
4 Post – 132 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Three o's!


That comic is better than it has any right to be

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Weren't there some people worried about the end of the world with the most recent solar eclipse?

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I downloaded a car

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According to my father in law: everything's fine, actually. It's hot, sure, but it's been hot before. The actual problem is that The Weather Channel has started to get political/go woke and push an agenda.

So next time it's so hot the power grid can't take it or your house is destroyed in a flood or forest fire, it's just that pesky Weather Channel!

Oh god 100%.

This isn't a matter of life or death, Nicole. This is a Disney Store in a mid-tier mall.

I'm not the first to say it and I won't be the last, but it just amazes me how the older generation went from "never post your name online, never upload a photo with your face on it, and always be skeptical of things you see on the internet" to "I have to give this sketchy website my credit card info because a guy on Facebook told me...." and then the most bonkers conspiracy theory you have ever heard.

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A very impressive but ultimately harmless piece of shark jawbone washes up on the beach of beautiful Amity Island, where it is later taken to the city hall to be displayed under glass. The summer tourist season continues on with little to no issue.

Damn, 2024 went by so fast.

someone captioned a picture of one of the banners, later adding in a comment: “And then what happened.”


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The plan was to cover everything in orange, but as I was applying the skin I liked the orange/black combo so much I decided to leave it like that.

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Say Gex? I would, but it's not tail time yet!

Congrats on the long horse

The one toy I wanted more than anything as a kid was the Jurassic Park Compound.

I see them on Ebay going for $100-200, but that's just for the building itself. It'd be pretty pointless to have a big fence with no dinosaurs in it, so I'd have to buy some dinos too. And I need action figures to sit in the watchtower and watch over the dinosaurs, you gotta have that.

And then the realities of adulthood set in: I wouldn't enjoy this toy as much as I would have when I was a kid. Kid me would probably spend hours with this thing crafting big elaborate stories about wrangling dinosaurs and stuff like that. Nearly-40 me would set up the toys, make sure everyone's in cool poses, and then it would probably sit on a shelf. I'm not really sure it's worth it.

So while I'm sad I never got the toy as a kid, I think going back and buying it nowadays would be kind of an expensive hollow victory.

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Adam and Eve, not Adam and bees!

It was right around the release of Star Wars Episode I, and the new pastor thought if he brought modern pop culture references into his sermon, maybe The Youths would sit up and pay attention.

The sermon was a whole thing about "being a Jedi Knight for God" and it was insufferable. I'm not sure time has ever gone by slower. I was twelve and absolutely not won over, I wanted to crawl out of the pew and die.

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["Autopsy report has been updated" sound]

[laughs in trans man] no thanks, it's all yours.

Being nice to waitstaff/receptionists/cashiers/etc, even if there's an issue.

You can be annoyed at the situation, sure. But being nice to the employee shows you know that 99% of the time the problem is not their fault and 100% of the time yelling won't solve anything.

I would also add any sort of variation of "at this job, we're like a family!"

Dick Van Dyke comes from an era where it would be real easy to do a lot of bad shit without anyone ever knowing, and I hope he never did.

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Whether or not that song "Lil Boo Thang" is sampling "Best of My Love" by The Emotions.

It is, and I think my mom even realized she was in the wrong, but she kept playing dumb. Mostly because she knew how much it was driving my sister and I batty.

Thankfully it wasn't really an argument, just a goofy conversation.

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If you don't watch the video: it's footage of an I-beam being created at a factory. As an adult, this is not scary. As a young child, this is terrifying. There is no narration, none of your Sesame Street friends are here with you. This is a large glowing letter I that the camera never breaks away from. It's mashed and chunks appear to break off of it. The music is a ominous sounding piano with occasional trumpet bursts and anvil clanks. At the very end the camera freezes on the I-beam and we get two final crashing piano and anvil notes. The whole thing lasts less than a minute, and then we're on to the next segment. There's no context for what you just saw, no lead-in, and no one makes mention of it after.

It scared the hell out of me. If I saw this early in the morning, I'd be in an anxious state for the rest of the day.

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Gotta flay if you wanna play.

Dawn of War and its expansions are awesome, if you don't mind playing a game from two decades ago.

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I can't say I've ever heard of Duolingo speedrunning, but I already love the concept.

I had a dream about hyenas.

I know that sounds pretty lame. I'm not really sure what caused it, I don't have furry-related dreams. Hell, my dreams are usually pretty boring. But this one was about hyenas for some reason. The next day I was idly doodling in a notebook instead of studying and I was thinking about the hyena dream and I drew this very rough drawing of a little hyena guy.

A few weeks later I was introduced to Second Life and I knew pretty quickly I didn't want my avatar to be a human (this is back when you could only start as a human, I think nowadays you can immediately start with a furry avatar) so I went to a store in game with a bunch of free furry avatars of different species. I saw there was a hyena one and picked that.

Fifteen years later, here we are and my main character is still a hyena.

Getting a pet. I moved out of my parents' place in 2009, but bringing home a cat a few months later felt like the first big adult decision I had made. I had pets before, but they were family pets so my siblings and parents all had a hand in taking care of them.

But the feeling of "this is a living thing and it's relying on me to keep it alive" was an entirely different thing.

My go-to is chump, because just imagine being called a chump. How could you ever recover.

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Consumer Aesthetics Research Institute, it's a neat website showing design trends in advertising, packaging, print, etc throughout the years.

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Currently playing Wind Waker HD through Cemu.

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Danny Tanner hosted a morning show, right? And Uncle Joey was a comedian and Uncle Jesse had a band? I've got a hunch they wouldn't be able to afford a house in San Francisco even with all those salaries combined.

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What if I'm already gay, can the ants pick up on this and leave me alone?

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According to my parents, it was I Got My Mind Set On You by George Harrison. I was a toddler and apparently loved that song.

But the first one I distinctly remember was the B-52's Love Shack.

Spongebob had an astounding three season run. I could probably even go to bat for a few of the season four episodes.

But thirteen seasons and counting? Other than handsome Squidward, I can't think of a single joke/scene that people love from an episode post-movie.

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JustWatch does a decent job of telling you if a specific movie is on any of the streaming services. For example, I just searched for the movie Tombstone and apparently it's on Apple TV+, Hulu, and AMC's service.

It's not always accurate, so take everything it says with a grain of salt, but it's better than nothing.

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Maybe you like variety. When you listen to an entire album all the way through, you’re getting a bunch of songs that are (most likely) the same genre, the same singer, possibly the same tempo, etc.

Radio stations aren’t going to play a bunch of songs by the same artist back to back (unless it’s some sort of programming block), so you get a variety of sounds and voices. Even a radio station that sticks to a specific genre will play a bunch of artists each with their own unique style.

Listening to an album front to back can be fun experience, but also there's merit in a big shuffled playlist of various songs from multiple artists you like.

If you're gonna throw me, can you at least throw me towards the top shelf so I can finally reach the things up there?

No headphone jack, no buy.

When it comes to buying furniture: Get secondhand furniture handed down by relatives, or found at thrift stores, Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace, garage sales, whatever. It's more eco-friendly to buy stuff that already exists, it'll probably cost less than brand-new furniture, and the older stuff is sturdier than anything you're going to get at Ikea.

With the money you save buying secondhand tables and drawers and such, buy a GOOD brand new mattress. You can cheap out on a lot of furniture, but never cheap out on a mattress. Decades from now, your back will thank you.