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Joined 1 years ago

Who wrote this? I’m supposed to be upset that a bunch of big websites are lower on Google results? Why should anyone besides their shareholders care?

Edit: Oh, he co-founded the website hosting this article. So he does indeed have a vested personal interest.

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People have only had luck with me when they’ve spoken English. Otherwise it’s hard for me to understand their answers to such questions as “your place or mine?” or “dear god what are you gonna do with that spatula?!”.

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Do you even hear yourself?

“I’m concerned that there’s gonna be a lot of Nazi stuff on here.” “Step off with your advertiser friendly BS”

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I’m not sure ksp is popular/broad-based enough to generate much of an uproar. I’m unhappy about it, but most people just see another headline.

Or, historically, when you’re building a new factory, the first thing you do is build a rail connection right next to it

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Denver seems pretty big… how much bigger were you wanting?

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I mean… if nobody wants to do a job for the pay allotted, then the pay is by definition too low. You can make other changes that bring the acceptable pay range down (make kids not be assholes or something idk) but in the end it’s always about the pay at the end of the day.

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Anytime one of these big projects has something offshore, I have to wonder whether it wouldn’t be more likely to be adopted if it were on land instead, if possible. Everything. EVERYTHING is more expensive when you’re putting it in the middle of miles of salt water.

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Same thing when the “hot” feed shows dozens of threads with zero comments. Idk what hot means in this context, evidently.

Same. I’m really putting myself out there, writing this comment! But it’s good for engagement.

“The Blood Moon rises again”

Easier public transit between me and my workplace. My workplace is in a major city, but I live a 30 minute drive away and there’s no public transit connection available.

The oxygen atom in a water molecule has an oxidation number of -2 (which is as reduced as it can get in common compounds you’re likely to find, and it has no reason to react further). In hydrogen peroxide, the oxygen atoms have an oxidation number of -1, so not quite as reduced as oxygen would rather be (which is why H2O2 is gonna oxidize whatever is around it. Those oxygen atoms are gonna get those sweet, sweet electrons one way or the other by god!)

The hydrogen atoms are identical between H2O and H2O2; that’s not where the magic happens, so to speak.

Too much politics. During the election on Reddit, everything was either ecstatic “Trump good!” or smug “Orange man bad!” posts with no actual content. My list of blocked subreddits ballooned, and that helped. Maybe I’ll have to do that here.

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That’s nonsense - bad ideologies take hold in “normal” people all the time! I’m sure we all have that one uncle who was taken in by all the Q-anon talk, or that one friend who ended up joining a cult.

The problem with that approach depends on the issue we’re talking about. To continue picking on the Nazis: allowing them to “just ask questions” for example is a great way to allow them to spread their ideology in a way that thoughtful moderation could prevent.

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I don’t understand what “Hot” sorts by. When I use that setting, I see a bunch of threads from a few minutes ago with no comments yet. How is that “hot”?

To be fair, this just says that Reddit traffic is down. It doesn’t say where that traffic went. I assume that most people who reduced their Reddit usage didn’t replace it with Lemmy usage. Sucks for those people!

Seoul is great for both the subway and the underpasses! When I first went, I wondered why there was a shopping mall underneath every major intersection, ha!

…can you not see the present?

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You’re probably referring to methanol fires! Commonly used as a fuel for things like F1 cars, iirc.

I don’t understand - is this not how it’s meant to work? Ten functionally-identical communities get ten identical posts, and unless you block nine of the communities you’ll see the same exact stuff ten times? I’ve been blocking communities left and right… have I been doing it wrong?

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Hey, free news content sans paywall and an app that does only what it says on the tin. What’s not to like?

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That is one thing that strikes me. Whenever I look at All, I mostly see bad memes and political “hot takes”. I guess it’s good for engagement, but it’s nothing I’d recommend to anyone yet.

So… why are the guards not being arrested for child endangerment? Why is this a lawsuit and not a criminal matter?

Two weeks! What do you do, such that you’re meeting new people so frequently? I don’t think I’ve met anyone new in years!

Either that or you get different results when you pour water into a dry glass vs a wet glass

I love it! Those messages are hilarious!

We got my legally-blind grandma a flip-phone with a notification LED on the outside. That little light has been a huge pain, because anytime she misses a call from a telemarketer/scammer or gets a marketing text, it turns on and she just. can’t. ignore. it. If that light is on, I’ve gotta drive all the way over there and clear the notifications.

Not quite, actually! I mean, it’s not good for you, but once it’s in your digestive tract it mostly passes straight through rather than being absorbed. The vapor over the liquid is more dangerous, but once you’ve swallowed it that’s not a concern.

It’s owned and populated by history and science/engineering YouTubers, so if you’re not usually watching that side of YouTube, you might not find much on Nebula for you.

I wonder if the foundation of the house would be convenient for this… that much concrete is equivalent to a cube of side length around 10 feet, which seems to at least be in the ballpark for the total amount of concrete in a foundation. I think?

I used LastPass until they went for-pay with very little warning. So to protest I subscribed to Bitwarden premium (or whatever their paid tier is called)! Can recommend.

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They’re just tourists and people who live there, nothing more to it. You might as well ask, “is there some significance of waterfalls to Americans? I see a lot of Americans coming here from far away.”

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That does kinda worry me. If I’m on a road trip, I don’t want to wait while the guy ahead of me stretches his legs and grabs a bite to eat before I can even start charging.

I was once roped into attending a few political activist group board meetings, followed by dinner with a few members. I gotta tell you, each and every weekly meeting made me feel like I was slowly drowning (although perhaps too slowly).

Boy, I gotta tell you, that was an uncomfortable way to phrase that!

Honestly once I realized Factorio works there really just isn’t time for anything else!

Oh, it’s a publicly-funded position? Then the drivers ought to work for free, right? Why, it’s practically welfare if the taxpayer is footing the bill! (/s I hope is obvious)

Dude, kids are gonna be bullied literally no matter what. Sometimes for no reason at all! It’s the parents’ job to help the kids deal with it in a healthy way. I don’t see why you’re pretending they would be “martyrs” any more than I was a “martyr” for my right to… have a few more freckles than the other kids.