Here’s what we’re working on in Firefox | The Mozilla Blog to – 348 points –
Here’s what we’re working on in Firefox | The Mozilla Blog

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We are approaching the use of AI in Firefox — which many, many of you have been asking about

Which one of you was it, who asked for AI in Firefox???

It looks like they are riding the AI wave to bring more features that are just good, local ML-based, and I'm all in for it. Firefox Translation is a great recent example, it's good.

AI actually can be very good at translating things locally while keeping tone and intent, and thats what mozilla mentions here. I'm fully down with AI powered local translation tools native to firefox, it'll put it way above the competition

Some LLMs are low enough in resource usage to do this on weak and older PCs

when used to enhance accessibility? me. especially in this case where it's used for better alt text and descriptive text in pdfs, a tech that has long struggled with that.

It's a useful technology. Would be stupid to ignore it