
4 Post – 604 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

I think that’s where we differ in analysis. If you had a charismatic leader who was snapped and another that was ruthless who wasn’t snapped, even if you lost 50% on both sides, it could greatly cause an imbalance.

As for a genius or such, it could set progress back by decades or more or they could have produced something that had a positive effect to change the course of their race.

You know the answer, so why even ask? Just makes you look foolish. Brush off the resume and start looking. They won’t learn.

“Insertable” or “designed to be inserted in to”…. Never underestimate the creativity of a horny person…

There must be some backstory that I either missed in the movie or isn’t said.

Where in the world have you seen Iroh getting “more hate than he deserves”

On the surface I understand, but as you dig deeper the logistics don’t make a lot of since with the “indiscriminate” part. Let’s say you had two warring factions of almost equal power. How would the snap know to take an equal amount so that there isn’t a massive power shift which could lead to a much more negative outcome. What if there was a single, very influencial person that got snapped. Things like that. His goal was to alieviate suffering but there are so many better ways he could have approached it. It’s possible I’d need to dive into the backstory more to determine what made him choose that specific action.

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That’s an interesting analogy. But just like too much current can melt a wire, I would assume there’s some upper limits to keep it from bursting pipes and fittings?

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I’ll bite. Why doesn’t that freeloader who can suddenly jump up and dance, not deserve so much hate.

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When everyone around you is an asshole, it’s time to reevaluate who the real asshole is.

There’s lots of pedantry going on in this thread rather than attempting to understand the spirit of the question.

Doesn’t really matter the unit of measurement. Kinda like hp/ps or lb-ft/nm, there are equivalents. I’m more interested in the values, but you do have a valid point there.

ISO gang here. Give me pure, unadulterated bit streams with menu-y goodness. I got the space available

This isn’t Facebook… vuagebooking isn’t allowed. Either name the person or go somewhere else.


I still have my TI-99 4/A and voice synthesizer and the parts. Been a few years since I hooked it up though.

To me, if my children or wife had been taken hostage. There would be no limit…

So then, when about all those people killed in the process. What about the mothers and children dying? The ones that are not directly involved in this fight either. Do their spouses get the chance for the same level of revenge once they’re killed?

Do you not see that inequality and what it does?

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His statement is beyond telling. To him, everyone is a terrorist, so none of them matter.

Ray William Johnson on =3. I don’t know why I stopped watching. At some point it felt “too” polished and started getting ads in it.

Assuming this is between two consenting parties (I.e the person knows where their tampon is going), what makes them a creep?

This guys pulling a Mayor Vaughn now “keep the beaches open!”

The bigger trouble is creating a CDN has a stupidly high barrier to entry. You literally need your own data centers across the world, your own server infrastructure, the man power to manage it, etc.

You could try to host it on a cloud provider but you’d go bankrupt even quicker. Unless someone were to try to build a co-op run CDN, it’s just not gonna happen without a profit motive and a large amount of capital.

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So which one of them is the whistleblower?

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Now they’re trying to co-opt the word “progressive”

But a $15 minimum wage will cause prices to skyrocket! …. Prices have skyrocketed, wages remain stagnant.

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We will update the Backstage Pass Cars list with all the remaining cars that have previously been Festival Playlist Exclusive

That’s nice that you’ll at least be able to finally get exclusive cars you may have missed.

Just note, OP, that the last part of his statement is pure speculation. The first part is technically true, which can lead to that inference, but no information has been released which corroborates it. However, that does not mean it’s not possible.

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How close are you to your 666th comment?

Yes yes it does… shart … fucker… 420, oh! shark! Misread it.

The button press is actually fairly common in most cars. In most German cars (Audi, BMW, Mercedes) it used to be Back+Volume Power… but in all those cases it’d only reboot the infotainment system. Things like the speedometer were a completely seperate, more stable system.

FM4 (Motorsport, not Horizon) didn’t have radio stations.

I think he was meaning because of how easy it is to spoof and intercept sms. Use some thing like OTP that’s a common standard instead.

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Now if only we could get Trump to do the same damn thing.

I mean he had to pay for the repairs somehow /s

Fiduciary duty is one of the dirtiest phrases on the planet…

Thank you for qualifying that. I hate when people immediately go “.255 isn’t a valid address!” It, and .0 very much are if you’re using a /23 or larger.

Potential double (triple) nat issue? Do any other streaming services work?

We will update the Backstage Pass Cars list with all the remaining cars that have previously been Festival Playlist Exclusive

It’s most likely not automotive either given the above. However FM4 didn’t have any licensed music (that I remember) and that was due to the cars, I wish they’d bring FM4 back that was the peak.

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My holders were mounted vertically, so there is no over and under, only left or right. I’m so confused as to which way to put it.

But I just saw Bezos’s ex-wife drop $680M to charities like it was nothing. Surely he, as a billionaire, could just drop that money too, right? I mean he only owes 2/3 of that amount, so it’s even less for him.

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One death is coincidental, two is suspicious, any more and it’s gonna become plainly obvious, and now there’s 10. That’s just delicious. They can’t silence them all.

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