
35 Post – 490 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

I have a very fond memory of my grandmother in the late 60’s and early 1970’s taking us to the playground near her house and they had one of these metal slides. We always took a roll of wax paper to tear off a piece and sit on the first few times down. After that, you could fly down this thing. Great times!!! I miss her.

^The hive has opened^

Who deleted your comment?

You are correct. That is why I think it could be developed. Of course, looking at my downvoted comments on this thread, most people don’t see the world beyond 2D and the world is still flat! I would definitely have interest in this information, although others I am sure would not.

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Would reeeeally love this.

Here is another example: You are ascending Mt. Everest and take photos on the way up. Each photo could have temperature embedded (showing how it is getting colder) as you get further up? Or at night vs day.

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Today we read again from fiction.


Trying to decide if the war is on homelessness or on the homeless. 🤔

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I would like to recommend the book “Conduct Unbecoming”.

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Check out the book “Conduct Unbecoming” by Randy Shilts. It is a great read and account of much of this history (herstory).

Ok here you go. Take out the inserts and use a spray and wash product on the inside. Tie the shoes and put in washer along with inserts that are loose. Add 2 or 3 towels into the wash also. This reduces noise, washer negative impact, and helps clean the shoes. Once finished, put shoes in the sun along with inserts to the side, to dry. I have done this many, many times. Do not put in dryer. Voilá!

No, we are not. Sorry but protests outside of LGBTQ+ rights do NOT belong here. Whether you agree or not. Sorry.

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Lesson number 1: Never, ever, never, ever, use PayPal. Lesson number 2: Don’t use PayPal.

And how do we defederate them?

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Such a man-doll baby! 😍

But we can choose to personally block certain things.

Simce when is a giant computer screen glaring in your face considered minimalism? I would argue the buttons return the car to proper minimalism. So glad to see this! Can we just yank all of those screens out of future vehicles?

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Honestly can’t tell the difference 💁🏼‍♂️

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I think that my favorite part of the Bible is where Jesus puts razor wire in the river to keep people from entering his country.

Apollo 🥲

Oh well.

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But he is guilty of aiding and assisting an invasion by transporting “invaders” to cities and states throughout the nation.
A lot to unpack here.

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Much will be lost. Language is human. Idioms and more will be missed. There is no doubt that the Duolingo product will not be as accurate.

Because news organizations no longer do any work investigating, only propagandizing for the sweet greenback$. 💰

But they need more babies to propogate Christianity; The popular belief that a celestial Jewish baby who is also his own father, born from a virgin mother, died for three days so that he could ascend to heaven on a cloud and then make you live forever only if you symbolically eat his flesh, drink his blood and telepathically tell him you accept him as your lord & master so he can remove an evil force from your spiritual being that is present in all humanity because an immoral woman made from a man's rib was hoodwinked by a talking reptile possessed by an malicious angel to secretly eat forbidden fruit from a magical tree.

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Death penalty needs to go.

My best drinking story is that I had my last drink 14 years ago. ‘Nuf said.

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Annnnnd now X (formerly known as Twitter) is banning search for “Taylor Swift” due to AI fakes. But really it is to mute her potential powerbroker endorsement of Biden. Seriously.

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Gay people

Didn’t she have a gaming laptop computer at the beginning of the trial in court? Game on!

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So let’s build an unaffordable EV?

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AZ will be voting Blue in November.

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$30 to pay you for more of your personal information, including your banking info if you chose to give it. Or personal home address.

It is an army of zombies.

Fear is a poison that kills.

Ignorance grows fear.

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Internet Archive busy at it.

If I cook my own food sometimes I have no appetite for it.

It is Trans Visibility Day. So yes, news.

Because the media wants everyone to think the Democrats are sunk and that Biden is too old. But noone is fooled.