Kentucky's largest school district had to cancel class for two days so it could overhaul a 'disastrous' new bus system that left kids on buses until 10 p.m. to – 273 points –
Kentucky's largest school district had to cancel class for two days so it could overhaul a 'disastrous' new bus system that left kids on buses until 10 p.m.

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They could've hired at least 3 more drivers with that money.

Probably 6 with how little they pay

They're having trouble finding people who want to do the job for the pay they're offering.

Y'know, there's a solution to that which costs less than 200k...

*The pay John Q. Public is offering.

Oh, it’s a publicly-funded position? Then the drivers ought to work for free, right? Why, it’s practically welfare if the taxpayer is footing the bill! (/s I hope is obvious)

Tax payers determine the amount of taxes their school districts receive to pay employees and make capital expenditures. The community needs to offer more pay, be more affordable, or suffer the consequences of under funded districts.