Blue and Orange

@Blue and
4 Post – 228 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Great stuff. Firefox swinging the big dick about lately.

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One of the things I hate the most about current AI is the lecturing and moralising. It's so annoyingly strict, even when you're asking for something pretty innocent.

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I think Israel is losing the information war on this recent crisis. They're trying to defend the indefensible. There's no way to spin "we dropped a bomb on a refugee camp" into something acceptable. And people are seeing the bullshit for what it is.

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Once upon a time I actually liked Russell Brand. Thought he was intelligent and quite in touch with the ways of the world despite his eccentric character. He truly lost the plot when covid came around, although it wasn't the first time he'd talked absolute shite.

In hindsight, it's not really a surprise that he'd be this kind of person.

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World War 2: 2

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That's the funny thing about this threat. It implies that using YouTube the regular way is "optimal" viewing. It's fucking shit without adblock.

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She's a pathetic weasel who gets paid handsomely to talk absolute horseshit and shill for her boss.

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Disruptive protest, no matter how annoying, is valid and should be protected under law. When the government moves to ban protest and dissent, they've crossed the line into authoritarianism.

The right to protest is a fundamental of democracy, and we should not accept any erosion of the fundamentals of democracy.

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I'm at the stage now where I view everything Google does with great cynicism and suspicion.

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All decent people should get off X and let it continue to fester. The people who continue to use it despite claiming to be against everything it and Musk stand for are a part of the problem.

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Serious sexual repression I think. Conservatives publicly treat sex and sexuality as things that are dirty and sinful. Sometimes they get caught out for doing weird shit because they can't escape from their inherent human sexual urges.

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A third competitor for Android and iOS would be amazing. But not if it's Amazon..

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They are hardline Marxist-Leninists, something that is very rare in the western world even amongst those who identify as leftist or socialist. If their views make you uncomfortable, then you're not a ML, which is okay.

Left-wing politics is a very broad spectrum, and a lot of Lemmy users lean towards the more moderate end which brings them into conflict with the more radical communities that are Lemmygrad and Hexbear.

That's all there is to it.

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I did. To all the people on Reddit who confidently said "you'll be back in a few days" turns out you were very wrong lmao

YouTube says it's part of a plan to make people who use adblockers "experience suboptimal viewing"

As opposed to the perfectly optimal experience you get when allowing ads

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"The tech world reacts in shock!"

The tech world's reaction: 😐

Anyone who has been paying attention for the last several years knows the Tories don't care about free speech. They just use the term as a political weapon.

Very good system. We all need to get into the habit of bringing our own bottles/cups and reusable bags when we're out and about.

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1923 - "we need to scrap the harshest measures of the treaty of versailles and help Germany's economic recovery, otherwise these national socialists are going to exploit the misery to gain power" lol

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Often, piracy genuinely gives you a superior experience to the regular paid method. Lots of big service providers have been fucking us over in the past few years as well. So it's no surprise.

Glory to the piracy community!

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  • How to say "I want a refund for this poor quality copper, Ea Nasir" in ancient sumerian
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Modern Warfare 2/3 where Russia not only manages to successfully invade the US, but brings it to it's knees.

Even if you set aside the fact that the US has the world's most powerful military and a heavily armed civilian population, geographically it would be virtually impossible to invade from another continent.

But fiction is fiction. And the Modern warfare trilogy was outstanding.

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Suck my balls Google

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""""free speech""""

This is like in the UK when everyone clapped for the NHS workers during the COVID pandemic, including the PM and other government ministers.

But when said workers ask for a pay rise? Fuck off

Excellent news. Respect.

Big cocks at Firefox doing the lord's work once again

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It's a decent browser, but half the reason people hate it is because MS tries to force it on you. They should let it stand on its own merits then maybe it wouldn't have such a negative reception.

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I believe the song "incurably innocent" by At The Drive-In is about this piece of shit. He sexually assaulted Cedric's wife.

Bastard is better behind bars.

A) Apple stop being scummy

B) USA gets a grip on this bubble colour nonsense and stops using iMessage

Which comes first?

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People keep saying new cars are shit but nobody wants to trade me their new car for my 2004 Toyota 😄

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Shorts are far from being the biggest problem, the ads are much much worse.

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I've always had a thing for women about 10-15 years older than me that are in a position of authority or expertise. The confidence, experience, maturity, and professionalism are just sexy.

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Incredibly petty mod to make in the first place, so Nexus might as well be petty too and remove it.

Fascism embraces the angry and disillusioned victims of global neoliberalism and capitalism.

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Get fucked Google. Glory to the adblockers.

Lol I was wondering just yesterday how long it would take this guy to bring up the Falklands after getting elected.

Normally right-wingers in the UK would be pleased to see someone like him elected, but because of the Argentina-Falklands connection, they're going to hate him lmao

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As others have said, it's a war of attrition. There's no end in sight. As it stands, we can only speculate on who is winning. Russia have so far failed to make any significant gains, and Ukraine have so far failed to push the Russians out.

It's a bit like the stalemates of trench warfare in WW1. Something will have to give eventually.

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I really like the game so far but it really needs some kind of vehicle for travelling around planets. Like the exocraft from No Man's Sky.

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