
4 Post – 154 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

History wise

195 was a college dorm of a few friends who made a reddit sub to share memes with each other

Over time the sub grew really fast and became a major shitposting sub. I dont remember if it was while 196 was still around or after it shut down, but r/196 was made and became pro lgbt while 195 was kinda a cesspool. The guy running 195 shut it down because they were no longer dorming together or talking, and it was becoming hard to manage a huge sub alone with so many people posting hateful crap

196 became the weird trans femboy lgbt shitpost sub

197 popped up because people didnt like the lgbt stuff and it kinda became more like 195

196 moved here but a lot of people jumping to lemmy havent actually interacted with 196 before do theyre just posting whatever whenever

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I heard it's bc the most popular novel site only shows the title so they started packing the entire description onto the title to try and get attention, which led to this mess

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Rather than "Trending" they seem to be newly created communities

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Imagine the kinds of things that even top athletes wouldn't care to bring to the attention of doctors or dont get treated because of the cost hurdle. Imagine extending that to the entirety of the American population. Most of medical costs in america are because of the privatization of health care, administration overhead and artificially inflated costs.

Its insane to me that people who are incompetent, especially at their own jobs, can get paid orders of magnitude higher than skilled workers. I did jury duty recently and in the case, the VP of a nursing facility was getting paid in excess of 200k and had the gall to claim they did everything by the book in a negligence case (they did not) and constantly failed to answer the attorney's questions properly (she'd always answer a different question than what was asked, refuse to answer yes/no, contradict clear facts about what was on the page in front of her). Not sure who she thought she was fooling. Attorney literally had to ask her if they were looking at the same paper because she was in a different world. Its people like that that keep our healthcare system so expensive that people cant afford to survive.

I have no doubt that people will fight tooth and nail to keep their trashy privatized health care - let them. Its just stupid to me that they refuse to allow lower cost health care of the same quality by the government. My brother in christ you could use it too if you stopped fighting for it to not get passed

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Today I got an email from management, something along the lines of "you didnt click the link in this email we sent as a required questionnaire about phishing, some people reported it as phishing: a reminder, all emails from IT@company.com are not phishing"

There was no previous email

I checked the message details and it said "THIS IS A PHISHING TEST BY external company"

It was a phishing test disguised as an urgent reminder to answer a phishing questionnaire, replying to a nonexistent email. I can't wait until Monday when they round up everyone who clicked the link

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There's a name for that; nominative determinism

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I know what you mean by that

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Myrrh isn't really a chewing gum, moreso a resinous material which can be used as both a binder and a scent. It's often used in incense along with other resins and gums like copal. Other examples of gums include gum Arabic and xanthan gum

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Solder is a low melting point metal used to join two metals, where the solder fills the gap and bonds to both metals. This is commonly used in electronics to bond components to the board. For a good solder joint, the solder must be brought up to the proper temperature, and the pads on the PCB (metal 1) and leads of the component (metal 2) need to be heated enough. Additionally, flux is added to the solder to remove oxides on the component leads and PCB pads to allow the solder to bond to the metal; oxides can prevent the solder from sticking.

A cold solder joint is one that does not reach the proper temperature and/or does not have enough flux, leading to the solder not bonding to the joint, having a scaly/bubbly/matte appearance, and a weaker more brittle joint. Flux also doesnt do as good a job at lower temperatures so it's important for the joint to get hot enough, and to heat the pads/component leads too

If you account for inflation, it'll actually be 30 years

People "don't want to listen" because the moment anyone speaks out against the generalizations, it becomes personal attacks against them. "you are part of the problem if you don't immediately agree with everything I say." That's not to say that someone is not valid for the way they feel after experiencing something traumatic like SA and having hesitation associating with or being around men, but the accusations of being the problem towards people who are innocent make people not want to support you. It's also very "only my feelings matter" when it starts sounding like I shouldn't be anywhere in the remote vicinity of or exist because I might be making a woman uncomfortable.

Once when I was in high school I was in the classroom alone waiting for class to start, minding my own business and not paying any attention to anyone else. A girl walked in and told me that I looked like I wanted to kill her. I didn't even look in her direction. How dare I be quiet and mind my own business, I made her feel uncomfortable.

It's also funny that people are saying "y'all always have to make it about you, it's not about you so what you think doesn't matter." Yeah how dare I have feelings and be offended that other people make generalizations about me and start saying I'm part of the problem.

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They built some near my workplace and theyre charging 3k for a studio apartment

Absolutely insane

Not really but kinda. Depends on how you sort the feed. There's new comments / active / most comments (and maybe scaled?) which factor in number of comments but if you don't sort by that then number of comments doesn't affect it in the feed. Also, someone who comments a lot of nonsense is probably going to get blocked, down voted, reported / banned or their posts removed.

There's also top hour/the/12hr/day/week/month/year, controversial, new, etc. which won't factor comments in.

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doing Legos with tom

Bot: you have what it takes to satisfy me?

Ah he eat one

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I prefer to pirate adults

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The phone itself (by IMEI) is a brick. The sim and same phone number were assigned to a new phone and they texted that number

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I guess they'll have to stop giving wine and jeesits then

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Not all homeless people are jobless and may have been displaced for one reason or another. Jailing them ensures they won't have a job and can't get one in the future

u put ur jeg

Rn it's just reskinned tachiyomi so export backup > import backup in mihon


And the company will promptly dissolve and disappear without facing consequences

Why do we only have to contribute to society

How do I take from society

None of the situations I was talking about involved direct replies to women talking about their own experiences. Everything I've seen has essentially been "I'd choose the bear and you should feel ashamed." If there are people making those kinds of comments in reply to women speaking about their experience and how they feel, I would agree with you that it is not acceptable. But 90% of what I see is blanket accusations or false dilemmas placing some viewpoint on me that I do not hold.

And in a way it does resemble "all lives matter." But when there are people here directly saying that all men should be ashamed, that they are not safe to be around, and I have seen people saying in these threads that all men are rapists, it seems a little hard to see how that would make anyone understand or sympathize with the people making these comments. It starts to sound like "my feelings should take precedence over your existence" instead of "this is what I feel and why" or "this is how we can improve things."

Its also ridiculous to me when it's "but a man could rape me" but no "a bear could maul me." If someone says that they have been SA'd or have otherwise had negative experiences, fine. I still think its a bit of a stretch to generalize it but I'm not out there saying "BuT nOt AlL mEn" to that.

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Japanese itself is read right to left. When translating it to English they blanked out the text in the speech bubbles but didnt flip the image.

The ones for autism :•|

Typically if you report the phone stolen to your provider they blacklist the IMEI which gets shared with other providers so the phone can no longer be used. I was unclear on this part but a new e-sim can be provided for the new phone, and the old sim banned or the old one transferred. Regardless, the old phone will still show the IMEI/sim/phone number, which is how they got that to text them

It's funny that you assumed that "enough people told me that" from one instance that this reminded me of. I didn't victim blame them for experiencing sexism. I said that accusing innocent people who they've never interacted with and generalizing statements is ridiculous. Maybe be more specific on how my comment was "problematic" instead of some vague doublespeak.

Dimmers will typically use a triac which cuts up the sinusoidal waveform. It doesnt actually lower the amplitude per se, but it limits the fraction of the time the waveform is on. Kinda like this. This means that a lot of the time the led isnt gettingas much or any power. The average power will be lower, and if the LED driving circuitry isnt designed to compensate for this, the LED will flicker.

Clarification on triacs: they get turned on a certain fraction of the way into the cycle. Triacs will stay on until the voltage across them is 0. Conveniently the zero-crossing of the AC wave (when the wall voltage crosses zero to start foing negative or from negative to positive) does just that.

Comb over and forward hip tilt

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It depends on if the problem is recursive or iterative, and how much it needs to be optimized.

For example, you may use a for loop for a simple find and replace scheme for characters in a string, where you check each character one by one until you find one which matches the target, and then substitute that.

There are certainly recursive ways to do string replacement in strings which might be faster than an iterative search depending on implementation, but that's more optimization than I might need 99.9999% of the time

A recursive problem that's difficult to solve iteratively is browsing all the files in a folder and it's subfolders. Each folder may have several subfolders, which you then need to search, but then each of those folders can have subfolders. This problem can be solved fairly easily recursively but not as easily iteratively.

That's not to say it can't be solved that way, but the implementation may be easier to write

Recursive code, however, is more frequently prone to bugs which causes infinite recursion leading to crashes, as it is not a tool which is often used and requires several more fences to prevent issues. For example, in the folder example, if one were to encounter a shortcut to another folder and implement code to follow that shortcut as if it were a directory as well, then placing a shortcut to a folder within itself might cause the code to recurse infinitely without having a maximum recursion depth and or checking for previously seen folders.

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Browse> extensions>tap shield>trust

worked for me

Fuck it, we ball

isalpha documentation:

Return value

Non-zero value if the character is an alphabetic character, zero otherwise.

You should be either checking for not equal to 0 instead of true, as its not necessarily guaranteed to be 1 ~= true, or removing the comparison entirely

Also make sure that your loop condition is < and not "& lt" without the space unless that's a weird formatting issue

For more information, make sure to check the documentation for the standard library functions

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Wait til you hear about extradition

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Ah, so just don't go to the country you're born in, by teleporting somewhere else at birth I suppose?

Technicaly it is connected through the breaker so you could only supply as much to the rest of the house as that breaker can pass. Not ideal or the proper way of doing it though. Also the reason to disconnect from the grid is that you could start feeding downed power lines, and if line workers go out to work on the lines they can be electrocuted. Also, theres no telling when power will return. There should be a separete input for the generator and a transfer switch to switch between the generator and grid.

Oh man the FreeCAD discussion

I also use fusion and while FreeCAD has improved significantly, it's still lacking in critical areas

The replies are always "but it's gotten better"

Yeah, and it still pops up and error and wrests control away if you dare select a dimension tool and points/lines in the "wrong" order