What is a nutritious, filling, and easy to eat breakfast for really early in the morning?

Blue and Orange@lemm.ee to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 175 points –

Preferably something that has little to no preparation required.


Oatmeal and yoghurt.
You can switch it up with fruits, nuts, syrups (like maple) etc.

My goto is:
Oatmeal, plain yoghurt (3.5%) or greek (10%), passion fruit, apple, maple syrup (if I like it sweet).

This will certainly fill you, has lots of vitamins and depending on how much and what you do is easy to eat.

Oatmeal. Pour in bowl with water/milk and nuke it for 3-4 min. Or you can do the whole overnight oats thing and have it ready with no prep in the morning.

I second oatmeal but I go with savory. 50g of oats, 250ml of broth/liquid.

Variation 1 is a spice mix that mimics a favorite rice pilaf recipe (maybe 1/2 tsp of Old Bay seasoning, some salt and pepper, a sprinkle of turmeric and coriander). Then add in protein, veg, cheese, whatever. That's my go-to most of the time.

Variation 2 is "pizza" style: a scoop of premade marinara, some broth to fill out the rest of the liquid, and a sprinkle of shredded mozz. Throw in some protein/veg that works (think pizza).

Variation 3 is "Mexican style," which I mostly do if I have some leftover carnitas or taco meat: change the spices to chili powder and cumin, cheese, of course.

Quick oats cook up in 2-2.5 minutes in the microwave. Total prep time is maybe 10-15 minutes.

Oh damn I never knew you could do oats like this. My wife recently went on an oatmeal kick and did overnight oats with peanut butter and milk but I had a real hard time with the texture/consistency of it.

It took me a moment to get used to it, because I had the traditional upbringing with oatmeal = cinnamon, sugar, etc. But it's not that different from mashed potatoes, polenta, or rice. I already had the pilaf recipe that was a favorite "go with anything" side dish, so I tried that first and stuck with it.

I started by putting egg and olives on mine. Seemed breakfast-ish. Chili paste and egg and pork fu is great on oats too.

I honestly can't do oatmeal with peanut butter. Every time I've tried it, it makes me gag. Not sure what it is, since I enjoy both separately.

That's about the reaction I had. It would make me physically sick to my stomach even though I love peanut butter and don't mind oats in most things.

And if you don't like the texture of cooked oatmeal, you can also just pour water/milk over rolled oats and eat it as is

It really is the best answer. It’s pretty tasty, fast, and filling

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Overnight oats which you can prepare the night before. Soak some oats in milk and keep it in the fridge for at least 2 hours for the oats to soak up all the liquids. Toss in your favourite toppings, like freshly chopped fruits, or even some chocolate, and it's ready to eat.

Wait you mean you don't cook the oats? Oats (the old fashioned 30 minute kind) cook nicely for me in 4 minutes in an instant pot, but no cooking sounds even better.

Cooking is not necessary for overnight oats. I used steel cut myself, but the texture of these oats prepared this way may be chewier than you expect or are used to though, if you have always been heat-cooking them.

Just look up overnight oats and there are plenty of recipes and suggestions, some even using yogurt instead of milk. Here's one from Martha Stewart for starters,


Always a good plan. I'm not too creative but have a easy go-to with 1/3 each of oats, chopped dates, and some kind of granola mix. Add oat/almond milk until covered and leave it in the fridge.

Overnight oats. Look up recipes, but you mix stuff together the night before and just eat it with a spoon out of the jar the next day. For optimizing the morning routine, nothing is simpler.

Banana. If still hungry then apple. If still hungry then banana. Repeat.

Fruits are good for you. Sugar in the morning and they hydrate you aswell. Might be a good idea to have a sandwich or something as a snack before lunch.

No protein? I'm gonna be hungry again in an hour or two!

Op was asking for a fast breakfast really early in the morning. I think its not a good idea to eat something very heavy just after waking up. That's why i recommended a sandwich as a snack some time later before lunch.

Fast as in the non-eating time since last meal or fast as in quick? I might have missed the original question... If it's the latter, there's plenty of quick, filling meal items in the morning. When I was serious about weight lifting, I would drink a protein shake 1-3 times a day to supplement muscle-building.

As for the former, intermittent fast-ers are adamant that anything other than water, plain coffee/tea will break their fast and provide less benefits.

I don't know, but wonder if there is a scientific basis for this. If you're avoiding eating something that's going to fill you up (ie protein), my reaction is kind of "why bother"...

Idk about that. I make biscuits and gravy on the weekends sometimes and always feel good for the rest of the day. The lighter stuff I eat during the week leaves me dragging by mid morning.

Oatmeal. You can customize it to what you need and your tastes. It just needs liquid for the oats and whatever additions you want to do. I use chia seeds and flax seeds for protein & fiber, and add frozen fruit and vanilla soy milk. Microwave and enjoy.

Peanut butter, dried fruit, honey, fresh fruit, etc. are all good choices

Oatmeal with dried cranberries, honey or brown sugar, with hot water poured over

I have little meal prepped oatmeal jars I set up. Everything is pre-measured just add a cup of water and pour in the jar, boil and you're done. They have oats, brewers yeast, salt, pepper, garlic powder, and sometimes whey protein (that one changes how you have to hear it though to prevent weird clumping). Throw a fried egg on top of I have time, or a scoop of cream cheese to mix things up

A serving each of full fat Greek yogurt, peanut butter, and chocolate protein powder all mixed up. It forms a mousse and is yummy. Takes a minute to make and a couple minutes to eat, lots of protein and fat so it keeps you going way longer than it should. I mix the PB into the yogurt first then mix in the protein, that helps it mix better.

I'm stealing this. I need to change up my breakfast routine, I've been making the same breakfast for 3 years. Cheesy chicken patty tortilla melt thing 🤷‍♂️

  1. Overnight oats
  2. Yogurt with frozen fruit and granola (parfait)
  3. Granola/protein bar of choice
  4. Hard boiled eggs
  5. Peanut butter toast

I'm only up to #3 and already full.

+1 for eggs for both nutrients and filling

Boil the night before when low on time; otherwise can scramble etc. for a warm meal when time allows

I commute via boat. My standard is instant oatmeal w/ dried fruit in a mason jar with lid and a coozie.

I buy the oatmeal and dried fruit in bulk and prep a weeks worth at a time. The whole process takes less than 5 mins. While I'm getting ready for work I boil water and then pour it in just before leaving. By the time I load up on the boat it's cool enough to eat.

Is there an equivalent to eatcheapandhealthy here?

Let's starting posting there and get some action happening. The latest post was 2 months ago, and the majority are 4 months old.

I need some cheap healthy food!

A bottle of Soylent contains 400 calories. It contains exactly 20% of each RDA-recognized vitamin, about 30 grams of carbs, a healthy balance of fats, and protein. Preparation is shaking the bottle for about three seconds, and peeling off a little foil seal.

Used to be you couldn’t drink it fast without getting digestion issues but now they’ve added enzymes to help digest the oats, so you can chug that bottle without issue.

A little more expensive than groceries you prepare, but cheaper than any buyable prepared breakfast you’d get from a coffee shop, diner, convenience store, or fast food joint.

I much prefer Huel. Especially when you make it with hot water. It's like drinkable oatmeal.

My favorite flavors are salted caramel and cinnamon roll.

I haven't tried Soylent. Does it actually make you feel full?

Yup. Just don't try to have a 100% Soylent diet, that's when I was always feeling hungry. This was like 10 years ago when I bought the powder in bulk.

The bottles you can buy at a grocery store today are much better. Downing a bottle of Soylent is unparalleled in terms of time, cost, amd nutrition.

I also drink these. I like the chocolate flavor.

I like that there’s a variety. I keep chocolate, strawberry, and banana on hand

Fil (fermented/soured milk) and musli in my opinion cannot be beaten. Get bowl, open fridge to get fil, pour fil into bowl, get muesli, add that and you are done. Pretty unprocessed, plenty of fiber and (depending on variety) lots of good bacteria. Cleaning up is also quick, water and a few swirls with the brush. Making coffee takes longer than chomping down on a bowl of fil and muesli.

Minimum prep: peanut butter toast with banana slices.

Little prep: fried eggs with toast and preserves.

Both are super easy to make and only take like 5-10 mins. It will take longer for the coffee or tea to brew.

Overnight oats. There's a ton of different ways to prep it for however you want it and whatever your nutritional needs are.

My go to is plain Greek yogurt and a handful of raspberries or strawberries. And throw in some oats or granola to change it up

Greek yogurt is good! I eat it with banana. My grain of choice is spelt, as my supermarket sells spelt "popcorn" without sugar, salt or fat. It's awesome.

Bircher muesli, it's basically oats soaked in milk overnight. Can be prepared weeks in advance (in dry form) and takes seconds to prepare the night before.

NO PREP: A couple slices of smoked salmon. A few cherry tomatoes. Another fruit of your choice (apple, orange, berries, etc.)

Substitute similar things for variety: Smoked mackrel, whitefish, trout, or herring. Vegetables like cauliflower, broccoli or snap peas instead of cherry tomatoes. Fish not your thing (too bad cause it's VERY healthy) then eat sliced meats. Leaner is healthier.


ANOTHER LOW PREP OPTION: Charcuterie board. Make it in a big glass storage container and keep it in the fridge so all you have to do is take it out. Graze. Put it back. These can have almost endless foods on them, but choose wisely. No candy, Nancy! Eat some nuts.


For years I ate cereal with milk and was still hungry. Stop being a bitch and putting sugar on your sugar and eat real food.

Even if you're not being super lean, one should know that sugar makes you hungrier, and increases cravings for sugar at a later date too.

Granola with yogurt.

I get a fairly low-sugar granola, or make my own (see 'food wishes - granola' on YT) and portion it into tupperware containers, 1/2 cup each. Then I put on 1/2 cup greek yogurt (the real kind, not the sugar-loaded kind) and freeze like 10 of them at a time. In the morning, i take one, add 1/2 cup oat milk, maybe some extra dry or frozen fruit, and by the time i get to work, its defrosted but still cold, mushy but still crunchy. Should be relatively low in bad sugars and pretty tasty.

I have a similar idea: Muesli/granola with yoghurt, plus an apricot on the side.

Scoop of protein powder, banana, handful of peanuts, shake of cocoa powder, 1/3rd cup oats, handful of berries, and coffee in a blender.

Hardboiled eggs are pretty minimal actual work, but take time. I can't eat much really early, but those I can.

Do you find you have no appetite in the morning?

I have this problem and find that Greek yogurt cups and black tea help.

Alternatively, the "BRAT" diet is meant for someone with a queasy stomach from being ill but also works in this case: Banana, Rice, Applesauce, Toast.

When I am running late I often make scrambled egg burritos. Warm a burrito tortilla over the stove flame, then scramble eggs with cheese and seasoning. I like egg whites, pepper, and cajun seasoning.

Can cook on a high flame if stirring constantly. Roll it up and run. It takes 3-4 minutes. Usually grab an apple and banana to go with it.

Way too many comments for me to reply to but thanks all for the suggestions!

Well, I’m Dutch. So sandwiches. Put something tasty on them and you’re done in a whim.

What bread do you use? I asked bcz white breads are not considered healthy.

I'm not the person you asked, but whole grain anything is a good choice as breads go: I like the multigrain stuff with seeds added.

Whole grain as pointed out by the other commenter. Might still be quite a difference, since I heard American bread is quite sweet, with added sugar and all. (If you’re from the US, that is)

My standard breakfast (for years) is: 1 hard boiled egg, a large spoonful of cottage cheese, and some fruit (usually a small banana or a mandarin orange). Assuming you hard boiled the eggs in advance, the prep time is however long it takes you to peel an egg.

Steel-cut oatmeal is super-easy, set-and-forget (1 cup water, 1/4 steel-cut oats, pinch of salt, Bring water to boil, stir in oats, salt, lower to bare simmer, uncovered 30 minutes, flavor as desired, eat).

But that can get boring. For something a little more exciting, super-nutritious, and almost zero-prep, do a sort of Norwegian-style open-face cracker (no, you don't need "the tubes", but if you can find them, knock yourself out). For this I take a tin of fish (usually smoked salmon or trout, but sardines, mackerel, or even tuna would work fine), a piece of cracking toast or a Scandy flatbread cracker (Wasa, knekkebrod), and some kind of "schmear" (a thin spread of cream cheese, sour cream, yogurt, or - my favorite - Trader Joe's Everything But the Bagel Yogurt Dip/Spread). I can get all these ingredients both cheaply and well-made at Trader Joe's (TJ Smoked Salmon in a tin, TJ Norwegian seeded flatbread, and the aforementioned dip). For a little additional oomph toss on tomato or cucumber slices.

This sounds really nice! Where I live in the US, most tinned fish even shitty ones, starts around $2 which is just too much to spend on breakfast :(

I'm all about the cheap breakfast man. While you CAN make some truly cheap breakfast, I've been making one that only costs 50 cents per serving, and I can make in less than 10 minutes, sometimes 5. For the time saved, it's worth it for us.

Food is so expensive, it's crazy.

Sorry, I only have the filling, easy to eat, and no prep parts to give you. I'm no health expert, just a lazy Lemming.

Normally my daily routine is a bowl of Cereal with milk. I have a banana sometimes with it. Zero prep.

If I need to count on having energy for the whole day, it's an over easy egg on buttered toast with margarine and black pepper. Some prep required.

My unhealthy "dinner for a week" meal is a pack of Costco hotdog buns and sausages that I cook two at a time whenever I want and slap mustard on it. That's 8 or so meals for just over $20.

I could cook more and better stuff but I'm just too lazy to do the prep, the cooking and the cleanup, but I'm also too cheap to do takeout more than once a week.

Oatmeal and one or two hard boiled eggs. It will satisfy your hunger so you don’t over eat and very healthy.

Wrap sweet potatoes in foil and roast them in the oven over night. In the morning, grab a sweet potato out of the oven and eat it for breakfast.

This is probably the easiest and most nutritious meal possible.

All Night? I'd be worried that’d be too long to try this myself.

Do ovens not have timers where you live? That's wild.

In my country, you set the timer (and temperature obv) on your oven for how long whatever you have needs to cook, and once it's counted down to 0, the oven switches off.

So you can put sweet potatoes in the oven to cook for an hour and go to bed- and get this right, in the morning you wake up to perfectly cooked and still slightly warm sweet potatoes, and a house that isn't burnt down.

Crazy or what right? So futuristic and high tech.

My shit just beeps at the end of the timer and you can't even hear it if you're in the other room. If you forget to turn off the oven, it just stays on forever.

...piece of shit

If it's not wired into the wall, you could plug it into a timer and set it that way.

what kind of shitty oven did you have that just plugged into the wall? they commonly use up to 5kW, so much more than any regular outlet will be able to handle

do ovens Not RUN on GAS wheRE you Live??? THAT'S WILD.

See, I can be a snarky dipshit too.

If your suggesting a fucking $10 timer on your electric oven plug, that's laughable. No wonder you said "overnight" instead of an actual time, it must take you the full 8 hrs to cook a potato with that thing.

No shit I've heard of a timer.

You're the one that said "overnight" in your explanation instead of an actual time to use. I meant no issues with my comment to you so I dont understand your issue.

I didn't even know this was possible. Looks like my current oven may be able to do it - it has a ticking timer knob - but pretty sure all previous ones didn't have this feature.

Other than the use case you have mentioned I can't see any reason to use it. It would be annoying to have the oven turn off before the food is cooked to perfection, which it rarely is at a prescribed time

Most oven timers in the U.S. start the oven when the timer runs out, rather than shutting it off.

Your snarky attitude makes you sound fun to be around. /s

I can't imagine wanting to eat a potato in of any kind first thing in the morning.

For those that grew up on hashbrowns or left over potatoes fried the next morning, it's a staple.

This is a surprisingly good breakfast. I add a little dab of butter and a tiny sprinkle of brown sugar.

I open a can of sardines and slice open an avocado. Healthy fats and protein, low carb!

I like to make oats in the microwave and mix in peanut butter and banana slices

Been doin 2 bananas with jar of peanuts. Bite of banana, pour in a few peanuts, eat together.

Cottage cheese with granola. Similar to yogurt but I think cottage cheese is more palatable. The low fat version (often 1% or 2% instead of whole/ full fat) doesn't have as strong a taste to me and is covered pretty easily by granola if you don't like the flavor of cottage cheese. I also recommend store brand for the same reason—the taste is less strong, it seem, than name brand. For example, I think Daisy cottage cheese tastes a lot like their sour cream and just doesn't work as well as whatever store brand is available (and often cheaper) right next to it.

Sometimes I add a little jam or something too, which is also good

Somehow I never liked breakfast, as a kid I'd try to avoid it if possible.

Over the last couple of years I pushed it even further and most of the time I only eat dinner.

Sorry for the uneducated downvotes, but some have yet to even hear about OMAD. 🤗

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Protein shake.

Chewing is linked with satiety, so I'd steer towards at least something semisolid to better meet ops criteria.

Fiber helps more with feeling full than chewing. A proper protein shake will fill you up.

I make pork and vege wontons and freeze them in the deep freeze in packets. When I don't want to eat in the morning, I put a packet in the steamer and have a shower. When I get out on the shower alarm, I have hot cooked dumplings to eat. It is good even at 430AM.

But if you want no prep, not even the ease of a steamer, then stewed fruit from the fridge or a can, mixed with yoghurt and some nuts (or nut flour) and a handful of dry uncooked rolled oats. It takes zero time, and is good quality, and can change with the seasons.

Bread, butter, cheese and cold cuts.

Unless there are dinner leftovers, I usually eat a corn farofa filled with two scrambled eggs, half onion, and a carrot. It's 10min cooking if you plan in advance (grate the carrot and chop the onion), really filling, and... well, you got two vegs and a grain and a source of protein, I'd say that it's nutritious.

Breakfast burritos: Scramble up some eggs and whatever you've got, toss it on a tortilla, throw some cheese and salsa on and you've got a hearty, easily transported meal that's relatively easy to make.

Oatmeal: Make your oats, toss in nuts, berries, whatever: Yum!

Sausages: I just stick them on a baking sheet, bake for 10 minutes at 400F, flip, 10 more minutes, and they're good to go. Save even more time by precooking them, storing them in the fridge, and microwaving them on the fly. Add some toast and guac, maybe a piece of fruit, and you've got some decent nutrition.

Breakfast shakes: Lots of nutrients and little to no prep time. Not super filling but enough to get you through at least the first few hours of the day.

I make steel cut oats in a rice cooker with a timer, so I can put the oats and water in the night before. I've pre-mixed the spices, peanut powder, flax powder. I throw nuts and raisins in when I mix it all together in the morning. For spices it's cocoa, tiny bit of cloves, tiny bit of cinnamon, tiny bit of ginger, pinch of salt.

Steel cut oats are even better done with chicken broth as a savory in the rice cooker. Use as you would rice with dinner, or break an egg over a bowlful in the morning and microwave or "fried rice" it.

I was hoping to find some cool ideas in this thread, but 🤮.

Miso soup is my go-to breakfast. You can get dashi powder and miso paste, then just heat water in the kettle and combine. I love that it’s warm and flavorful, but actually a pretty light breakfast (which I prefer).

So much prep going on in these comments.

Half a bowl of Shreddies, half of Swiss Muesli, milk. Tea if you have time, juice if not.

Chia seed pudding is super simple to do. Put 3-4 tablespoons of chia and one cup of liquid (e.g. milk) in a jar, throw it in the fridge and let it sit overnight. Add some fruit to it in the morning if you want flavor. It is basically flavorless if you don't.

Egg on toast. Takes just a minute or two to fry/scramble an egg and frankly you don't have to watch it like a hawk the whole time so you can make your coffee or whatever while it's frying. Throw a slice or two of cheese on top while the egg is still hot

I dunno about nutritious, but I sometimes like baking oat cookies and having them for breakfast, super easy to eat and honestly probably as bad for me as regular cereal. Do want to try and make them "healthy" though

Microwave oatmeal but with so much water that it's drinkable. Have a pint of that and your body will thank you tremendously.

Avocados toast is pretty easy. Toast some bread. Mash on some avocado. Sprinkle with garlic salt or everything seasoning. Delicious and healthy!

I always have a bowl of full-fat Greek yogurt with a spoonful of almond butter, a sprinkle of cinnamon, some collagen powder, and a little bit of maple syrup. Easy to scarf down in a hurry and keeps me satisfied for a few hours.

I'm cheap, and I also have barely any time for breakfast in the morning, and my wife likes it when I make her breakfast but she leaves for work an hour after me.

So this is what I do, and have done for almost three years straight now.

You get yourself some fully cooked frozen chicken patties Some small flour tortillas And a big bag of shredded cheese, your choice

First thing I do when I walk into the kitchen is start the toaster oven, getting it hot. Then I take a chicken patty out of the freezer and break it in half on the edge of the counter while it's still in the bag. Then I take a half sheet paper towel, and fold it in half, because I hate doing dishes. I put both halves of the chicken patty on it, pop it in the microwave for one minute, 30 seconds per half if I'm only doing one. Then while that's going, I slap two tortillas on the counter, sprinkle a healthy dose of cheese on them and spread it out evenly. By the time I'm done, so is the chicken, so I put each half on one side of each tortilla. Next comes the flavor. You can sprinkle a little garlic salt and pepper, or a dash of worcestershire, or my favorite was a dab of Chick-fil-A sauce under the patty. Then, slide it onto the rack in the piping hot toaster oven. Then I walk away to go start getting ready for work, just a simple task like finding socks or something, then I come back a minute or two later and the cheese is nice and bubbly, the tortilla is browning on the edges, it's just about ready to pull out. Then I pull them out, fold them in half, put mine on my water bottle to cool, and hers goes back into the toaster oven, but it's a fancy oven so I set the temp to 160f so it's nice and hot when she gets up, but doesn't keep cooking too much.

The whole process takes less than 10 minutes, maybe even 5 minutes if I'm really on my game in the morning.

The whole thing costs like 50 cents, and is plenty filling for me. It's probably not the healthiest option, but.. 🤷‍♂️

Why don't I use something more breakfasty, like sausage? Because I can't find it as cheap as the chicken. Funny enough, I actually started this whole process during COVID, with frozen precooked sausage patties. We got a bag of them with one of our low income commodity boxes, and couldn't figure out what to do with them. So I started doing this. Then when the bag ran dry, I transitioned to chicken. Not as good, but still good, and like I said, I'm cheap lol.

Hope this helps!

A frozen chicken patty covered in cheese and sauce is not exactly what I'd call nutritious.

It's definitely got the protein requirements, for a lot of people that's the main thing they worry about getting enough of. It's not like you have to eat it everyday or anything.

Cheap? Am I wrong in thinking most other typical breakfasts are considerably cheaper than tortillas, chicken and cheese?

I'm talking things like oats, museli, bread/toast with jams, cheese, meats, etc, eggs.

I mean, I guess it depends. Oats are pretty cheap, I'll give you that. But eggs? The cheapest I can source in my area is about $2.50 a dozen, maybe less if I looked harder. That's 20 cents an egg, and since you said eggs, plural, I'll assume two eggs. So 40 cents, that is cheaper than my 50 cent concoction, but.. eh.

I do like eggs for breakfast, and I do change up the routine on weekends. But for work days I don't want to have to think about my breakfast, and I want to be able to eat it with one hand, so I can run.

Toast and jam is a little too much like dessert for me, not enough protein 🤷‍♂️

I'll agree there are cheaper breakfasts, but there are also way more expensive ones 🤷‍♂️

Smoked salmon in scrambled eggs, 1/3 avocado, a slice of toasted gluten-free bread, a few leaves of baby kale or spinach, orange juice (preferably freshly squeezed), and as many fruits you want, chopped into a plain yogurt. That's the ultimate breakfast for me. I like it so much, that I often have it for lunch or dinner too.

I would never touch oatmeal, because I'm celiac: three Canadian research papers have found that even GF oats are actually contaminated in the field, and even if not, oats contain the avenin protein that is chemically too close to gluten, and so many immune systems mistake it for it, and react badly. My gluten-free bread mentioned above would have only rice flour, potato flour/starch, and tapioca starch, but no other grain apart from rice (I react to all other grains).

This sounds good. I have some sort of potassium shortage, and avocado has a lot of it. Plus I like avocado.


I'm struggling with the "little to no preparation required" part, I can see prep the night before for everything but the avocado and toast. Any tips to avoid cold hard bread and brown slimy avocado?

The bread slice can be kept in a plastic bag to stay soft. The avocado must be sliced at only 1/3 (don't expose the rest), put in a plastic bag with a bit of lemon juice the night before.

For the bread, I usually buy sliced bread at the bakery, or you can slice it yourself. And I freeze it. I always unfreeze it in the toaster and it's basically perfect and takes no effort

Frozen pancakes (1 min in microwave per package of 3) and a whey protein shake. This is the pinnacle of efficient and delicious nutrition. Everyone else's advice is misguided and wrong. Nobody has time for all that bullshit. You're welcome.

Option bonus: banana