2 Post – 245 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I read this in Grog's voice and I high key love it. The idea of him describing "surface level themes such as nationalism" is hilarious.

And the title comment is the icing on the cake.

God he was so fucking funny. It was a legit travesty when he let the mask slip and showed us he was actually a huge prick that shouldn't be supported.

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Well he needed to veto something yesterday, and it certainly wasn't going to be the bill that now fundamentally prevents Floridians from holding their elected officials accountable when they suspect ethics violations:

I'm white af, but, as an American, I didn't get treated as rudely anywhere else in Germany than Berlin. Still had a great time overall in the city, but, not really in a rush to go back.

My friend and I were standing at a bar mulling over the menu, just kind of murming to one another over what drinks we wanted while we were waiting for the bartender to finish up with his other customers. It wasn't busy, but he was attending to other people. When he was finally done, he approached us and I said "Hi how are you?" with a smile. He didn't say a single word to us, just took the menus from in front of us and put them on the back shelf, and then turned away.

So we left. Our money clearly wasn't good enough there, and we spent it in another bar across the alleyway instead.

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My friend and I just assumed he could tell we were American and didn't want to serve us. We didn't stick around to ask. And he didn't tell us off or to leave or anything, but just more blatantly ignored us.

Like I said, overall still good time. Everyone else was nice and happy enough to chat/serve us (or at least appeared to be lmao)

From the article: "Also in 2022, a Michigan Republican candidate said he told his daughters “If rape is inevitable, you should just lie back and enjoy it.”

I do not think I've ever read a statement from someone that has pissed me off so fucking quickly. Someone needs to check on this man's daughters and fucking take them from him, forcibly if necessary, ASAP, and then put them with a family who legitimately loves them.


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And they claim that they "don't hate women they just love babies! <3 <3"

I am disgusted, but not surprised.

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A group of retired Generals/Admirals are the ones who convinced Congress to repeal DADT back in 2011 so our LGBTQ+ brethren could openly serve.

I understand that the entire Government has changed since then, and it's an entirely different branch of the Government that they're petitioning, but fuck, this gives me hope.

These people do still have some sort of influence, and they're attempting to use it for good. That makes me happy.

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Imagine being an American so privileged and revered you get paid to live in Italy in one of the most historically iconic places on Earth...

... and you throw it all away so you can hate on gay people and vaccines. Wtf.

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Man, OPs caption unlocked a core memory I have of calling my high school boyfriend at 858 pm, and talking on the phone with him for about 2.5 hours before he got notified that he was under 10 mins left for the month.

We had thought he was only going to lose 2 of his minutes 😭.

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I've said before I was terrified of the DoD capitulating to this fucking sorry excuse for a human being, but I'm glad to see his actions have had negative consequences for him specifically.

Ugh, even if this wasn't done to protect the younger generation of women joining the armed forces, I'll take it. It's one less location that they can be sent to (yes of course Maxwell exists, as well as Scott in MO and alllllllll the fucking bases in Texas and Florida, so it's a small win, but it IS a win)

Bruh I got into such an intense argument with my parents because I defended the BLM protests. They came at me hardcore for "violence" and "destruction of property". I asked them what the hell protestors were supposed to do to draw attention to their cause, and they told me that they would have respected a "peaceful protest".

I then pointed out the fact that Colin Kaepernick's career still hasn't recovered, and that they themselves haven't watched an NFL game since no, they wouldn't. My dad then of course whipped out his favorite "insult": "Fucking Liberal", and then proceeded to tell me that I have no respect for the flag.

The inability for them to think critically is absolutely astounding.

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I don't know why you're being down voted. Sure, it's unfortunately been happening for a while, but we're just supposed to keep quiet about it and let it go?

I'm sorry, putting my face on a naked body that's not mine is one thing, but I really do fear for the people whose likeness gets used in some degrading/depraved porn and it's actually believable because it's AI generated. That is SO much worse/psychologically damaging if they find out about it.

Bruh. Quoted from the article:

"They said that the prosecution’s main piece of evidence was the victim’s identification of Long weeks after the attack and that it was "the product of a suggestive identification procedure arranged by the police to target Long."

There were also numerous pieces of evidence from the scene, including suspect hair and 43 fingerprints, that could have helped exonerate him, according to his attorneys. The material, which they said did not belong to Long, was tested by investigators but not disclosed. The attorneys also accused Concord police officers of giving false testimony about the evidence at Long's trial."

It sounds like she was led by the police, and all evidence pointing to the contrary was tossed out.

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I tried it, got the block message, and then tried it with a Kansas City VPN just to see if it would work. It did.

I really liked the message though. Texas legislators are dumb af if they don't think that this is going to push people to use websites without ID requirements and less stringent rules on content creation/safety.

I mean, they were dumb af before this, but they're extra dumb now too.

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That turning on the light in the car at night was illegal because it would cause a glare on the windshield.

I believed this into my mid-20s when my husband corrected me with a fuckton of teasing and incredulity.

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As a woman, I can never understand how other women can be Republican.

My mom was a Dem growing up, but then she fell down the religious rabbit hole after I left home and it was all downhill from there.

My little sister though? I have zero idea how she ended up Republican. It's fucking bizarre. 🤷‍♀️

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Bruh. That is literally a scenario I'd expect to see laid out in an email message in Cyberpunk 2077. Or the background for a Cyberpsycho story.

How fucking dystopian.

Bruh, if Trump wins and we pull out of Nato, Russia won't even have to invade us. Trump will give Putin a fist bump and a welcome basket when he arrives off the plane.

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Don't forget about our border towns on the TX-NM border doing their best to lock down road travel for pregnant women!

They're failing for the moment, but dammit they're trying!

Honestly, I think this could be true. There's definitely something to be said about willingly putting yourself in a vulnerable position with someone you feel safe with, for the sole purpose of their pleasure and nothing else. However, there's definitely a balance. If my husband demanded blow jobs every day or something, I'd probably get the "ick" from him and not want to do it. But since he's never been the one to be demanding about anything sexual, I do actually love making him feel good like that.

Sometimes I'll make it hella silly and we'll be sitting on the couch and I'll just say something stupid like "GO GET ON THE BED KING, ITS TIME TO GET YOUR DICK SUCKED!" And he'll roll his eyes and blush but I also see the corner of his mouth quirk into a small smile and I know he's just like "She's thinking of me." And it gives me all the warm fuzzies. I also saw a meme once that said "LEMME STRESS EAT THAT DICK", and that's one that I've whipped out a time or two that makes him snort. Yeah, I'm goofy, not every time, but sometimes, because we've been married for 14 years this year and I just like to see him grin.

That being said, I also fucking love when he wants to take care of my needs out of nowhere too. There's something amazing about just knowing someone is invested in your pleasure.

Absolutely meeting my husband. Joining the military absolutely laid the groundwork for breaking out of my conservative/republican ideology, but it was truly the work my husband put into me to pull me in Progressive thinking. I tell him all the time how he's made me into a MUCH better human being.

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I've been terrified of pregnancy my entire life and I'm a selfish adult who wants to do what I want.

So yes, nothing the governments do can ever make me want to have kids.

Not even you, Greg Abbott, you dickhole pathetic excuse for a "person". I fucking hate you!

Edit: One of my sentences was exceptionally dark.

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Bro, you're talking about a 13 year old being forced to give birth. Why tf would you ask "What trimester is she in?!" Versus "Holy shit how have we failed her this badly?!"

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Bruh I live here. And I as a woman cannot WAIT to get out. It's not great, and we shouldn't pretend like it is. And I'm fortunate enough to be stuck in a pretty blue area. I just gotta finish serving my contract and then I'm running for the blue states ASAP.

Is this the same Biden that just pardoned a bunch of cannabis users from serving their sentences?

And the same Biden who on 1 Jan 24, nearly half the US states will have their federal min wage raised?

Look, there's plenty to criticize Biden for, mostly ALL of his Middle East actions (not just Gaza-Israel), but let's not pretend he's all bad and hasn't tried to help his own people domestically.

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Holy shit I'm so sorry. I'd give you all the hugs if I could.

My codependency. I completely rely on others for my own validity. If people are busy/don't want to hang, it really upsets me.

I know it burns out my closest friends. I talk to most of them daily and over analyze the fuck out of our friendship if they get busy/distracted.

I'm honestly lucky I still have the ones I do. I'm also starting my first therapy session on 31 Jan so I don't lose the people I have in my life.

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...if you go to Pahrump, NV where prostitution is legal, those women are independent contractors who set their own prices and can turn anyone that they don't feel comfortable with serving away. Additionally, clients must use protection AND the women have police on a panic button if anyone gets out of hand.

Compare that to the women who prostitute themselves illegally and are subjected to all the dangers of rape, abuse, and murder.

I used to think like you. While I was researching a paper I was writing (arguing against the legalization of prostitution mind you), I ended up at a completely different conclusion. My conclusion did not support my thesis and I wrote it that way.

Open your mind a bit, and see that legalization protects EVERYONE (except prudes I guess)

Or, lol, what's really happening here, is that we're all going "Oh yay, they're using their influence for something good. That's one more tool to fight the MAGAts with."

But I forgot, this is the internet and we should just be straight up pessimistic and ask "Why are they even bothering? Don't they know it's useless?!?!Silly Generals, Democracy is dead."

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I think it's eye opening to see how much better everyone's lives are when they have things like free Healthcare, subsidized school, and subsidized housing.

Not to mention many of our deployments occurring to locations where religious extremism has dominated society.

The military used to lean heavily red as a rule, but I think looking around and seeing the struggles of our civvie family and friends makes us go, "Fuck, wouldn't it be awesome if EVERYONE could have this?"

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I mean, it's a large part of the reason I want out of Texas so badly. I have never been pregnant, nor do I ever plan to be. And I have an IUD. But I don't want my money funding a place like Texas. I don't want my money funding any place that's anti-woman/anti-minority/anti-LGBTQ+/anti-immigration.

I want my tax dollars and the money I spend in the local economy to go to treating human beings like human beings. Robust social programs and the like.

Tbf tho, you did say miniscule, and I can only speak for myself and my husband - so literally no one. It's just...politics can absolutely influence where a person wants to move to if they have the capabilities of making said move.

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I still CANNOT believe he chose to phrase his justification like that.

One of the things we're supposed to have is freedom to express ourselves however we see fit so long as it doesn't hurt anyone else.

My parents have a huge "Fuck Joe Biden" banner on the front of their house, and the county hasn't stepped in to be like "You can't have a two foot tall 'Fuck' on public display", and yet this guy gets in trouble for wearing his hair in a manner that's comfy to him???

I shouldn't be shocked because I live in Texas, however, I am. Maybe I'm not cynical enough.

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Bruh, Kate Cox, actually got a judge in Texas to agree that she should be able to get an abortion because both her AND her baby were at risk of not surviving. Her baby, unfortunately, wasn't going to live long if it made it to term anyhow, it was going to have a difficult short life full of suffering, and she was at risk of dying if she delivered. She also already had 2 children at home.

And Ken fucking Paxton, the Texas Attorney General, fucking overturned the judges allowance and Kate Cox ended up having to flee with her husband to a different state to get the procedure instead.

It was the quintessential "Hey, I'm dying, I need Healthcare" and the Texas government going "LOL get fucked." I cannot imagine what her and her husband went through mentally. To know that the government was actively stepping in to prevent anyone from saving that woman's life.

More people need to see/hear/know about what's happening in Texas. These ads need to highlight how much worse it really is here after the repeal of RvW (and it was pretty fucking bad before).

I just went to the Stasi Museum in Berlin last year. Holy fuck that was frightening.

In general, the Stasi were fucked up, but their ability to lie/brainwash/indoctrinate and make citizens believe that they had an actual duty to report their neighbors was hella insidious.

On top of everyone just being afraid that the Stasi was spying on them so they just said whatever they could about Joe and Tanya down the street to get out from under the Stasi eye. quickly we forget as a society. The Stasi were actually around in my lifetime, and I'm only mid-30s.

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I disagree. She's got a platform that reaches people. If this is the thing that pushes younger people to get out and vote against Trump, then I'm all for it.

Do I think it's short-sighted to vote on what a celebrity says? Sure, and I wouldn't do it. But I'm also interested in US politics, and a lot of people aren't/tune it out. I'm not looking a gift horse in the mouth if this is where people find their motivation.

This is true, to an extent. They can be much more vocal (publicly) than anyone currently serving, without fear of reprisal/loss of benefits.

However, these retired O's definitely have enough money that should they want to abandon ship and move their family elsewhere, they absolutely could. They don't have to get involved anymore, so I like that they're taking the time to do so. It shows that they still gaf.

Even the military has recognized that certain hairstyles are worse on different ethnicities hair, and has subsequently relaxed the standards since I've been active.

The military, which is all about uniformity and "discipline", can see that different cultures have different hair treatments/needs, and not everything has to be "all Caucasian, all the time".

And yet our K-12 schools can't seem to do that?! Like wtf?

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I'm not Jewish. Raised "Christian". And I am also okay with the Bible being banned in schools. In fact, I advocate for it

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Not to take away from your shower thought OP, but more to soften the blow (because yeah, we for sure are worshipping billionaire fucksticks like Elon Musk as a society), we are still awarding the Nobel Prize to people who make strides in scientific areas that benefit humanity.

The people who discovered mRNA technology and prepped it for clinical use were just given the Nobel prize this week:

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