9 Post – 619 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I do delete my comments occasionally after a while.

Except they don't. They get demonetization from literally breathing from Google who treats them like shit, so it's best to donate to their patreons anyway.

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All the morons defending a mindless corporation in this thread forgot that Google has far overstepped it's boundaries in general. It got to where it is from harvesting free data from users. And now is initiating a web DRM that will far overstep any boundary seen. If a website decides to adopt it, everyone is screwed.

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The fact that he's free speaks volumes about our failure "justice" system.

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Reminder that these Republicans are traitors and should be in jail, not elected to office:

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Welp, better get all the zoomers registered to vote.

They're only legal if you're Republican.

Kathy Griffin got blacklisted+investigated for holding up a fake severed Trump head.

But be a Republican politician making death threats and the DOJ will wrist slap you. It's quite clear the bias our DOJ has always had. Other countries like Canada consider some of our extremists terrorists, and we're still handing them baby sentences for an insurrection.

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Then arrest them. Or in Garland's DOJ is it ok to just get away with anything simply because you're a Republican?

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Sure don't vote Biden. Just vote for the fascist Republicans that previously banned people from muslim countries. That will work, right gaiz? Plus any Republican president won't ever send Gaza aid. Biden is sending aid.

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Any normal person would at some point be arrested. Stop coddling billionaire babies like Elon and get it done already.


These alt right morons are so stupid they can't even use the mask correctly. It doesn't even represent their ideals. This idiot saw "AnoN" and thought he'd LARP as the "hacker" 4chan.

V for Vendetta illustrator and co-creator David Lloyd:

The Guy Fawkes mask has now become a common brand and a convenient placard to use in protest against tyranny – and I'm happy with people using it, it seems quite unique, an icon of popular culture being used this way. My feeling is the Anonymous group needed an all-purpose image to hide their identity and also symbolise that they stand for individualism – V for Vendetta is a story about one person against the system. We knew that V was going to be an escapee from a concentration camp where he had been subjected to medical experiments but then I had the idea that in his craziness he would decide to adopt the persona and mission of Guy Fawkes our great historical revolutionary.

V as an idea is a revolutionary protesting against a tyrannical govenrment. Occupy wall street protestors were well known for using this mask.

This guy was shooting at protestors protesting injustice itself. Nothing about the alt right represents these ideas whatsoever. In fact, these people actively vote to keep existing oppression.

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That would require them to be mature and not sociopathic.

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Feeling cute, thought I'd submit a possible violation to the FCC, might submit more later, idk

Nothing, not even basic necessities like food, is even remotely affordable anymore, let along a roof over your head. Yet they still want us to work to the bone like slaves and have babies while somehow not having a place to live. Biden has passed some great legislation but the economy is nowhere near ok for anyone except the 1%.

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Government when a poor veteran needs disability expenses: 😒

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Google execs can rot in hell honestly

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This should never be left up to Chrome. We need antitrust laws.

What's worse is the media isn't emphasizing how dangerous any Republicans winning right now is. They are far more dangerous and bold than Trump is right now. They are doing a fascism in Ohio for example.


Fascism just keeps coming back and we gotta stave it off again

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None of them are rebels, just fascists. The entire party is useless.

No you're wrong it's a Nazi group

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Garland would have to care and treats him and other Republicans with kid gloves. The kid whom leaked documents was insta-prison. Yet Trump sold out the entire country and the DOJ is Zz z.

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Momz for Nazis

Did Spez write this article? Reddit didn't win. Trying to go back there has resulted in literally no answers for anything. It's just shills and that's it. I couldn't get answers to things anymore on some pretty major subreddits. So, glad I'm staying with Lemmy.

I'd get hostile too. This wastes literally everyone's time, employee and customer. Walmart and other companies already write off all their losses as tax write offs. It would actually be more cost efficient to do literally nothing. But it's not about preventing theft. It's about proving a point: that corporations control you.

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Half our population is insane actually

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Yeah it isn't natural at all and needs regulation on basic items to live

"This company did a bad unethical thing to me but by golly, I think I'll stay"


A moron is trying to use a moronic nothing to get Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis arrested for her office's efforts to try the former head idiot for his effort to overturn the result of the 2020 elections.

Like most Trump supporters, he will legally fail like the idiot he is, and how he remembered to keep breathing afterwards is another question.

Is that why 90% of everything is the same unfunny reposts from 80 years ago now?

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Of course, because Republicans get money from Russia to betray their country. What's sad is that it doesn't take much.

Explains why they coddle white Trump terrorists

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It's garbage because brainless rednecks voted in Trump and Republicans

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How useful if a dictator gets in. I'm sure they'll care. How about voting rights bills? Stopping gerrymandering? No?

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