Did you ever buy that toy you wanted as a kid but didn't get?

Jeena@jemmy.jeena.net to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 174 points –

I myself wanted one of those remote controlled air planes. I thought that's the coolest thing ever. Once I grew up and had the money, I never bought it.


One memory that kept popping up occasionally over the years is of my mother lending my neighbor my favorite matchbox car. By the time I'd gotten to him, he'd crushed it. I don't think he meant anything by it, and I don't have bad feelings to either one of them, I just know how much that sucked. I do remember that nobody gave a shit, and I never got it replaced.

Late last year I decided I was gonna get it back, so I've spent a few hours spread over some months when I was bored at my pc looking at matchbox size red Dodge Vipers from the 90s. Most had the wrong color, or extra decals, or the wrong wheels, etc. Eventually I found it, ordered a copy, and it got delivered about a month ago. I don't play with it, but it sits on my desk at home as a sort of fidgeting toy.

I'm sure it says some bad shit about my psyche but to me it's a nice reminder of a time when I was much happier. Maybe I should get some beyblades.

Your story is why I always donate my old matchbox cars and stuff that isn't precious to me. It might bring maximum joy sitting on someone's desk, rather than in a drawer I am ignoring.

Fuck yeah brother. I'm glad you God that perfect itch scratched. Also. Buy all the beyblades!

After years of my family saying I'm too difficult to buy gifts for, and me saying, "What the hell are you talking about? Just get me LEGO!", one of my kids got the message and has been getting me LEGO sets for Christmas every year.

It might have started when I bought myself the Cinderella Castle set.

The only problem I have is I'm 53, not 13. Sitting hunched over a pile of LEGO bricks for hours leaves me in pain. I need to come up with a space where I can play without injuring myself.

A standing desk is magic. You'll spend the day on your feet, playing with legos!

Perhaps a low table or an office chair without arm rests to get a closer to waist level

Actually, now I'm thinking I've forgotten how it's supposed to work. I've been trying to sit in a chair and use a table.

Maybe I should be sitting on the floor.

Might need some help standing up again.

Sitting hunched over a pile of LEGO bricks for hours leaves me in pain. I

I have the same issue, so I recruit younger family members to do parts of my build while I get up and stretch.

But I give them very specific instructions what page to stop at and come get me, otherwise the whole build is done without me.

Always thought LEGO is just a perfect toy. Children like letting their imagination go wild, while adults enjoy assembling gorgeous dioramas with instructions to put on a shelf immediately making that shelf a 1000 times cooler. The only reason I'm not buying LEGO is that my rented apartment has no shelves and it would be a bitch to pack when I inevitably move somewhere else.

The one toy I wanted more than anything as a kid was the Jurassic Park Compound.

I see them on Ebay going for $100-200, but that's just for the building itself. It'd be pretty pointless to have a big fence with no dinosaurs in it, so I'd have to buy some dinos too. And I need action figures to sit in the watchtower and watch over the dinosaurs, you gotta have that.

And then the realities of adulthood set in: I wouldn't enjoy this toy as much as I would have when I was a kid. Kid me would probably spend hours with this thing crafting big elaborate stories about wrangling dinosaurs and stuff like that. Nearly-40 me would set up the toys, make sure everyone's in cool poses, and then it would probably sit on a shelf. I'm not really sure it's worth it.

So while I'm sad I never got the toy as a kid, I think going back and buying it nowadays would be kind of an expensive hollow victory.

My Grant figure lost his glued on hat and he always had an ugly boxy cone bead underneath 😭All I wanted was a new hat.

Nearly-40 me would set up the toys, make sure everyone's in cool poses, and then it would probably sit on a shelf. I'm not really sure it's worth it.

I gave in, and made that shelf, and I was pleasantly surprised how much joy it brings me. Each time I glance over, a get a little dopamine hit. It feels right that I kept a promise I made to myself when I was little.

Edit: I don't touch the shelf much, but I know that I could, and that makes me happy.

I wanted a Tyco RC car as a kid. My parents actually got it for me after waiting nearly a whole year for my birthday, and it was one of the most expensive birthday gifts I'd ever received.

Turns out it uses a proprietary battery that wasn't even included in the package! We'd have to go out and buy that separately, which made the thing like 50% more expensive.

We couldn't afford that so I agreed to return the RC car and pick something else.

I've decided to boycott them for life. Stupid Tyco for running my birthday with a stupid toy that doesn't even include the battery.

I never got that Gameboy I wanted, but that's OK, I'm made up for it using emulators years later.

Emulators were a godsend as a kid. I was lucky and had a cousin who was way into that stuff and set me up with several burned cd's with zsnes and tons of ROMS when I was around 12. I experienced so many more games than I would've otherwise!

People talk about needing the CRT filters and blah blah to have a realistic experience, heck. Sharp pixels, Save states and Fast forwarding through unskippable stuff have been part of the experience for me for 25 years! Fanmade romhacks and expansions (like for chrono trigger, which I would never have experienced without emulation) are awesome!

Same here. Got one a Miyoo Mini+ and put a community OS on it and a curated set of ROMs. 10 year old me would love it!

But turns out as an adult I just don’t have much use for it. The down side of being much more in control of how I spend my own time lol

i finally got the gameboy and the screen was so dim it was unusable, and the batteries 4x AA lasted maybe an hour.

If you really want to play games on the classic devices, consider checking out IPS screen mods that add a backlight to most models of gameboy. I’ve also seen rechargeable USB-C battery packs mods people install

I wanted the micro machine van that opened as a town with the little mini cars.

i have that! come over and play mega man x with me and we can take turns with the micro town.

wait nvm its at (my daughters) grandmas house

Ooh I had that. Now my kids play with it. I hope you get one eventually. It’s still awesome!

Not exactly a toy.

Wanted the black toyota pick up from back to the future when i first watched the movie as a kid.

Ended up buying a version of it without remembering how much i wanted that truck as a kid.

When i saw it the first time after buying my truck i thought holy shit adult me bought child me his dream vehicle without realizing it

(It was not the exact same but might as well have been)

Best. Toy. Ever. I am both proud and so very envious of you

Theres a new electric truck that is inspired by the same black truck. Not sure if it will ever reach production but man that would be wild to get one and make my dreams come true in a whole new but like the same way

I always wanted one of those little cars kids can drive. Nearly 30 and almost done saving up for my first car. I’m very excited!

Nah. a 2.5 meter aircraft carrier is not really any more practical today than it was in 1986.

I had a Commodore 64 as a kid but we couldn't afford the disk drive (it was as much as the computer). I had to settle for a cassette drive. About 15 years later, I was at a garage sale and saw a C64 with disk drive but no cords. I asked the seller if it still worked. He said "For a dollar, does it matter?". Still have them.

And the disk drive was still slow as shit. I always wanted an Apple //e and we couldn't afford it. Biggest mistake my parents ever made imo, if they'd've sprung for it I might have gotten into tech 10 years earlier and I'd be filthy rich rn.

Anyhow, I got one, with Duodisk drive and everything. I regret nothing.

Yeah that drive was $200+ if I recall correctly. I had to live with the tape drive for a year or so, was not fun. Then my mom bought me a Blue Chip drive because it wasn't so expensive. It did not work well and she still wound up buying the 1541 drive. Thanks mom.

I wanted a Sega Genesis for Christmas one year but I already had a Super Nintendo that I played all the time and my parents didn't want to pay for another console. When I was in highschool, a used game store opened in my town. Back then game collecting was a lot cheaper than it is now, so I was able to get a Genesis for like $30 and I enjoyed it.

I have the exact mirror story to yours.

The used SNES that I bought absolutely lived up to the hype, and beyond. Both those systems are fantastic, and I'm glad I took the effort to explore the games I didn't have access to as a kid.

Yes!! I bought a Lite-Brite.

They must be lot less bulky now right? When I was a kid they were these heavy steel boxes that got quite hot because they used an incandescent bulb.

I had a plastic one but it was still an incandescent bulb and a black paper that absorbed all the heat.

YES!!!! I swear it’s not the same size surface area too.

Nice! Hi res lite bright would have blown kid me away

I loved Transformers when I was a kid. My parents never worried about putting food on the table but we didn't have a lot of disposable income, so I never had the Power Wheels or the Action Figures, or whatever when I was growing up.

One day in my late 30s I realized I could just buy Optimus Prime. So I did. He's hanging out on a shelf in my office.

Yeah, my parents didn't have money for expensive toys either. I had a small transformer that I swapped off a kid at school for all my marbles (including the large steel bearing). It transformed from robot into tape cassette and I thought that was just cool as fuck.

My girlfriend has an unopened original Optimus prime. I told her how fucking awesome that was, she gave it to me as a "dowry'. I fucking love that woman. Yes I'm going to marry her

True story. I was in a comic store and saw a statue of a character I loved as a kid. He wasn't an action figure when I was young, so technically I'd never wanted it as a kid. Anyway, I saw it and wasn't going to get it, but then I realized if I didn't buy it I'd be kicking myself for years.

I brouhgt it and it sits on my shelf. I seldom think about it, but when I do I'm happy i have it.

When the 3ds was relatively new, I saw one being sold at a garage sale for $20 bundled with Pokemon. Clearly just some old person who didn't know its value. I wanted it so bad, but my dad said no. I didn't have a game console until the Wii, and never had a handheld. I've always been a huge gamer, but I was basically forced onto PC lol.

No. I always wanted steel battalion but it's even more expensive now and I still don't have an original Xbox to play it on. If yall don't know it's a 400usd game that comes with a super big controller for a mech suit. You have to use that controller for it and if you don't eject from your mech before it explodes the game permanently deletes your save file.

I remember seeing the controller in the glass case at the used game store and thinking how awesome that would be. I do still have a working OG Xbox but was finally considering selling it since most of my favorites are backward compatible now.

If I had the money I would 100% just buy one but if I have that kinda money to burn I would get a new macro lens or just keep saving for a better camera.

Jep, I bought a Furby when I first moved out. After about 2 months it stopped working (didn't even drop it). So I cut it open, the cheapest piece of electronics I ever saw for that price tag.

Foreshadowing for what I would soon learn about the adult world in general.

When a good friend had a child I bought them a big Brio set. Every kid should have Brio.

My friend and his brother both do woodworking as a hobby, they made custom track, bridges, tunnels, and rolling stock. It's now a whole room in a house. It should last a few generations.

It's now a whole room in a house. It should last a few generations.

That is so cool.

I always wanted a cool Voltron toy with all the lions, but I never got one. When Lego released theirs I bought it straight away.

I have the Voltron from the Netflix series and it's frigging great.

The giant metal one that broke down to the 5 lions and could transform was the pinnacle of childhood toy wants.

Trypticon. He unfolds into a base, and he walks in Dino mode, and he's so freaking cool.

I saw him for $35 at a Walmart and never pulled the trigger. Still kicking myself for that.

Ditto. What the hell was I thinking. My inner voice of my 8 year old past self is still pissed at me.

Sort of. My grandparents spoiled me growing up so I had a lot of fun toys, but lost them all in a house fire in high school. I've been slowly picking up some of my favorites ever since, everything from Mighty Max to Transformers to OG Gameboy games.

No... but thanks to emulation I could play all the games I couldn't play as a kid because we couldn't afford consoles or VGA colour screens.

Oh yeah! I wanted a small RC helicopter, quite simple thing, never got one. I remembered that a few years ago & really got into pov drones. Another consideration was the factual impossibility for me to get a real pilots licence. So I took the cheap road. My wife's opinion may vary.

I did get one. You know how drones have a buttload of sensors and computers to make them fly level and straight? Well what RC helicopters do instead of technology, is that they crash. A lot.

I just want to say thank you to OP. I am going out and treating myself to all the stuff little me wanted

I bought a ton of ps1 , ps2 and ps3 games recently that I couldn't afford before. Also I buy my son Lego sets he too young to build himself and make them for him because I find it really fun .

Why grow up otherwise? Also, why grow up samewise?

I always wanted the Decepticon Soundwave and all the tapes. I wound up getting a masterpiece of him and all his tapes. Got him set up on a shelf in my room.

Grew up with Commodore 64s and Ataris. Always thought it'd be ace if the graphics were loads more realistic



Other than that I mostly got all the things I wanted because I didn't really want much. The only expensive toy I wanted was a proper RC car and a PC but I bought those both with my own money that I had saved. I was a frugal kid.

Utterly ashamed to see Finnish plates on that. Hope you get taxed to death on it 😂 There's simply no need for such a horribly polluting machine like that

There’s simply no need for such a horribly polluting machine like that

I'm a contractor. It's my work truck. Hauling lumber and cement bags with a corolla is a bit difficult.

Builders with vans and tippers laugh at you behind your back 😂

Edit - lmao he changed the pic to show how the stuff he occasionally transports doesn't actually fit in his tiny-penis truck 😂😂😂😂

Buy a van you plonker 😂

There’s simply no need for such a horribly polluting machine like that

Whatever as long as you don't don't need to admit that you were wrong. And a huge asshole.

I'm literally a builder mate. You turn up in a fannymobile like that, someone will tear you a new arsehole for it and ask you if you need tweezers every time you go for a piss 😂

I don't understand people like you that are intentionally mean to others on the internet. I don't understand what you get out of it. I've been dreaming of a truck like that since I was a little kid and here you come pissing all over it, call me a micro dick and just overall act really shitty to a complete stranger for no reason. You know literally nothing about me except what kind of car I drive. I've done nothing to deserve this treatment. You honestly seem like a horrible person. Just go away. You genuinely made me feel bad. Thanks alot man.

If you want to dress up like a cat and walk around meowing at people, fire away, you're not harming anyone. You want to play Dungeons and Dragons? Fire away, you do what you like doing.

But when you're one of the millions upon millions who think "It's only one giant truck,what harm can one giant truck do?", it's my duty as a resident of mother nature's planet to make you feel bad

Good news - you still can!

Seriously, open a new tab on your browser NOW and jump on eBay or whatever and buy it. Even if you aren't surprised by how much fun it still is (which you probably will be), you'll be able to stop regretting NOT having it. No downside!

My wife/kids recently got me Kirby's Dreamland for a Gameboy that I've had since about 1990 and never had any decent titles for.

ETA: I know a horse is a living being and not a toy.

Fuck yeah! I always wanted a horse even though I don't ride and never have aside from a couple of times. Nothing professional. Did not grow up around farms or horses. City folk through and through.

Now my kid is an equestrian and I will never forget their face when we got their horse! It felt so good to be able to do that for them and they take such good care of their animal.

I always wanted these little cube things with an LCD on the front that had a stick man on it. There were various different cubes each with a different character, they basically went through little actions on the screen, and you stick the cubes together and sometimes they'd travel between them. I bought them as an adult, it was amusing very briefly lol

I still have mine from when I was a kid somewhere. Don't know how those batteries are all still working but last I checked they were.

No because I’m sad and broken and all the things that gave me joy as a kid only remind me of our rampant consumerism in this capitalistic hellhole

I got a Bank Shot unit (electronic pool game by Parker Bros) and played the shit out of it.

Later I'd be seduced into PC pool games that featured a robust physics engine guaranteed to improve your game!

I wasn't obsessive enough to play it to improve my game, though.

I wanted the RC car kevin (i think his name was ) used from home alone but now i realised that kinda car isn't real amd the closest thing you could have is an internet connecting camera strapped to a big ass 4*4 and a computer to watch it through but that doesn't even come to close as what it is depicted as in the movie and i have lost interest . Also still not that rich to spent that much on toys nor interested to be fair .

FPV is hugely popular these days. You can get small, light cameras with low latency that connect to goggles (or TV/monitor). Its fairly affordable and you wouldn't need a large RC vehicle to live out your Home Alone 3 dreams!

Edit: The car in the movie is a Tyco Mutator (for any interested RC nerds).

Yep. And it was great. My wife and I married young - only in our early twenties. Because of reasons both us had grown up a little too fast and as young adults we mourned the fact that we'd never really gotten to enjoy our childhoods.

So we decided to hunt down all the crap we wanted as kids. We hit antique shops and thrift stores, eBay and garage sales. We found a ton of the things we'd always wanted.

Popples and Rainbow Bright dolls.
Kenner Star Wars action figures.
Video game consoles.

We bought the crap our inner children still wanted and gave ourselves permission to enjoy it - and then let it go.

Ultimately, we didn't keep much of it - though we've still got a box of a few favorite dolls, games and action figures somewhere. A few toys even got passed down to our own kids.

I don't regret a moment of it. Giving ourselves a belated childhood was fun - and it helped us move on and say goodbye to that part of our lives.

I didn't buy it, but my wife got it for me as a Christmas present one year. The Lego Star Wars imperial star destroyer. It was gigantic and amazing and took maybe 8 hours of building. It would have taken meweeks as a child.

Oh, and magic cards. I buy a lot of those.

In my 20s I bought an NES because I never had one, despite it being the hottest toy ever during my childhood. It was just too expensive for my parents to get me one, back in the 80s and early 90s.

I'm working on it, slowly.

I used to love all kids of weapons as a child. As in, from kindergarten on up. My mom was very anti-gun, didn't like the idea of me having knives and swords, etc., and my dad went along with it. I know that I put an AK-47 on my Christmas wish list at one point.

I got my rifle, shotgun, and archery merit badges my first year at summer camp, when I was 13.

Now I'm... A little bit older. And I'm still adding to my gun collection. I don't have as many knives as I want because my wife doesn't like knives, but she's fin with guns. I just competed in a match last weekend--I didn't do very well, but I had a lot of fun, and didn't do anything dangerous!--, and I've got another one coming up in 3 weeks.

I still don't have an AK-47 (or any other Kalashnikov variant). But that's mostly because it turns out that they're not really very good.

EDIT - I took longsword classes for a while, and loved them, but the closest HEMA to me now is about an hour and a half. Oh well.

Man I'm a gun nut in my heart but there is no way I can buy an actual gun since I have mental illnesses. I couldn't get into armed security because of that despite my doctor writing that I'm "stable".

I tried to join the US Navy prior to the GWOT, and was denied because I was on Prozac at the time. If I'd tried to join after 11 Sept., there would have been no problem at all.

I don’t have as many knives as I want because my wife doesn’t like knives, but she’s fin with guns.

Any reason why? This is a strange view to me.

Kind of. I bought a SNES mini loaded with ROMs for about 10 different retro systems. Now I can play the games I didn't get a chance back in the day.

Play Earthbound, please!

Have a few times. Kept getting distracted and never finished it though. Maybe I should try again. The last game I played through was FF6, and I haven't found another one to waste my weekend on.

Inside every person there is a child that never got That One Ting™, and on behalf of that kid I say; do it!

Exactly. That's the whole point of having a grown up income.

You don't have to buy everything your child self every wanted. But "that one thing" that you can afford now, buy that and display it prominently.

Sorry to all you kids that wanted a Ferrari, though.

yep. all the video games i had always wanted, like epic mickey and mario sunshine. now i still havent played them lol

Yeah! I think I still have the exact same tastes as when I was a kid. I always wanted a dirt bike and now I have one, and I always wanted a fast computer with a good sound system, which I now keep relatively up to date. Maybe my kid self would be disappointed that I don't have a fast car though!

Nope. I realized that I didn't even want it anymore so no point. I do pay attention to my current wants now though - gotta find that balance, Zen.

I got myself a Gameboy colour yesterday. I posted about how expensive they were a bit ago on reddit and I got spam downvoted by a bunch of Scalpers lmao. Another reason not to use Reddit. I got a blue teal one and grabbed some games today and it felt so amazing to feel and see in real life, a gameboy game.

Finding a functional Armatron has been difficult.

Armatrons were pretty neat but I can definitely imagine why functional ones are nigh impossible to obtain, I would imagine all the plastic gearing inside either chipped away by careless use and worn down over years