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Joined 12 months ago

Making a peanut butter and jelly doesn't make you a chef. If everyone says your food sucks, it sucks.

Chappelle isn't as funny as he used to be and lately he's being dumb as fuck.

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by that point Simpsons kind of had everyone who is anyone on to do voicework so i imagine it was just as simple for Futurama

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disgusting where would one find this content? solely to support the lady. hypothetically

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nakedness needs to stop being an issue

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He is but Putin is saying this now to sow divide. Fuck Elon take Starlink and his wealth from him, but he is overall helping Ukraine. What he did was an egotistical shitty bitch move and Putin is trying to use it as a weapon.

Just pointing it out, that's how Putin operates

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No they just jerk off together and mom brings them milk after

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you consider him senior dem leadership?

where did he say that?

sick of you fuckers not letting people feel complexly about this. fuck off

It doesn't but Jesus does he's pretty clear he says

'be fuckin nice to people you shit heads"

i may be paraphrasing but that is what he's trying to get across

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There aren't. Supreme Court is compromised, the fifth circuit is compromised. Gerrymandering and other nonsense that weakens our democratic ability to vote.

We could make so many changes from one person one vote to ranked voting to ending the two political party dominance and we'd see these people disappear overnight.

But they have the money and the friends to prevent that from happening

that's embarrassing how does anyone vote for these people

genuinely convinced he may have intentionally destroyed twitter to make the next presidential campaign operate on a different field.

sounds crazy but without twitter or reddit, how do "the youth" communicate? tiktok? insta?

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If the problem is money then there is no problem. It becomes a necessity and you can't just not afford necessity. We allegedly are the richest country they need to figure it out regardless of cost. That simple.

It's like climate change, there is no issue with money it just has to get done. Pay for it regardless of the cost. It is necessary

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do that with most games. life is bettee that way

Apparently neither can Republicans

I don't think so. I heard Millennials are the best with this stuff making us the outlier because we grew up in an age of constant tech advancement and during a time when a lot of things weren't totally consumer friendly yet so we had to problem solve tech a lot.

Pirating played a big role in this with limewire and stuff but so did Xanga, Myspace and Tumblr having you learn basic coding to make shit cool.

The article could rather flip and say Millennials don't fall for scams like everyone else does. They grew up with the Internet but we pioneered it.

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Any day now those vaxxed will drop dead!!

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I wonder who is throwing money behind these folk.

The "It used to be fine so it still should be" ideology

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no that's exactly the kind of guy i imagine he is

It is because the tech is dumb. All cars should exist on a network together like ants don't make them respond to bullshit other people do it will never work and it will always make mistakes with judgement.

Or you know just give me fucking trains and trolleys

Because in Cuba it is illegal to have mercenary groups, Cuba doesn't do this.

On top of that they want no hand in this mess Russia made for themselves. So they're prosecuting aggressively in response.

nah never had that issue and I'm pretty fuckin opinionated. As a chef I argue more with old heads than gen z or millennials.

old fuckers think they know everything

Ron: "Please! I'm relevant!"

this basically.

Diablo 2 was the last thing i ever gave a shit blizzard did. once wow and subscriptions and microtransactions happened they became beyond trash.

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but that would still be considered leisure today.

do you know how many times i leave for work wishing i had time to do a load of wash, clean my bathroom, do the dishes or any other chore?

yeah they had chores and we could debate that is work but they had more leisure time absolutely

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every time one of you say this dumb ass idiot shit America sends one more F15 or Abrams ank so keep pissing your pants fucko

go on then show me the wins

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do it I'll toss that pic into an ai undresser! callin your bluff

Brian Fitzpatrick can suck my asshole. Just wanted to toss that in the conversation

Bernie won swing states which would be Hillary's downfall.

There was a push by the system for Hillary. The DNC ran shit past her campaign to give her the ups and who knows what else, Bernie was grassroots.

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"please do anything that helps my russian bosses!! im desperate!"

  • mtg

he said source.

as in, reason us why? china has clearly expressed this desire over Taiwan, why wouldn't it invade ever at all on a timeline?

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That's literally so wrong.

Why did Spidey become a hero in the first place? Because the cops couldn't find the killer, so Peter did and killed the guy. Which was not justice.

So many heroes of NY in Marvel are focused on justice and the concept of what is justice. The Punisher kills, Daredevil punishes, Spidey is learning. Sometimes he lets people go, otherwise he believes imprisonment is an alternative. Sometimes there is an option that don't fit either.

The point is Spider-Man knows killing isn't justice and the cops/system doesn't either, he literally is an enemy to police always. He simply is trying to make a dangerous world a little more safe in his local area.

Fuck out of here with your fake ass political take. Especially such a terrible one.

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The allies should have given them land in europe or america instead they did imperialism and now we are here.

So honestly probably anywhere else

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but hexbear told me north koreans love it there

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and their little bitch boy posters on this site are annoying as fuck with their smugness

2019 was the last time things will feel like that I fear.

all corners of the earth burning, plastic in every waterway, bugs disappearing in mass, hottest month on record.

what do we do

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Newsom's ex married Don Jr

don't forget how close these schmucks actually are

because of precedent.

any single member of the government is afraid of setting a precedent that will come back to hurt them

they all do illegal shit, if one is punished then possibly they all will