1 Post – 155 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Because the lefties are essentially a loose coalition of every marginally sane political view that remains, containing the actual fiscal conservatives, the center, the progressives and the far left all in a single party.

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The government has ceded the entirety of modern currency exchange to private companies, which is still crazy to me, but I honestly don't see people even question it that often. As if it's just a given that online purchases (the increasing majority of all economic activity) is subject purely to a ToS and not the laws and protections granted to us by the government.

Even like 'real' dildo manufactures tend to claim the toy is for novelty use only and don't recommend actually using the thing as an insertable object. Adult toys aren't really regulated, because that would mean legitimizing them which is icky to the government. So they'll never really be regulated for health and safety

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I think it'd be pretty tricky to get a fire going at that size and get the photo taken before the thin plastic of the tent melted or burst into flames. The tent in the picture is fine, which I honestly think would be impossible with that setup, even if you tried to be quick

It'll only be weak for the presidents they don't like

It's less than half, but ya pretty much

I'd be impressed if someone was so busy they literally couldn't decide if they were pro-racist or not pro-racist. Politics is no longer a complicated question of policy but a simple division of core ethical values in America.

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'undecided' = "unsure if I give a fuck enough to go vote for my side"

This seems to have been true for awhile now. The two parties are so different, it's hard to imagine anyone bouncing between the two as if they were close enough to compare.

Which is honestly why I find a lot of the democratic campaigning and rhetoric weird. It seems to still be trying to cater to a group I don't think exists, instead of trying to excite their existing voter base enough into actually voting.

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You're expected to go to prison where they can legally use you for slave labor

The inability to install solar panels on my home is enshrined in my HOA and is extremely unlikely to be overturned by our members. We should be passing laws making these types of restrictions illegal

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Agreed. It's comical how he's seemingly able to rapidly build stuff that requires experience in multiple high end fields and then he even surrounds himself with his own tech and is not buried under maintenance hell for it all.

My alternative head canon is that he's actually only good at building AIs and Jarvis and Friday are the ones who actually make all of his crazy ideas work.

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Turns out most of the US government relied on norms, traditions, and basic human decency, but very little of it was actually codified into law. Which in this day and age is like having no rules at all since no one has any shame anymore

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Lemmy has been a decent replacement for /r/all browsing, but it's not at all a replacement for most of the subreddits I was actually subscribed to

I feel like all I see in the VR space is endless articles on new hardware and basically nothing on quality VR games. I always thought I'd upgrade my Vive to an Index or something better one day, but so far the only compelling reason is HL: Alyx and I'm not spending that kind of money on a single game.

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Can someone help me understand? Maybe my understanding of contracts is too simple but in this example:

I've developed and published a unity game. The game is complete and will receive no future updates from me, but will remain on sale for the foreseeable future.

My understanding of the current situation is that unity is somehow claiming these new terms will apply to my game. But I don't see how that's feasible. Shouldn't my relationship with unity be at an end as the product was completed? Would I have to de-list my completed game to avoid charges? How is that legal?

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I hate the whole meta of private trackers. When I've joined a few in the past the whole focus on needing to keep up your ratio has been a larger barrier to downloading than leechers ever were on public trackers.

You can't seed because several users have seedboxes with perfect connections and already have a billion-to-one ratio. I 'theoretically' have access to all this content, but I'm downloading '80's workout video volume 7' in the hopes that I can actually seed it for someone to get enough ratio to actually download something I wanted to watch.

I was on back when that was still a thing, I poorly chose my first few downloads and then never had enough ratio to download anything else ever again until I was finally kicked for inactivity.

Instead of actually fostering a working seed economy, most seem to just replicate a capitalist dystopia where a handful of users hog all the seed slots, earning more ratio credits than they could ever use while everyone else desperately tries to scrape together enough ratio to get something of value.

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Not that Google doesn't have it's problems, but personally I find Microsoft's actions in regards to bing and bing search to be more abusive of their monopoly than Google. Microsoft is abusing their position as the OS in order to push people into their other products when it isn't really feasible to switch for most people.

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Yeah, probably more of a 'proceed with caution' rather than a flat no.

Probably not smart to use your real full name for this as a teacher

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I personally don't think that's cause they forgot, I think that's cause Americans are way more fascist than most left leaning folks are willing to admit to themselves. The idea the left pushes is that most people are good, but just apathetic and don't vote. I think many Americans are horrible fascist assholes. We can't depend on the silent majority, because they suck too.

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My problem with endless DLC isn't the cost, but the fragmented result of each 'feature' needing to stand separately and not interact with any other DLC feature. You end up with some really janky gameplay where nothing works intuitively and the stuff you can implement is all hurt by those limitations.

Not to mention the sheer code hell that all this results in with an exponential increase in possible install states to account for. Which the devs just give up on and the game becomes a little buggier with every new expansion.

Honestly think they should move to a sort of MMO model. Charge for the most recent expansions and older DLC eventually gets merged into the base game. Cuts down on complexity and most of your sales will happen in the first year anyway.

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Sat down to pee so he wouldn't have to touch it

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Im some cases I could see how this could destroy someone's livelihood and people have killed over that sort of thing before. But my guess is that the people sending the death threats probably aren't even developers.

Freight, by law doesn't actually get priority, but that law is basically never enforced which amounts to the same thing.

I've never seen any drama in the stardew community. Certainly not relative to many other games. I'm sure some drama exists, but not enough to color the community as a whole

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10 years is nice to because it wouldn't line up exactly with new presidents, so it would guarantee different parties would most likely get to pick.

Not really sure lemmy is all that much better from an outrage addict perspective, at least looking at All. Sure things are better if you curate your feed a bit, but that's true on the other platforms as well.

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Guaranteed anyone who can actually fight back gets their own contract that exempts them from this.

In theory, I'm fine with some ads. Useful ads in places where it makes sense (like shopping). Small, unobtrusive ads that fill up otherwise empty space. But ads are like capitalism and cancer. They just continue to grow and grow and get worse and worse until they've utterly destroyed the thing they were meant to support. If you let them in, it's only a matter of time until they completely take over. No one has managed to do 'reasonable ads' for any great length of time.

It's just one of those things where in theory it sounds workable, but in practice it's highly destructive and corrosive towards everything.

but are either unhelpful or misleading

Honestly that just sounds like a lot of Reddit users in general

I've basically never seen a free to play title cost less than a paid one (for similar content). Typically free to play has some sort of completely uncapped money-sink as well. Given that Sims 4 already costs $500+ for all content, I can only surmise that Sims 5 will cost thousands for the same amount of content.

New rule, billionaires must maintain a horde of gold and jewels worth at least 100 million at all times. If it gets stolen they have to make a new one. Anyone can try to steal it, but the billionaires can set lethal traps.

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Agreed, VC have poured free money into excellent, but unsustainable businesses trying to chase 'growth' long enough that they can sell out just before everyone realizes that it won't make money. It's just a scam of rich people preying on other rich people.

Instead of trying to build a self sustaining company to begin with (which requires hard work to balance revenue against customer needs and desires) they build 'free' products that people love, but can't make money, only to switch the company to crappy products that people hate, but now are trapped into using.

Our entire digital economy is built on these bait and switch companies and it sucks

In the book count of monte cristo, he gets like, a single small chest of gold and gems. And that's supposedly enough to live like kings for multiple lifetimes. Compared to the movie version where it's dozens of large chests and at one point they just give a guy an entire wagon full of gold.

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I dunno. I kind of remember when it was hard to get on steam. I wonder how many cool games we have now that we wouldn't have had of they had to go through some sort of arbitrary checkpoint. There always seemed to be some controversy over who and what got in.

Do those trash games even matter? I feel like I basically never see them unless I go looking for them specifically. Steam is far, far better at content discovery than Google Play is, despite both platforms having an abundance of shovelware.

I think too many people forget that Skyrim was actually popular enough without mods to bring enough modders to the table to fix the rest of it. Bethesda seems to have forgotten that they actually have to deliver a mostly fun and mostly playable game for a proper modding scene to take root.

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Let me know where I can buy my android apps on disk I guess?

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The biggest issue to me is that all music services offer effectively the same access to music. I'm not choosing between Spotify and YouTube music because my favorite artist is on one, but not the other. However we are conditioned to think this is ok when it comes to video. Streaming services never should have been content creators, we should be choosing Netflix vs Hulu based on price, app quality, video quality.

Everything depends on a subscription now, so you are always one TOS update from being fucked. With enshittification setting in, I'm expecting to see this move pulled over and over. Just wait till AWS tries it. Or WordPress. Could singlehandedly tank the internet.

My only real issue with Roku is the lack of a decent Ethernet port on them. 100mbit ports are too slow for 2023

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