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Joined 1 years ago

How much would it cost to show 2girls1cup as umskipable ad to musk fanboys? Asking for a friend...

He gifted himself a ludicrous $193 million compensation package.

Reddit, a 20-year-old company, has yet to turn a profit. In 2023, the platform lost a whopping $90.8 million.

Can someone explain to me how reddit can make a loss, while he pays himself MORE than the loss? Does that not mean that reddit would have made a 113 Million profit before his $193 million compensation package? What kind of business-algebra-gymnastics is at work here?

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Can someone explain how this website lost millions? Given that this size was not that big, I fail to see how it could cost this much in admin and Server cost. Even some better known commercial shops will hardly hit 5digits in monthly server costs, plus salaries for 1-3 admins and support staff, and maybe advertising costs.

37million sounds like something they pulled out of thin air, maybe for some bookkeeping fraud or tax write off...

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My favorite barber was booked out recently, so I just walked into the next one across the road, which looked new and had no customers inside. Asked for the haircut, and he said sure, what's your name and email address? I was confused and asked why he would need that, and he said it's for his app to book appointments and charge customers.

I walked out without getting a haircut.

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Things to add to your product when you want to look hip and trendy, but dont have any real ideas how to make your product better:

  • 1990s: visitor counter
  • 1995: Popups
  • 2000s: flash intros
  • 2005: stock photography
  • 2010: local weather widget
  • 2015: share to social media widgets
  • 2020: fullsize 4k background stock videos
  • 2024: AI assistant
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Zombie outbreak and owning a jeep? Now you got two problems!

Ok guys, i dont want to sound like a conspiricy theorist or anything, but sometimes i get a slight suspicion that he might be lying to make himself look better...

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Have you seen that ludicrous display last night?

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And you give away the press for free, but the ink will cost a fortune!

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Lol, now that I think of it I had never seen a YouTube ad or sponsor where I would say "this is an ethical and fairly priced product without a catch that I would like to buy"...

That's why everything is an App now, and every website tells you "it's better in the app". In the app they have full controll over your device and can access much more data points, while the website is controlled on the users site and might have AdBlockers and other security features enabled, potentially hurting their ad revenue and data they can sell. From a developers perspective it's a nightmare to develop and maintain website, android and Mac os app side by side. Just having one good responsive website is cheaper, easier to maintain and gives you less headache with app store restrictions, reviews, device incompatibility etc.

  • I have a limited amount of bandwith on my mobile plan
  • if i know a game download is large i go home where i have broadband; i dont download large files over mobile internet
  • a text-only website can be rather small with only a few KB. It's only when you get ""Designers"" that things start to bloat, because the system fonts are not good enough and 2MB in extra fonts no sane visitor will ever notice must be downloaded.
  • the marketing department REALLY needs those 10 extra trackers and analytics scripts that take 5s to load, even if they last looked at the visitor stats back in 2021 and the login has long been forgotten.
  • the CEO wanted that animated AI powered talking gorilla widget he had seen on a local tradeshow where the customers can ask product or website questions (spoiler: they dont!), which ads a few more Megabytes to each pageload even before you even use it.

With dark patterns you can "guide" the user to click a particular button, for example by having "accept" in a large, bright stand out colored button, and the "reject" button in a low contrast, small or disabled looking button.

This will not prevent people from clicking reject, but it shifts the percentage of people clicking accept vs reject in the websites favor.

This looks more like a map of any English speaking news source I would see online. I mean I see us politics and us topics on lemmy and my local newspaper all the time, but hardly ever hear anything from far away places like Ghana, Romania, south America, middle east or south east asia unless in specifically look for it on some lesser known sites.

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"look, just go to home Depot and get a carpet knife for 1/10th of the cost!"

Amongst many, my biggest question is: why does it have tiny wheels on the roof?

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Windows as a software package would have never been affordable to individuals or local-level orgs in countries like India and Bangladesh (especially in the 2000’s) that are now powerhouses of IT. ... Had the OS been too difficult to pirate, educators and local institutions in these countries would have certainly shifted to Linux and the like.

While i somewhat agree with your overall statement, this part is just wrong. Linux in the late 1990s and 2000s was very different from today, where you just plug in a CD/USB and select your region. Linux back then was very nerdy, you had to choose your hardware first to make sure there was a linux driver and the installation process was very difficult, especially before plug&play where you had to know which IRQs and slots you had to use for network, sound and videocard to avoid conflicts. I remember trying to install Linux from a CD, only to work my war from one error message to the next because it did not like my videocard, soundcard or both.

Also, what would you do with a linux pc at home or at work if it could not run word, excel, duke nukem 3D, TTD, programs you knew from work/school or software you could pirate from your friends?

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Wouldn't that increase the average IQ in both States?

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"I was just trolling" - a 12 year old after he realizes he just said something stupid.

It's a reccuring fad. In the 80s, ever household appliance used to get a digital clock as "feature".

Well yeah, and his response was "sorry sir, but without an account we cannot serve customers..."

Planes are already pretty fuel efficient per passenger. And larger planes are unlikely, because this would mean all runways they want to use must be extended so the can start and land there.

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Why not disassemble it and sell all the working parts, if they are rare and expensive?

  • It takes 20 years to build
  • nobody knows how much nuclear fuel will cost in 20 years
  • you have to take out a big loan and make interest payments on it for maybe 30 years before you start making a profit
  • if you don't have enough water for cooling because of climate change, the plant must shut down
  • if your neighbor decides to start a war against you, your nuclear plants become a liability, see Ukraine.

I think smaller, decentralized renewable energy is cheaper in the short and long run and has a much lower risk in case of accidents, natural Desasters or attacks.

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I just watched the video above. I'd say it's a criminally bad design, because the emergency open is completely hidden from the casual observer and completely blending in with the other colors and shapes of the armrest. This makes it useless in an emergency.

There is a reason why Fire extinguishers, seatbelt release buttons, emergency exit signs, emergency brakes in trains etc. are all designed in bright, red stand-out colors with big letters on them.

Because the people or companies they report on still use the platform :(

You only hurt yourself down the line. My last job had not improved their own product, processes, tools or frameworks, so everything was still stuck in the 90s. Their product was build on an discontinued an proprietary database and server system you never heard about, jQuery UI from 10 years ago and other BS.

However if you don't upskill yourself in this situation you will be unemployable in the future, because all other employers demand modern technologies, git, docker, unit testing etc., which I was yelled at in meetings for suggesting it.

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... To the surprise of noone after all the trailers, over promises and announcements from the devs over the last year or so ..

A single guy does not have 3 layers of managers and bosses above him, who have "better ideas", costscutting policies and "i have no idea what you just explained to me, so lets just not do it!".

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The Lead Dev/team Lead was quite arrogant and in his own mind the worlds best developer who had all the answers. If some technology or software was not written by him or already existed in the 90s it was "useless" and not fit for the company (without him having looked at it or the docs). If asked why we would not use X which was out for years, well maintained, had no critical bugs would solve problem Z we where having, he would reply "because i said so" and insist in writing out own variant - which ended up having 10% of the features, 10 times the bugs, terrible UI and would take months to develop.

When support repeatetly told him that users had issues with feature X because the only error message on a 10 fields forms page was "Error", he would respond that this is a user problem, the end user is clearly stupid (despide used in a field where you need to study for years) and that support must hold training sessions so the users can "learn" how to use his product.

As such, the company would reject git and instead email each other files and changes.

Each meeting felt like living inside a Dilbert cartoon.

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Yeah, I get what you are saying, but then it's imho dishonest Marketing, and the user expected something different when they signed up for the paid service. I think "renting" movies, tv shows or music is not something the user expects.

If they would advertise it as "pay us 20 Dollarinos a month, and you can listen to your favorite music for as long as we allow it and don't take it away from you!" they surely would never be popular...

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Dont want to be that guy, but the platic softeners inside the tape will most likely evalporate, causing the tape to break up und cruble to dust as soon as you try to play it. The magnetic orientation of the bits will also degarde. Manufacturers give an expected shelf life of 30 years for any magnetic storage medium.

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Next Change: Twitter blue check is replaced by a swastika image.

Bold to assume that important software gets tested...

This would include YouTube, mail, drive, maps, search which I use daily. And it will be baked into android, and possibly Mac os so it supports the latest standard.

My guess is that sooner or later google chrome will show scary warnings "this site does not support dem, here is a link why this is bad!!!" In the browsers address bar to get users and webmaster to adopt the DRM.

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No wonder COBOL programmers are paid a lot, because what would be a 1-liner for "hello world" in other languages looks like this in Cobol:


This is already $6000 worth of code right there!

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Maybe the part with the drug trafficking, racketeering and gang violence inside their hobby club?

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You could probably shoot down 80% or maybe even 90%. But if the enemy launches a few hundred missiles at the same time then some might make it.