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But they're already back! The Steam Deck is the resurrected Steam Machine.

23 more...

I was intrigued for a moment; installed the package; then got greeted with this -- I don't think I'll proceed any further:

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Little known fact: A Stanford mainframe kept logs of the activities of the 'wheels' in a journal -- the 'journal of the wheels'. Young George Lucas, who briefly attended the university, found that journal, and became fascinated with the 'Wheel Wars'. He later drafted a document that he called 'Journal of the Whills', based largely on what he read on those logs; this is the draft that later became 'Whill Wars', and ultimately, of course, 'Star Wars'.

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what message? This was a real product released by Sony.

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The bot says it 'saved 0%'; so at least it's honest.

Thanks indeed; but I think I'd be more impressed if it were actually true.

(but yeah, the first draft of Star Wars was called 'journal of the whills'.)

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Skimmed over the whole article -- I wish this had been available back when I was trying to piece together the basics from the documentation. There really needs to be a 2nd part, though, with some discussion of the GVariant signatures, which the author says were 'beyond the scope of' this article -- which is true; nevertheless, understanding that syntax (and how to use it e.g. with gdbus) is an absolute requirement for using dbus properly; and as a silly amateur, I lost so much time over them.

This can't go on, I must inform the Hurd,
Can this monolith be real, or just some crazy dream?
But I feel drawn towards the GPL-2,
Seem to mesmerize, can't avoid Tivoization!

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I am afraid that the need to understand how tools work will never go out of fashion. Not everyone's horizons are limited to one-time quick & dirty solutions.

chatgpt makes it ... go, amirite?

awk predates perl as well as python by a pretty large margin (1978); it's useful, of course, for processing things in a pipeline, but as it became obsolete as a general-purpose scripting language, users have had less and less of a reason to learn its syntax in detail -- so nowadays it shows up in one-liners where it could be replaced by a tiny bit of cut.

I had worked through a good bit of the O'Reilly 'sed & awk' book -- the first programming book I got, after being enticed by shell scripting in general. Once I learned a bit of Python, & got better at vim scripting, though, I started using it less and less; today I barely remember its syntax.

Those are straightforward; it's the remaining 900 options that are confusing. I always need to look up --excludes and always get --directory wrong, somehow.

Putting the following with executable permissions inside ~/.local/share/nautilus/scripts/SCRIPTNAME adds a right click menu to Nautilus that serves the same purpose:


[[ "${XDG_SESSION_TYPE}" == "x11" ]] && CLIPBD='xsel -ib'
[[ "${XDG_SESSION_TYPE}" == "wayland" ]] && CLIPBD='wl-copy --trim-newline' && wl-copy --clear

  | tee >(xargs -I {} notify-send "Path Copied:" "{}") \
  | ${CLIPBD}

The 'notify-send' bit isn't necessary; it just puts up a notification.

Mentioning only because it's a simple demonstration of a pretty easy way to extend Nautilus for all kinds of purposes; w/o messing around with the pygobject interface. (There's supposed to be an xdg standard for file manager extensions like this, but managers use their own custom folders, syntax, etc. for such extensions. I think pcmanfm adheres to the standard; Dolphin requires a .desktop file somewhere; Thunar, Caja, & Nemo work similar to Nautilus.)

Oh wow I didn't realize he repeated 'developers, developers, ...' 666 times on that event.

GNU-Epoch is not the UNIX-Epoch.

I was about to quote the same.

... I mean, when you're this clueless, maybe don't put out 'articles' for others to read -- it's wasting everyone's time.

I thought the title of this article was intriguing; because in the Linux community certain aspects of the desktop experience do get hyped; & there's a tendency in general to sweep various usability issues under the rug, with the unwarranted confidence that we're already "better than everyone else" in every way; though the article doesn't address any of those.

He/she runs off to online forums to bicker about which {distro, WM, DE, text editor} is best, and how all others are unfathomably inferior, fundamentally broken abominations?

Or ... oh, sorry, I thought you meant something else.

Right; a stationary Steam Machine (upgradable, etc.) would be a desktop PC running SteamOS, which should probably remain outside the purview of Valve's hardware division.

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Also animate it at ~10fps, making it visibly sad when it can't retrieve the files you ask for.

Better cite Wozniak as the one who 'made' Apple; but anyway.

This one's pretty good, I think: emac from 2002

Same here; also I once sent vim, the FreeBSD Foundation, & Thunderbird $5 each.

pathetic overall

Wayfire brought back the compiz self-immolating window.

Actually I wonder if they named 'wayfire' after that fire effect.

On https://wiki.xfce.org/releng/wayland_roadmap it says:

xfce4-panel and xfdesktop have been ported to Wayland assuming our compositor will be based on wlroots.

xfce4-panel + xfdesktop + labwc is all the 'xfce' I think I'd ever need; so the wayland port is more or less 'done', AFAIC.

(Thunar has been wayland native since the gtk3 port completed a long time ago.)

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I thought... well... nevermind...

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'should have' -- but didn't? What happened then?

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You can define a bunch of aliases in any shell environment for that. Or use a history manager (a database client essentially) that groups commands you've entered so far based on frequency, return value, working dir. when they were issued etc.

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Recently I became aware of 'StarLite' tablets -- the prices are pretty steep, but the specs look really good, esp. wrt the screen.

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The chatbots, presumably.

For reference purposes, the manpages. For a more conversational, 'guide for the perplexed'-type book, though, I'd wholeheartedly recommend Michael W. Lucas's 'Networking for sysadmins' book: https://mwl.io/nonfiction/networking#n4sa -- this one helped me understand many of the fundamental concepts.

What does Poett.'s current employment have to do with anything, though? Guido van Rossum (Python) & Simon Peyton Jones (Haskell) work at M$; I believe the guy who started Gentoo went on to work there likewise. Same with the lead dev of GNOME. I despise M$ as much as the next man; but correlations like these reek of guilt by association.

Firefox is already compatible with v3, by the way, since version 109: https://extensionworkshop.com/documentation/develop/manifest-v3-migration-guide/

As of bash 4.3, (which came out nearly 10 years ago) it's possible to get readline to set a variable to do that: https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/bash.git/tree/CHANGES?h=bash-4.3#n832

I've haven't used bash in a long time, but there are many questions/answers on stackoverflow that provide hints as to implementing an indicator like that. One zsh's 'zle' (line editor) it's a matter of setting an environment variable inside a custom prompt; so the bash approach should be similar.

Not sure what the question is -- are you looking to port extensions over yourself, or are you just exclaiming, "it can't be so hard, so why won't someone do it!".

There's plenty of documentation over at MDN as to writing extensions, writing cross-browser extensions, porting mv2 firefox extensions over to mv3, the differences between Firefox's mv3 implementation, and that found in Chrome, etc. etc. etc. The following are good starting points: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions & https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/Build_a_cross_browser_extension

For ground-level, basic stuff (managing a popup, communicating between popup & a 'background' script, between content loaded on the browser & your scripts, managing a context menu, etc.) writing an extension is straightforward once you develop some degree of understanding of the sometimes convoluted paths the data needs to take, the permissions you need to have in order to pass messages through, etc. Larger extensions are full fledged applications in their own right, though, so tackling them introduces difficulties of a different order of magnitude.

The Falkon browser is extensible (in its own way) through QML; and the Nyxt browser is extensible in common lisp. These aren't 'webextensions' in the precise sense of the term, though they could be just as useful. I wrote a basic bookmark manager that I use mainly on Firefox; but I ported its core functionality (just send the current page's title, url, & selections from the <head> tag over to my database (postgresql via the postgrest http frontend, to which I just make a fetch request)) to QML, and it was pretty straightforward. Falkon is based on Qt's QtWebEngine, which is Chromium-based; Nyxt is based on WebKit.

edit: There's also luakit and qutebrowser . The former is extensible via lua 5.1 scripts, the latter, python; there isn't a wealth of documentation & examples, though (at least there wasn't last time I checked) so the API can be a bit of a mystery. Luakit as webkit as its engine, qutebrowser is built on QtWebEngine just like Falkon.

There are two really good O'Reilly books: https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/sed-awk/1565922255/ and https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/mastering-regular-expressions/0596528124/ (regex in general)

-- not sure if these are still available as standalone pdfs; but back in the day I worked through them in part, and they were extremely helpful.

The JS bindings to GTK4 (GJS) are complete, AFAIK; & allow for facilities like Gtk.Expression which the Python bindings still don't have --- & they've made rapid progress in a short time. The online documentation that's available is also getting really good.

Though I'm not sure why extensions have to be in JS, since JS is acting as a 'glue language' to the GObject bindings anyway. Isn't an extension just a GTK application that talks to specific DBus interfaces?

I suspect that the issue boils down to not-so-well-fleshed-out (to put it politely) dbus interfaces on GTK apps. Probably GJS has an easier time setting/sending messages & signals over DBus, so that's why extensions are in JS.

Many languages have well functioning bindings to GObject, Gdk, etc.; some are more complete than others (lua's (lgi) are trailing behind -- but still, you can do things like subscribe to a dbus_proxy in an embedded lua that lives inside vim or neovim, and send-receive messages with that) & some even come with good documentation, tutorials, etc.

I saw purple haired people with rainbow face masks on p. 3, I don't need to look any further sir, thank you very much.

... maybe I should add the '/s' too, you never know.

I kinda like the redesigned chameleon in the SUSE logo; maybe they could let openSUSE borrow it?

... though I guess not, because brand identity is the holy of holies, and all that.

chromium is based on a fork of webkit; webkit proper does remain -- I don't know how much of an influence google has on it though; all I 'know' is that it's Apple's adoption of a KDE project.

No, because he has already sent the beast with wrath.
— because he knows the time is short.

In any case, let him who have understanding
reckon the kernel of the beast;
for it is a human number;
not a semver number. So don't worry about it. \
