103 Post – 1183 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Good thing they were fast enough to destroy it with the shittiest last season ever.

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Do a barrel roll

If people would use the lemmy cross posting functionality it would only show up once.

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I don't understand why the article writes that iMessage is the only way for encrypted messaging between Android and iOS. I can thing of several off the top of my head:

  • Matrix
  • Signal
  • WhatsApp
  • Facebook Messanger (very soon)
  • Threema
  • Telegram
  • Viber
  • Line
  • Skype

And there are surly more ...

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10k is "a hefty savings"? That money is gone very quickly if you have a family and a mortgage, etc.

I don't think 10k would change anything, I would still need to hurry to get a job.

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We are approaching the use of AI in Firefox — which many, many of you have been asking about

Which one of you was it, who asked for AI in Firefox???

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Oh, that article is also from 2019

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Hm, I feel Brother was the last brand which didn't do that, are there any alternatives?

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I was hoping we could keep the reddit posts in !

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Why not just use Firefox (while you still can ...)

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I've never understood thy people are so obsessed telling others that they should not eat dog meat while mjnching on a burger with crispy bacon and chicken nuggets.

If a vegan does it then I get it, but you are not a better person because you arbitrarily chose not to eat some specific meat, but have no problem with cruelty when it comes to other species.

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Especially Open Source stuff.

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"You wouldn't wash a car!"

No. We should not give them our money.

If anything then we should post more links to relevant original Lemmy content on other platforms.

Ally, without them spaces like this here would be unusable and full of spam.

This is how it looks like to be in the wrong side of history.

This post somehow makes me being much more ok with all the jeans bullshit on Lemmy.

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That they yhrew away all the rules they established before like traveling now took 0 hours and soon. All of this because the last book wasn't written yet so they had to write some story themselves and failed misserably.

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Me and the boys went to Japan once and were ordering gin tonics. They gradually became stronger and stronger until they told us that they run out of tonic water.

By then we were already drunk and very loud. Must have been quite bad being on that plane and wanting to catch up on some sleep.

Sorry for that.

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I don't know, every time I read a headline with the word "could" in it I'm not interested, because there are no facts in it it's just speculation.

  • If my grandma had wheels, she could have been a bike
  • Aliens could change Trumps hair color
  • Reddit could destroy itself
  • Lemmy could be the greatest thing since sliced bread
  • China could collapse
  • Russia could collapse
  • The US could collapse

the list goes on and on.

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I'd like to add KdenLive to the Video Editing point.

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And because under Linux nobody uses websites to install software but just uses their package manager, nobody noticed until Kaspersky discovered it.

I don't think it should be done by a specific name, it should be user defined, I should be able to add the communities together which I deem that they do belong together for some reason.

I think the only reason is that they're swamped with bug reports and more important feature requests so they didn't have the time to implement it yet.


and probably many more. The devs are looking at the different approaches and commenting there, so you should be able to get a good picture how it's going by reading the comments there.

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Cute, they thought that it would only grow in one dimension while in reality it did in two.

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Mastodon is a very cool heavy metal band and a extinct elefant like creature I don't get what would be lame about it.

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That's why I was so confused that all the workers stood behind the CEO and threatened to go to Microsoft.

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While jumping and running on scene you want something sturdy not a whimpy 3.5mm jack.

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The code is already prepared very well to be embedded into something. I remember trying to embed the javascript engine SpiderMonkey into a project (I needed C bindings which I then could use in Erlang). After a week or so trying and extending, etc. we gave up and tried V8 which we had running within one hour with good documentation great APIs and so on.

I myself have been Firefox user since Firefox came out but trying to embed it myself and failing I kind of get why others choose Chromium/Blink as their base.


I really wonder if this will make any people move from Chrome to Firefox at all because they can't use their adblockers anymore. There are probably so few people that most of them already are on Firefox I guess.

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I have two hypothesis to what might have happened:

  1. Putin got to him, but instead of falling out of a window he fell from the sky
  2. Prigozhin stages his own death so he could escape with at least some of his money to somewhere in Africa or South America
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This trust needs to be earnes.

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I was already confused for the Abba digital concert and with Kiss I'm still confused. What do they mean by avatar and why would I go to a "concert" of a prerendered game sequence instead of watching a video of the original band on YouTube at home?

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I've always helped everyone I'm helping with their computers to switch to Firefox, but that's not enough.

In 2004 I blogged about How to install Firefox 1.0 perhaps it's time for an update of that article?

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So I guess that would make it more resilient agains Nintendos efforts to destroy all emulators?

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So if the guy behind the wheel died and couldn't react to the alerts then the car can't do a decision to just stop instead of crashing into a police car?

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Finally, that's what everyone has been eagerly waiting for ...

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I guess here in Korea it's eating with chopsticks. In Sweden it was Swimming (especially for my Indian work mates). In Germany it was opening a beer bottle with anything you just happened to have in your hand at that time. In Poland I'm not sure, but probably making those elaborate sandwiches for parties.

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