6 Post – 500 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Gavin Newsom or Jon Stewart would be the only people with name recognized and the politics to win. Knowing the DNC will get Hillary Clinton or Hakeem Jeffries

He could energize the electorate by ending the genicide in Palestine, nationalizing the rail industry or Boeing, expanding the Supreme Court and investigating their corruption, or displaying unlimited support for clean energy and dismantling the fossil fuel industry. But I doubt any of that will happen.

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Well Ya, the GOP thinks abortion is 100% voluntary. It's not! The vast majority of abortions are done for medical purposes and very few are done just because the women just doesn't want to have a baby

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They paid him to go away and to shut up. Twitch letting one of their most popular creators message sexual content to a minor over their platform for years is a PR nightmare. Shows the lack of oversight social media has. Why would they even allow a 12 year old the ability to private message a 30 year old to begin with?!

Edit: and I'm sure twitch found more dirt going through all his communications. This pedo was even planning a meet up with this minor before the minors parent put a stop to it and notified twitch.

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It's all about the Benjamins

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I'm just saying that, maybe if you are a creator making content primarily watched by children, the trade off for making money (millions in this case.) off of our platform, is we get to monitor your communications with said audience on our platform? It's like saying a banker who uses their work email to coordinate a crime. My work has email monitoring that looks for financial crimes because surprisingly people are dumb enough to use work email for elicit activities. Yes his messages to individuals are "private" but should they be when in a position of power? He messaged a minor through twitches chat (twitch is essentially his whole job) and twitch has NO safeguards to prevent abuse?!

We call those "marital aids"

Once again, I 100% agree with you. It's the GOP that's not reading history books. There was a time in our history abortion was nationally banned. Women will get abortions regardless of the legality and personal health risks. Actually after roe v wade was passed we saw a spike in population growth because spoiler alert, dead and unhealthy women due to a dangerous pregnancy have way less children.

I agree. It's pure lunacy to think women in the modern area won't be able to get abortions when cave women 20,000 years ago figured it out. Yes there will be some, most younger women forced to carry a pregnancy to term. But the majority of abortions will go unreported and the GOP will think it's a win. Also, women forced to carry usually have less children over their life than if they were allowed to get an optional abortion. The GOPs main argument is that we need more children to support our nation but abortion bans have the exact opposite effect.

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Driver Returned On Foot

Ya he was just trying to be a pedophile. Totally different...

Are you seriously taking the pedophiles side on this?!

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What's fun is the moment he realized it was Trump. He went from Biden should be removed because mentally unfit, to well Trump just misspoke

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It's almost as if it was never about children???

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What's hilarious about this is the GOP needs his vote so bad that they can't actually impeach him. And now that they are having a internal civil war with Matt Gaetz and the far right, George could literally walk around naked in the capital and not be removed 🤣 The GOP is a total joke. Literally looney toons of politics

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If their parents are loving and understanding individuals they would already know. It's not the job of the school to decide when and how kids come out.

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This was the goal the whole time. Probirth people don't give two shits about babies and children. Expect sexual violence against children and women in that town to sky rocket. Expect the poverty rate to increase as well. Except infant and pregnancy deaths to go up as well.

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Meanwhile in America red state boarder towns (boarder to blue or another country.) are making laws to stop every women traveling towards an abortion state.

That's right, straight up Handmaid's Tale shit!

"Under his eye."

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Just reading about some of her, "parenting advice" it was obvious that she was a terrible person. And to think some people actually listened to her

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These people think about gay people more than gay people think about gay people.

These people want to abandon everything that makes their lives great for... (checks notes) The rights to control women, marry children, and to burn crosses on their ethnic neighbors lawn.

America: Can you believe what China and Russia is doing to people expressing free speech.

Also America: criticizing Israeli is antisemitic and will arrest you for it!

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Let's do a quick thought experiment and say there was an actual legal framework for states to leave the union. How do Republicans think that would go? Under no circumstances would any major city in the south go along with leaving. Republicans states are far more purple than elections would suggest due to voter suppression, election fraud, and gerrymandering. So in reality the confederate areas would just be poor rural areas. Add in the fact that the US holds the keys to all the military equipment and weapons, the confederate areas would turn into a lawless hell scape over night. And without nuclear weapons and no international agreements for defense, I'm sure Mexico and Cuba would love to reclaim some of their lost territory.

I can go on. But the main reason these idiots keep bringing this up is to suggest violence into getting their way. It's not even a viable option to even consider for them. The situation I made is a best case scenario for them to. If they tried to violently leave the union it would be couple million good old boys in trucks up against jets and tanks.

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"Under His Eye."

We are single handedly dooming our planet so a handful of people can be unbelievably wealthy. The vast majority of our resource expenditure is unnecessary. But the moment anyone stops the rat race means starvation, imprisonment, or execution. The human race is pitiful. I just hope we all can emancipate ourselves and bring humanity back in line with the reality of the situation.

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What old billionaires from the south and made their money from exploitation, are racist?! Never would have guessed

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Well you see tracking down sex offenders is difficult. But persecuting under aged girls is much easier, so the police took that route. (I wish I was joking. But police are unbelievably bad at catching criminals),a%20day%2C%20or%20a%20month%E2%80%A6

The police can't even be bothered to process rape kits so states just ban abortion to solve the rape problem in America.

Okay, I'll come back. But for twice the pay and half of the work.

They decriminalized without a real plan to help people.

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No shit. And 99% of all older billionaires got substantial money from family as well.

Just watched the video, and what the actual fuck!? She's clearly getting off on this. Poor guy isn't resisting in any way and she starts to stun him after bending him over the car. Thank God this was recorded and happened during the day. Otherwise she would have gone much further.

Edit: Grammar and wanted to add. Look at her face during the whole encounter! This is 100% a power kink and I'm 98% sure she's a Sexual Predator. Not trying to make light of this in any way but it's obvious she enjoys hurting others in a sadist kind of way. The way she says, "oh Ya" when finding his gun, Alabama has lax concealed carry laws. (why act like he violated some capital crimes?!) This man is at least 6'2 and strong. No way she overpowers him if he wanted to hurt her. Stunning someone on the spine is extremely dangerous and painful.

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This is what a "Death Panel" looks like. Odd, because the GOP spent the last decade saying single payer health care and abortion rights would lead to death panels. Turns out they just wanted to be the ones running the death panels. Flee the south! Flee red states! I know their are naysayers that want people to stay so they turn the areas blue. But my argument is those areas had their chances to get basic human compassion correct and they fail every time. They will never ever agree with the will of the people and will go back on any bill passed that protects marginalized communities. The only way they will "see the light" is if they look around their states and see no women; see no educated individuals; see no hard working youths; and see no business. Then maybe they will. It's not your responsibility to put your own life and your families lives at risk in hopes that things will get better. They won't! I live in Colorado, our state isn't perfect but for fuck sakes we're trying to make life better. I used to complain about all the out of state people moving here, but I realized the majority are political refugees fleeing areas in their own fucking country. We'd love to have you because we want to lead by example. Colorado used to be known as the "Hate State" and now is one of the most liberal and free states.

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Trump talks about wanting to have sex with his daughter, crickets from the party of "morality"

Biden an old man that still fucks figuratively and literally, outrage from the party of "free speech"

Have they tried removing more women's rights?

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Republicans, "abortion is a states rights issue!"

Abortion ban votes fail in red states and blue states protect abortion rights.


Lol warped perspective? Millennials are the poorest working generation since the great depression. Millennials, the largest working generation ever in America only hold ~3% of the wealth. Our parents at the same age owned ~30%. So Ya shut up

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Remember, white collar crime is the most costly form of crime in America. Not just financially but also socially. There's a strong argument that if all white collar crime was eliminated, the majority of blue collar crime would stop.

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Can't wait until my liberal city finishes our city owned isp. You can't trust business to be in control of essential services

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I doubt during Boeing board meetings they are planning assassinations, but I have no doubt there's a wealthy investor or board member willing to kill to prevent losing money.

Republicans are in the "find out" phase