
6 Post – 66 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I like candidates who weren't barred.

He should have been arrested, cuffed, and hauled off to be locked up like anyone else.

Instead everyone will continue to coddle him, emboldening his jackass followers as if this course is somehow favorable to consequences.

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Strongman won't act on his initial whim? What is Stongman afraid of? Strongman looks like pansy RINO now. Strongman of old never worried about weak court weenies. Stop doubting, make Strongman great again!

Is this the same referendum format requiring half the votes +1 to pass? The exact thing they're trying to kill off?

EDIT: The measure should have to be supported by the same vote threshold to pass that it seeks to impose.

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How can anyone witness all this idiocy and still plan to vote republican?

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It's like the alt-1985 Biff reality came to pass.

Any reasonable person looking at these circumstances say 10, 15, 20 years ago would think 'No, that could never happen. He'd be barred from office, maybe even imprisoned."

And yet, here we are. This timeline, for the US anyway, deserves to be pruned.

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Gerrymandering is a huge problem, but it's only part of the problem. Thanks to the Reapportionment Act of 1929 capping the number of US representatives at 435, votes have become weaker and weaker as the population grows. Moreso in densely populated states, obviously.

So you have Wyoming with a single US Representative whose constituents effectively have more say in national policy than any other citizens.

We must re-reapportion the House. This could reduce gerrymander cheating, and may even make additional parties viable. Our votes should carry equal weight.

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She should still be raving and slurring her words relatively harmlessly in some dive bar, but nooooooo...Georgia had to go and get her elected.

This is who they choose for their savior, this geriatric child. He's like the classic fast food manager who still has the high school mindset, but with money (for now) and inexplicable influence.

So this fool compiled the report and submitted it to court. Then on cross examination, when asked to quote a line from his own report, he says "this is the first time I've seen this" to avoid perjury.

Will that throw a wrench into the inevitable appeal?

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They're showing less of the train wreck than before and denying him some of the free coverage to which he feels entitled. The tantrum was inevitable.

Good for her. Now the voters she duped with fearmongering, most of whom haven't gone over the curriculum themselves, probably won't learn that she found nothing. They'll probably credit her for eliminating what was never there.

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I can attest that the Osprey was considered a dangerous piece of shit aircraft among many Air Force members since back in the 90s. Over the years since hearing that talk the odd Osprey crash has hit the news here and there, and I'm thinking they were right.

Tuberville has achieved setting precedent that higher officer promotions don't need unanimous Senate consent. Republicans will plan to use this to promote MAGA friendly officers in an effort to influence and control the military.

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None of the Justices dissented on this decision. Does that suggest they all agree that Trump should exhaust the appeals before they make the final ruling?

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Yes, and at times like these some military leaders tend to tell troops to "be financially ready" to go unpaid, and "there is no excuse for not paying your bills on time".

Late and missed payments are sometimes reported to members' leadership by the debtors, especially landlords. Normally this isn't such a bad thing, since service members are expected to be on top of their debts at all times--but being punished for this when going unpaid is completely cruel.

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You'd think corporations would learn from these types of failures. But no, not as long as endless growth is the overall plan. The yes men will keep cutting corners at the expense of safety and quality.

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Fuck sake Harris, why make fear your message? Republicans and supporters love that. Why give them what they want?

Voters need to hear about resolve. Strength through sanity. Looking past MAGA rather than making it the focus.


Maybe the voices will have him set fire to George W. Bush and then have a long walk into the Red Sea.

I will enjoy seeing this wannabe try out Trump tactics, feel heartened by the handful of nutcases who show up to cheer, and go on to get axed anyway. In case you don't remember, this is the moron who dodged the process server last year by pretending he wasn't home--as if his consequences would just disappear.

I live in Collin county. I agree with others who have said the voters choose based on the R and name recognition. Yet you don't find a lot of supporters of corruption or hardcore regressive policies you see with Paxton or Abbott. As voters, many of them are just not making the connection.

That's too many words for these muppets. "Dump the Chump" or "Ditch Dipshit Donald", keep it simple.

Clear and to the point, thanks for this!

I always block them right away. My idea is that any interaction flags you as 'positive direct contact' in their scumbag networks, making them likely to increase the spamming. I realize the act of blocking may in itself trigger this, if they track undeliverable contact, but idk what else to do.

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Maybe he has buyer's remorse for the shutdown, finally realizing that his group of shitheads will be blamed. Good faith compromise is always off the table for Gaetz, so he hatches a sob story and blames McCarthy.

Hey jackass, they don't want you in charge. Reps are not going to sacrifice their careers for you to try and sabotage this country. You belong in front of a firing squad for the shit you've done, and you know it.

The UAW's success with Fain shows they should continue direct leadership elections. This guy is killing it for them. I hope they don't get complacent with time and allow appointees again. From an outsider's perspective it seems like the appointees are susceptible to bribery from the big 3.

This route appeals most to me. My first instinct was to contact the police immediately for the well-being of the girl and others, but then my son made a strong case for the retaliation he expects at school. To add to that he's already hesitant to seek help for things, always has been, and I worry that taking action he doesn't want will make him clam up even more.

So waiting awhile is a good plan, and I can probably get him onboard in that time. I'd like to be more proactive in helping the girl, so that bothers me, but since I'm forced to choose I have to look out for my boy.

Thank you for this idea. I wish you all the best in life.

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Trashy trailer tramp tried traversing troubled truth trove. Tried.

Damn, consequences suck. I'll take my chances with North Korea, they seem nice!

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I agree, but I don't think he'll have the support. It's orders of magnitude easier to be a thorn in the speaker's side than to do the job.

Also I see Beavis, Butthead, and a dash of Mr. Burns in this dingus caricature.

45 has a real penchant for surrounding himself with people who say things he wishes were true rather than the actual truth. I doubt he knows (or cares) there's a difference.

Hopefully that's a good thing in the sense that his legal team is so incompetent and out of touch with reality, they will get steamrolled (just as all his election fraud nonsense did).

Still, I picture him looking in the mirror, saying "ThERe LIbEraLs, I rECused mySeLF!"


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I think you're exactly right. He gets so caught up requesting crime in his favor (loyalty as he sees it) that his intentions are obvious.

And yet, we still have doubts as to whether he will suffer consequences for all he's done. Somehow. Fuck this nonsense.

Syracuse decided they had one too many orangemen


When McCain chose her I remember thinking, "They've thrown out the last of the few principles they had. The nutjobs will be the new GOP norm".

IIRC, McCain didn't even want her on the ticket, but he did go along with it--embracing the crazy to try and get more votes. There were many missteps that led to today's chaos, but I always felt this was a big turning point.

For some reason I've been wanting to hear one of these dolts apply the term to themselves. "I'm a...I'm a firebrand". With an Elvis accent. Really flesh out the caricature.

EDIT: Grammar

And in your con you never, ever wanna look weak

SO weak

SO weak

SO weeeeeeeeeeeeeak