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Joined 13 months ago

The IDF is the Israeli Defense Force, the main military arm of the fascist Israeli government.

Hamas is bad too before some ass comes along and yells "antisemitism" cause I said Israel sucks.

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If I was the writer of that headline, I'd ride that high until the day I died then have it engraved on my tombstone

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Exactly! You cannot support that party and be surprised when you get called a bigot. You're playing with pigs and you smell like shit, bud. Conservative values eventually turn into hateful ideology 100% of the time. Conservatism requires someone to blame for everything, and they never blame the people actually at fault, they blame minority groups that are easy to attack and exploit.

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Damn, this photo is weirdly unsettling to me

Agreed but also fuck teams.

Us leftists need to step tf up and hire some marketing people or something. People seem to be getting fed up with spineless liberals promising a lot and delivering nothing of substance. Conservatives keep promising them easy solutions, while leftists require you to read 10,000 pages of theory to understand the basics.

While you can't bundle leftist ideology into the political equivalent of a get rich quick scheme like conservatives, there has to be a better way to market our concepts

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What service was this?

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They could've hired at least 3 more drivers with that money.

Probably 6 with how little they pay

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It's all security theater with them anyways ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I must have missed this part of hbomb's video...

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It actually has to meet all the criteria. Mozilla is going HARDCORE

13 employees per day? What the hell well maintained, well staffed McDonald's are you going to? Most of them run on skeleton crews of less than 7 now.

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Google and killing products

Microsoft and a bizarre amount of backwards compatibility

Scott (VA) and Williams (GA) voted Nay

Green (TX) and Jackson (IL) voted present. Couldn't give you a reason though

Jackson Lee (TX) and Phillips (MN) were not voting for some reason as well as AOC who I suspect didn't vote since she's also a NY member

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Phew! I was worried there for a second! Good to know I'll continue to face no consequences!

Agreed. I don't have 90s Internet memories like a lot of here, but I do have some early 2000a Internet memories, which I honestly think was better than the 90s Internet cause we'd worked out a lot of the kinks.

Forums were a great place to chat with people about whatever and in 99% of cases, people were polite enough. People talked about this and that. I and others shared their discoveries in video games on sites like GameFAQs (rest in peace, I put up so many Mario Kart DD tips).

People treated interactive sites like they were neighborhoods. Sure, a ton of drama would pop up, same as any neighborhood, and sometimes that drama made modernTwitter drama seem tame, but it stayed within the community the majority of the time and it either got resolved or ended up killing the site. Either way people got over it and moved on.

Nowadays, just keeping up with memes and drama is a full time job. Just 5 years ago I could stay on top of things, now it feels like what's funny changes the second I see it, and I'm not even old (I was just on the Internet at way too young). Hell, rage comics and impact memes were a think for over a decade.

Lemmy has so far felt like a nice middle ground between the old days of things lasting more than five minutes and people not just immediately being dicks (as long as you block everything LG and Hexbear) plus modern comforts in technology.

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Gonna preface by saying I'm not a Mr Beast fan and I've only watched about 2 of his videos...

But that said, the fact he films them and puts them online to millions of viewers is how he's able to do all of this. He likely couldn't keep doing this without the YT, sponsor, and merch income. While I agree that it's icky, it is definitely necessary to continue doing it.

Well that's why they invented crazy straws after all!

Wait, are hot water dish washers not a thing outside the US?

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I definitely read the headline and thought "please don't be my state again"

God I hate to support this ghoul, but it does say "engaged in" or "given aid to". She's given support for an insurrection, and if one happened I imagine she'd be impeachable due to both statements, but until then she'd be covered under the 1st amendment

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What's her band called?

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Okay, it's not a great movie, but it's definitely fun enough to warrant more than a 17%


I don't understand why these games keep including "movie like" features. They're video games, not movies.

So about 25,000 peoples minimum drinking water per day per bouy. Not too bad there.

Or the overall average water usage of ~13.2 people (went with the first number cause I ain't researching things rn)

Who's the bowl cut guy on the right? I recognize everyone but him (sadly)

Also damn, did not know about Confucius

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God I'm gonna miss this meme :(

It was delayed cause Jon DiMaggio (Bender's VO among others) was demanding higher pay for himself and his fellow cast

I've always been under the opinion that pun threads are awful. I love a good pun, but they shouldn't go past the 2 reply 99% of the time. It's rare the 3rd reply has anything funny to say, and past that it's usually just stupid af.

Homeschooling just needs to be abolished except under very specific circumstances (like kids who aren't physically able to attend schooling due to some illnesses), and even then they need to have an educator certified curriculum and regular checks that the curriculum is being followed. Too many parents use it as an excuse to brain wash their children into being perfect little idiots.

I took calculus in college with a set of twins that were homeschooled. They admitted that they'd never been taught how to solve for a variable, something I was taught in the 6th grade.

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It's definitely marketing for AT&T

Often typically

I'm honestly more impressed that someone took the time to check Yahoo. Even my grandparents stopped using it, and their email is on AOL

Seriously, just let us make our own "channels". I want to shuffle through different shows for my background audio, not just 1.

Whichever streaming service gets that and some decent content will have my full attention

Exactly. And while we shouldn't swoop to their level at all, we need some kind of marketing to counteract all their bullshit

Welcome to the wonderful world of the silicon valley tech era! Everything must be profitable at all costs! Everything must steal every tiny fact about you! Everything must include ! Everything must go through enshittification!

This is a Beehaw post, not Hexbear. Heaxbear is filled with sorry ass tankies

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They gave me ketamine the last time I was in the hospital for pain so they could knock me out.

It was the single worst experience of my life, even worse than the injury I was being knocked out for. I was semi conscious the entire time, but I couldn't feel or hear anything. I just knew people were all around me doing something. It feels like I was dead for a while. I have very few memories from the time they first gave it to me in the ambulance to the time I woke up at home the next day.

Fucking awful experience all around. Next time I was in the hospital for an unrelated condition I told them I'd rather have zero pain medicine than even a tiny amount of ketamine

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I was having this conversation yesterday - how Americans (mostly gen x and earlier) classify what is or isn't "family friendly" is some bullshit.

At my job I play a lot of music. One night I played Ticks, Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off, and another song about getting a woman naked and no one cared.

I accidentally played the uncensored version of payphone and 6 people reported me to my boss for playing a song with swear words.

Older conservatives are just the biggest damn snowflakes in the world