.

Dems said they are the party of science and facts but wouldn't support universal health care or simply stop sending weapons to Isreal. If they were just as ravenous as republican are, can you honestly say we couldn't achieve those good things?

Dems said the Supreme court and justice system was courupt, but never even investigated the court or made cuts to the militarization of the police forces. Police are still killing people at the same rates with no real accountability. If the Supreme Court was left leaning Republicans would have expanded the court to make it right leaning.

Just do what Republicans do to get there way but for good. I honestly can't think of one dem policy that has been as impactful as some of the top Republican changes in the past 50 years.

Ultimately we need to come together and demand better because if the dems don't change it'll be 50 more years of being steamrolled.

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Once things start getting worse he'll double down and invade Mexico, Cuba, and/or Venezuela. Trade deals with other nations will be suspended resulting in mass hardships, in which he'll triple down. Project 2025 calls for mass conscription of young adults into the military. Those conscriptes will be sent to reclaim lost resources over seas

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Coming soon to an America near you.

All citizens must tweet a pro trump message once every hour or will be turned into slave labor to replace deported labor force.

Right! Is asking for a none genicidal party too much to ask for? Democrats leadership would say yes.

I wish the democrats represented wokness.

What's fun is the moment he realized it was Trump. He went from Biden should be removed because mentally unfit, to well Trump just misspoke

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Then fucking do something about it Joe! The DNC has been little more than passive observers to the raise of fascism.

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It's almost as if it was never about children???

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Ya it'll be a cold day in hell before Instagram requires men to hide their nipples. Just shows how ingrained America's views on sex, sexuality and gender are in Christianity.

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What's hilarious about this is the GOP needs his vote so bad that they can't actually impeach him. And now that they are having a internal civil war with Matt Gaetz and the far right, George could literally walk around naked in the capital and not be removed 🤣 The GOP is a total joke. Literally looney toons of politics

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If their parents are loving and understanding individuals they would already know. It's not the job of the school to decide when and how kids come out.

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This was the goal the whole time. Probirth people don't give two shits about babies and children. Expect sexual violence against children and women in that town to sky rocket. Expect the poverty rate to increase as well. Except infant and pregnancy deaths to go up as well.

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Meanwhile in America red state boarder towns (boarder to blue or another country.) are making laws to stop every women traveling towards an abortion state.

That's right, straight up Handmaid's Tale shit!

"Under his eye."

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One of the reasons I support 95% tax rate on millionaires and billionaires is because extreme wealth makes individuals psychopaths. Not saying they all are, but enough of them are and they literally control everything.

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Just reading about some of her, "parenting advice" it was obvious that she was a terrible person. And to think some people actually listened to her

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These people think about gay people more than gay people think about gay people.

These people want to abandon everything that makes their lives great for... (checks notes) The rights to control women, marry children, and to burn crosses on their ethnic neighbors lawn.

America: Can you believe what China and Russia is doing to people expressing free speech.

Also America: criticizing Israeli is antisemitic and will arrest you for it!

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