I miss Sit and Spin in downtown Seattle. Cafe in the front, bar and event venue in the back and laundry on the side.
I miss Sit and Spin in downtown Seattle. Cafe in the front, bar and event venue in the back and laundry on the side.
I lived downtown Seattle in the 90s, close enough we just walked to Sit and Spin with our laundry. Best way to do laundry ever.
Also they were reasonably priced since they made most of their money off the cafe (which had really good food).
I'll have some of those memories for life.
Got an apology via 'Missed Connections' but we had met on CL dating so she knew I would probably see it.
Also saw one for my ex (different girl).
Don't 'break it up', nationalize it, and do the same with all these other giant corporations.
Profits could support UBI instead of encouraging billionaires.
Wearing a chain.
Chain necklace? Gay
Chain bracelet? Gay
Chain wallet? Also Gay
Chain mail. Well now you're a dork. And also Gay
What a weird choice for a photo
Does BK still say "Have it your way"?
Or M&Ms "Melt in your mouth, not in your hand."
Please drink a verification can.
You have lots of good answers posted but here is the trick...You have to START.
You don't need to sign up at the gym today and build a schedule to work out. That's way too much commitment. Instead just go outside.
That's it. Just put down the phone and go outside. Spend 5 or 10 mins out there. You didn't run a marathon, but you've done something today. Maybe later today you can go outside again. Tomorrow so the same thing. Put the phone down and go outside for a short time.
You gotta start somewhere, so make it easy and start small. Eventually you'll spend more time outside and less time doing nothing. Maybe you see cool plants and start getting into gardening. Maybe you find that walking isn't so bad and you find a park with a nice trail and work into jogging? Maybe the kid down the street wrecks his minibike in front of your house while you're outside and you stop to help and think the tiny motorcycle is cool and get inspired to start riding.
tldr- Don't just pick someone else's hobby. Put down the phone and go experience life outside your home. The hobby will likely find you when you start paying attention instead of distracting yourself.
I live off grid in the woods. Grew a full beard because shaving in the cold and the dark sucks. Always make time to keep the lower regions well managed though.
Also knowing several women that live similarly... They don't shave their legs but they do keep the rest of their hair very maintained.
She can have a regular owl like the rest of us.
Not pro-life, but anti-choice.
You'll notice this trend continues beyond the topic of women's health.
I commute via boat. My standard is instant oatmeal w/ dried fruit in a mason jar with lid and a coozie.
I buy the oatmeal and dried fruit in bulk and prep a weeks worth at a time. The whole process takes less than 5 mins. While I'm getting ready for work I boil water and then pour it in just before leaving. By the time I load up on the boat it's cool enough to eat.
Imagine being unemployed and looking for work.
I have to answer every call.
Every call is spam. The number of calls I get has increased tenfold.
I'm certain that some of these jobs and recruitment sites aren't actually hiring for anything. They are just collecting and selling my data.
Everybody talking about free vs paid but nobody linking to the good ones of either...
Many of us also use 'Cascadia', in reference to the mountains we reside in and around.
Can I pick where they put my extra finger?
but I am NOT social.
Said to another human while using a service that is designed for social interaction.
You might be awkward in public but you're still human.
A crack or chip in the porcelain. When they finally give way, they can be dramatic about it. It's not uncommon at all and can happen while not in use. Temperature changes can trigger it as well.
Always replace a chipped or cracked toilet ASAP. Not worth the risk of mess or injury.
As someone who also has to argue about how wrong everyone else is...
I always tell them to imagine the iconic 'slipping on a banana peel' joke. Sometimes I make them draw it.
If you peel from the stem, it would never look like that. We have so many references that I challenge anyone to show me any media from any time period that shows the banana opened from the stem.
People learn the stem way as children because it's easier with limited motor skills and just never give it up.
Get rid of stops for small shit like expired tabs or dim taillights so traffic cops can focus on unsafe driving. John Oliver did a pretty good piece on this recently.
To prepare you for the future when the police stop you and ask to see your Disney papers.
After all if you don't exist to Disney, you don't really exist at all.
If you remove a rib, you won't need a condom anymore.
Almost 3 years after quiting a heavy 26 years habit. I quit cold turkey.
Currently being forced to move having no income and no social circle and family is distant.
Super proud I haven't broken yet. I want one ALL THE DAMN TIME.
I use physical exercise to help me get through my cravings.
Had a good doctor who told me you can't "try to quit". You can't "cut back". You can't quit for other people or before you are ready. But once you are... he said every successful quitter he helped, quit cold turkey. You have to stop 100% or you won't stop. He offered meds to help with the emotional and physical side effects. I declined.
I was a smoker for 20+ years, many of those I was well over a pack a day and I worked in a smoking bar for over a decade. It's probably too late for me is what I thought, BUT I DID IT.
Quit 2 and a half years ago. It hasn't gotten any easier yet. I still want to smoke daily. But I haven't had a single puff. I still hang out with friends that smoke but I did change my normal environment. (Quit while I was moving to make breaking associated habits easier.)
The things I found most helpful when the craving kicks in... Exercise was the best. HARD physical labor. Also sleeping and eating. Luckily I was in decent shape already so eating a bit more often wasn't a huge deal. The tons of extra exercise just burned it off or helped build up some muscle mass I didn't know was possible.
You could have at least put a spoiler tag on it!
Hoping to hear an answer to this.
As someone who saved literal cases of gaming mags from the 90s-00s I'm ready to part with them hoping someone else will go through the effort to scan them and make them available. I just don't have the time or resources for that project and I've got a storage unit FULL of gaming gear that I need to empty. It's hard enough to go through the games and hardware, I just want to get rid of the boxes and boxes ofabysls and magazines but I don't want to trash them.
This last winter I was unemployed and I got sick enough to need antibiotics.
I couldn't prove that I didn't have a job, so the 'sliding scale clinic' charged me $586 to talk to someone (not a doctor). I knew what I needed. I was forced to take an unnecessary STD test ($180) and to promise I would go in for additional testing and scanning (undisclosed price, to be determined AFTER).
The meds were around $40 for a week of pills (15 pills).
I knew my issue, and just needed a prescription for the antibiotics.
I have a job now. They want about $200 a month for the basic coverage. I have on average, $20-$30 at the end of the pay period. So I could get insurance, but it means skipping more meals (I already skip several a week to save money).
So I just hope nothing ever goes wrong because if it does, I'll need to be close to death before I get help that will take me years to pay for.
I'd play the shit outta that
Had to learn this the hard way myself.
Now I literally ask when it isn't obvious. Do you want support or solutions? It's rarely the latter but at least we're both on the same page.
I subscribed to all sorts of newsletters, and at least one was dinosaur specific. I would also write professors at local colleges with questions and usually get a response.
Also worked at the library and could order just about any book available. At that point most libraries would order books if they didn't have them already.
But mostly newsletters and science journals until BBS became more common and user friendly when we first started having available computers.
This makes me think I need an addition to my will...
to make sure my kid can sell my remains for profit!
Pretty sure you can just reverse the polarity.
Very similar position here.
I've always felt that it wasn't anyone's business but my own and the person I want to touch. I don't worry about putting myself in a box so I don't wear a label.
Those that "need" to know are told that I am "independent". What does that mean to me? It means I decide who I want to fool around with. Sex is more than just tabs and slots.
Although I have found that this answer is unacceptable to nearly everyone, so I can't say I recommend it.
Most of the emulators get the sounds wrong. I still have my original 2600 and a TV to run it on. Someday it'll make it back out of storage.
It's SPD and WLCB, both like a good shakedown.
I ran a club for years and dealt with their bullshit often. Luckily I knew my local SPD so our checks were super easy. LCB didn't like us though so when they decided to come by they would have a list of tickets to write up and if you didn't know your RCWs front to back you'd have no choice but to accept the fines. (Much like police don't know the laws they enforce, LCB agents don't either.)
SOS doesn't stand for anything. People made it up later.
The original distress signal was CQD, which stood for "seeking you, distress" or "all stations, distress," according to PBS. This was widely used by the British, while Germans used SOE and the Americans used NC, which meant "call for help without delay."
A 1906 International Telegraphic Radio Conference effectively standardized communication by suggesting the simpler SOS, which is easier to signal because of its distinct dots and dashes sequence.
See the difference for yourself:
CQD: -.-./--.-/-..
SOS: .../---/...
Minecraft just moved to an official site recently
Someone made a mod to add controller vibration feedback that appears to be mostly compatible with anything, including sex toys.
Vegetarian for over 20 years. Most of my chili is "leftovers chili". It's about the flavor more than the ingredients. I suppose it's more of a chili flavored goulash technically.
Usually starting with black beans, chick peas, tomatoes, peppers and chili spices. Then whatever leftovers I don't want to eat get chopped up and added. My favorite leftover is old French fries because they never reheat right anyway. Also a great way to use up produce that is going bad but not yet unsafe to eat.