2 Post – 63 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

This is how I play BG3 with my husband! Works great

ETA: my husband did set up his PS5 controller to work on his laptop so he doesnt have to hunch over to use a mouse/keyboard, highly recommend

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I experienced this playing neopets in the early-mid 2000s so it’s not exactly new, but might be more prevalent now

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I read a paper (non-scientific) that described someone experiencing dissociation. Did some academic reading and discovered that when it’s that extensive it’s a sign of PTSD and I went full confused mr krabs. Turns out I repressed a lot of shit. Four years later and I’m still in therapy!

I also had a similar experience when someone described executive dysfunction, I looked into published research and realized I had ADHD.

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imagine trusting russian polls lol

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Every few months I have to reset my dictionary. My phone will eventually decide that because I mostly use the words “hope” and “will” at the beginning of sentences, the correct spelling must be capitalized. Drives me nuts

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probably layering a spaghetti strap cami over a tshirt

edit: if you’re also curious about the necklines, the tshirt is crew and the cami is sweetheart

I always wanted one of those little cars kids can drive. Nearly 30 and almost done saving up for my first car. I’m very excited!

Roger Waters is a conservative antisemitic shitass, the rest are cool as far as I’m aware. I certainly havent let it stop me from enjoying pink floyd, though I have more trouble separating the art from the artist in other situations (lookin at you JK Rowling)

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I think I see why other people are getting disturbed by the way you talk about this subject, and why you’re getting shut down everywhere. You don’t seem to be coming at this from a “this is history, the shock that photos like Napalm Girl causes is a necessary part of sharing the realities of war with the world” perspective. You started this with, essentially, “why cant I appreciate a little girl’s nipples without being censored?” It’s fuckin creepy. You were trying to share this on adult video sites, as in porn sites? CREEPY.

I feel like you almost made the point I HOPE you were going for when you brought up the naked statues and depictions of shirtless toddlers—the problem that society correlates nudity with sexuality, and freaks out over completely non-sexual things like the statue of David. This behavior can lead to a lot of shame about people’s bodies and sexuality when they’ve done nothing but exist.

Since this is in c/shitpost I also really hope I’m overthinking this and you’re just shitposting, cause after reading this I feel like I need a shower.

i’m interested in the fashion henry kissinger. instead of draping fox fur around your neck (cruel, outdated fashion), try skinned war criminals (ethical, modern fashion)

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be eggsalad to each other

IIRC, diuretics make people pee, not poop. Caffeine stimulates the colon which makes people need to poop, which is unrelated to it being a diuretic. Diuretics can cause constipation because they pull water from the digestive tract.

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Finally made out the one with tiny text to the left of the license plate. “Having Trump as president is like tapping the drunken guy at the party to be the designated driver”

I’m not really into cars. Every time I’ve done a double take on a car it’s been a stingray, absolutely gorgeous car

I’m on mobile using voyager, didnt have to download anything

is this supposed to be about someone specific?

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I like body hair and big/hooked noses on all genders

wow, I did not expect the flood of emotion that came when I saw the old pet designs are back

my first pet is a gnorbu named Sylfrancesca (I forgot the pain of finding a unique name that isnt hideous lol)

my die for pets so far are nostalgic baby gnorbu, plushie kourga, and baby kourga. I wanted a baby kourga so bad. the GRUNDO. i have a strong bias towards plushies. grey ixi, fairie xweetok. I wonder if draiks are still insanely difficult to get? and krawks!

how easily i fall back into this obsession

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The original comment never said the government was forcing people to have it. Most people need a mortgage to own a home, few are privileged enough to avoid a mortgage by inheriting a home or buying one outright. Less than 25% of homeowners own their home outright. So most are effectively forced to have home insurance

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the powerpuff girls sequel we didnt know we wanted

Absolutely, I love it. I play with medium environmental graphics, high cutscene/character graphics, and it work great 95% of the time. Sometimes parts of the environment take a minute to load, like the walls of building I fast travel near, and hair always looks kinda shitty no matter how high the graphics. Otherwise, no complaints.

it’s been years since I’ve played so I cant wait to jump in with a new save and experience everything like new

lmao that second one. oops, dont know how this christian baby ended up in my hand, better pitch it anyway

(Primary Sources by Corrine Manning, Continued part 3, CW: mentions of assault):’

  1. A journal entry for the same date with two sentences: “He turned out to be creepy.” And, “He wouldn’t let me sleep.”

The morning after the assault I left his flat and began to head towards school. It didn’t seem so bad. It was cold outside. My chin, where he hit me, felt chapped and swollen. I walked past a man in a business suit and he looked at my chin, looked at me. I felt filthy. I wrapped my scarf higher so that it covered my chin. At a crosswalk I pulled ginger from my bag (I don’t remember buying this). I peeled back a part of the brown skin and took a bite. It was supposed to be good for indigestion, and I felt nauseous. It was supposed to be good for breath. When I arrived at King’s Cross there were twenty or thirty men in business suits staring at the tube map. I joined them. The train wasn’t running. ​ I don’t remember this. I have constructed this, pieced it together; an effort even to use the word assault. In my primary resource, the Word document, I wrote “we all looked at the map to try to figure the way to go.” The station was closed. I remember I walked to school. I hid in the library for two hours before class started. I didn’t want anything to eat. I don’t remember class or if anyone commented on my face. Susan! Look at Susan!

Dr. Herman is gentle in her approach of dissociation. She makes it clear that it would be surprising if people didn’t use similar techniques to reduce their perception of trauma. ​“This altered state of consciousness,” she says, “might be one of nature’s small mercies. Protection against unbearable pain.” It’s really beautiful. Lots of times I don’t want to come back. When I’ve thought about the assault too much, on days when it’s the only thing on my mind, the moment of disengagement isn’t noticed but welcome. My muscles become loose and heavy. Whatever enables emotion breaks away and drops somewhere toward the bottom of my body. I feel calm and blank. Thoughts are slippery and don’t stay for long. Whatever was upsetting or reminding me is deflected and I can drift easily into a warm and sudden sleep. The downside that Dr. Herman has found is that the more powerful these altered states become, the more difficult it is to process the event preventing the integration necessary for healing. To heal is to bring into words what once existed as non-verbal. ​ Superheroes can’t heal, but can they dissociate? Every day they use the power they have to remember what happened to them. The use of their power alone keeps them present, pushes them back, back, back to that traumatic event. ​The Thing’s physical form is representative of his trauma, his difference, his extraordinary separation from society. Every time he uses his strength, every time the Human Torch converts himself into flame, every time Mr. Fantastic loosens his body, stretches, shrinks, they are reminded of the atomic rays and the crash. Despite the rage the Thing feels, he will still be the Thing. My brother was forced to confront his attack because of the public nature of it. There is a scar on the back of his head where hair won’t grow that everyone asks about. When he walks down the street in a way that assures no one will mess with him, he is reminded of the event. Every time he contorts his face, he does not forget why. ​What is painful to associate we dissociate. We restrict our ability to interpret the experience, thereby limiting the experiences we even allow ourselves to have.

Because when it happens, an uppercut, you apologize for the sound your teeth make against each other, for the fact that you only knew the term uppercut and didn't know this, that it felt; that you can say the word without mentioning chin, jaw, friction, quiet. And that he thinks your breath is shallow, and so does not let you slip away anymore (Of course you can remember his voice “Your breath is getting shallow”), and wakes you whenever you so blissfully do because he does not want you to die, even though you have decided, just moments ago that it might be preferable. Not self pity, just a simple stirring inside that accepts “I'd rather not” like cheese on top of pasta, a trip to the pool. I'd rather not. ​Just as when walking down the street afterwards everyone who looks at you can see through the knitting of the scarf and can run their tongues along that bruise, that swelling. Every man you see knows what has happened and every man you see is suddenly more likely to do it, quicker than before because you are nothing, you are rotting and spoiled. And like that, you are gone. As if time and space were broken and she went off somewhere else. The first moment of leaving the body comes fast as it always will, but soon you will come to depend on it like water in the glass, your mouth to the tap. Lots of times I don’t want to come back. ​I said, “I’m sorry.” I went to sleep. I waited until he left the room to dress. I waited until he came back to leave. I did not fight. You made your point, take my wallet. I walked to the university, I waited in the library for class to start. I went to class. I do not remember class. I apparently wrote a document on my computer and saved it as “It.” I remember getting into bed and sleeping for a long time.

“Sue! You’ve Done it! You created a shield of invisible energy! The radiation from my nuclear measuring device must have increased your power, Sue! But your shield is still too thin! Try to create a stronger one, hon! A thicker shield of invisible energy! Concentrate! That’s right!! You’re getting it!” “Oh, Reed… This is Wonderful! Your theory was right! My invisibility is a form of energy, and once I learn to control it, I can turn it into a protective screen!” Fantastic Four (Issue #33)

If I were a hero I might approach this differently. If I were a hero, this would be the story, the way a Fanboy might tell it: After her assault her mind began functioning in strange and fantastic ways! Not only were most physical moments of the event concealed to her, but she suddenly had the ability to leave her body whenever something threatened her. These bits of information fueled her on a quest for the truth! She used her ability to move deeply, in and out of situations most humans don’t have the courage to go. ​If I were a hero, that might be how the story would go. The closer I get to the truth, hauling the rock toward the surface, the more I want to pull away from it, drop it. The closer I get to the truth the less I believe it. It’s not so bad, I tell myself. It really isn’t so bad. There is a difference between the ability and the hero. I am not a hero. There are questions I will refuse to answer. ​I have a document entitled “It” that I don’t remember writing. I remember a fist against my jaw. I remember him waking me, just as I would fall asleep. I don’t know how many times. I don’t know what time it was. I don’t know how long it lasted. It is unclear what I can believe— if I am the manifestation of that experience. Dissociation is a passive thing, one of nature’s small mercies. As if time and space were broken. Like a girl in a trance. Prevents the integration necessary for healing. Feeling her plight is helpless, Sue Storm becomes visible again.


she grimaced?

Your arrogance and projection shines through your comments. Reddit sucks indeed, and you are making lemmy a more toxic and miserable place to be. Blocked

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So is the distinction between hating the British empire and British people. The empire caused mass harm around the globe, like the Nazis did. Your concern seems to be about people’s view of the empire, which would be similar to someone complaining that people unfairly hate the German government of the early-mid 1940s…

After being directly adjacent to three separate apartment fires, we also have several fire extinguishers and escape ladders stashed around the apartment.

The problem with anxiety and experiencing this inversion thinking is that it is a constant bombardment of everything that can go wrong. Combined with PTSD/CPTSD, the brain is in constant “danger mode”, looks for all kinds of dangers, not just the ones we have control over. It is a terrifying way to go through life. I’ve been in therapy for years and yes, countering with what can go right is one of the coping techniques, but it takes extreme effort. Constant effort over years and years to change these thinking patterns, to lessen the anxiety of what can go wrong to the point that it is actually useful again. Until then, the brain rapidly rejects thoughts of what can go right, because it is so strongly convinced that things will go wrong.

The goal is what you are saying, yes. But for a lot of us it takes completely rewiring our brains to escape the constant bombardment of thoughts of danger, to avoid the fear and anxiety. It isnt as easy as just flipping it around.

This is similar to the advice people give to depressed people about looking for positives in life, sure thats true and will help eventually, but there is so much more work that needs to be done when the brain is in a really bad place. It doesnt really help to say “just think of the bright side!”


Yes they do, but not because it is a diuretic. The mechanism that stimulates muscles in the colon is different from the mechanism that pulls water and salt into the kidneys. The way diuretics impact bowel function is actually by taking water from the digestive tract, which does not cause people to need to poop. The muscle stimulation does that.

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I went from living in true squalor to having a mostly clean apartment, with a couple corners of mess. It took a year or two for the habits to stick and I still slip up when life gets hard, but I’m very happy with the progress I’ve made.

The answer for me was to get lots of bins/boxes, and tall bookshelves I could keep them on. I have several bookshelves, about half filled with books and half storage. I think I have ~20 different bins, stashed in cabinets under counters, in closets, on bookshelves, and several baskets for tables/counter tops.

It does take some looping around, it is a long process when you first start. But each time you cycle through you’ll be a little bit closer to your goal, so it takes a mindset of “it doesnt need to be perfect or finished today, just better.” I underestimated the number of bins/baskets I would need at first, and actually I still need more lol.

Give yourself some grace and understanding, if it’s a priority to you, you can do it! A mindset that helped me shift out of “ugh this is so boring and time consuming, why am I doing this” was to consider it self-care. Having an organized and clean home really helps my mental health. I didnt realize the extent of the low-key shame I felt every time I came home and saw so much clutter/mess. Instead, I see my carpets and mostly clear tables/counters and feel proud of myself, even when it isnt perfect.

At minimum there would be mass celebration across the country, and some worldwide

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snagged some chill games, Sim City 4, Unpacking, and Lego Builders

lmao dude

I have this issue too. I have a few people in my life who pay attention to the news, I just ask them to inform me when something big happens, or I ask for updates if it’s been a week or two. I check out those specific topics then move on. I realized it didn’t serve me to stay very informed, so I just want the bare minimum.

I go through phases. I was glued to the news at the start of the Israel-Hamas war, then it became too much and I had to back off. I’ll be back at it again at the height of the 2024 US election so I can make informed voting decisions, then I’m done again until the next major thing.

It’s called Primary Sources by Corrine Manning. Cant find it online so here you go, separated into a few comments. CW: mentions of assault

“Susan! Look at Susan!!”

“What’s wrong?”

“You’re –Gasp- Fading Away!”

“Oh, No!! No!!”

“Somehow the cosmic rays have altered your atomic structure…making you grow invisible!”

“How… how long will it last?”

“There’s no way of knowing!!”

“Wha—what if she never gets visible again??”

“Look! I see her.”

“I’m myself again! It happened so suddenly…all by itself!”

Fantastic Four Issue #1

​ Dissociation is a super power marked by an exceptional gift of grace and control: to exit a situation and to still be physically present; to seem present to those around you and on top of you, but to not actually be there. To be able to observe with a cool distance—the physical attack is not you, in fact you may be able watch it, slow and distort time; remember only what seems useful to remember. You may leave all together. You may commune with the gods. And when it’s practiced correctly, the proprietor of the skill doesn’t need to even initialize it. It moves like a response, a highly tuned reflex. The situation might be the cause, but disassociation is the solution. With what is lost comes something gained.

​It was the blizzard of ’96. It was 3 am. ​Say that you’re on your way to pick him up, my mom said. ​Pat, my father said, tell him I’m going to pick him up. I didn’t recognize then that he was talking to my brother’s roommate. Pat, at that moment, could have been anyone. My dad turned and looked at my mom. He says he doesn’t want me to, says he’s fine. My dad has a very clear, open face that never gives away what he’s actually feeling. He keeps the same expression on his face most of the time whether he’s angry or sad. His eyes were pink then and his jaw bone pulsed under the skin of his cheek. He is a master of control and caution. On the morning my brother was jumped he could get by with grinding his teeth.

​In a case study with a Mexican nun named Celeste, Rebecca Lester, an anthropologist, learned the following: Celeste turned to me and said, ‘Rebe, do you ever feel like you’re not where you are?’ I asked her what she meant. ‘I mean, do you ever kind of go away from yourself? […] She then went on to describe experiences she had been having for over a year where she felt as if she were leaving her body, ‘as if time and space were broken’ and she ‘went off somewhere else’: It’s like all of a sudden it gets difficult to hear what’s going on around me, kind of like when you’re under water, and I know I’m about to have one of these experiences…It’s so peaceful. It’s really beautiful. Lots of times I don’t want to come back.

​ ​At some point all humans long for at least one of these abilities: to transform, to flee, and to alter. Most of the time these qualities seem completely unobtainable, the stuff of superpowers. A superpower can be any ability that is somehow above and beyond normal human ability. Celeste survived two attempted rapes, both when she was a young child. When Celeste would dissociate she felt certain she was communing with God. Comic Theorist Bradford W. Wright notes that the main draw to superheroes is the hope that a life altering ability lies within the every day American. We feel rage against injustice, and we want to believe that we’ll act when offered the chance, that we will use whatever skills we have to do what the hero should do. We might not even know what this skill is but we want to believe it’s waiting in us—waiting in everyone, waiting for the trigger. ​ “Well Maybe they’re right. Maybe I am a monster!” The Thing

My brother is a large guy but his face has gnome-like features. It was early morning when he walked through the door with my father. There was a bandage on the back of his head. He looked at me and my mother and seemed annoyed. When my mom explained to me that he had been jumped, beaten and robbed she speculated on why he was the one. What was it about him? My brother wasn’t out yet. He looked at us as if he knew this was what our conversation had been about. ​My mom got up and hugged him but he didn’t hug back. She started to pull at the bandage on his head and he shoved her away. ​He shouted: told her to leave it alone. ​I’m your mother! My brother stiffened and looked off into the room while my mom pulled back the bandage. I moved around the side of the room to see it. I didn’t need to move as quietly as I did, my brother wasn’t really there. The gash stretched across the back of his head, was bloody, swollen. I could see the staples squeezing the flesh together. I didn’t mean to say it, but it came out too quickly. Are you okay? My brother didn’t look at anyone. He laughed.

This is how I remember my brother telling me the story of that night: All the public transportation was shut down, and it was a full moon, and not so cold out. It was 1 or 2 am, but I’ve done that walk before at that time. It was so beautiful out, the snow was so high on either side of me and the moon was just glowing down. That’s where I screwed up. I relaxed. I heard some voices, and then I heard swishy pants running behind me. I didn’t turn around in time. (The sudden switch to present tense.) That’s when they started hitting me with the pipes. There are two of them. They just keep hitting me and you can look at them and realize they are probably 13. I’m down on the ground, curled up. They don’t know what they are doing. I manage to get my hand in my pocket and pull out my wallet and then I say ‘Okay, you’ve made your point. Take my wallet now.’ Then they ran away, like, skipping away and they shouted, we did it, we did it! I was probably their first one. I was totally wet and at first I thought it was from the snow, or from sweat but it was my blood. (It had soaked through two sweaters and three t shirts.) I walked home and I was counting the steps. Just trying to get home. I couldn’t stop thinking about how they had my address. That they were going to burn down my house.

​We sat for a while after that, watching TV.
​It’s like, I don’t even care about that. The thing that drives me crazy is how everyone keeps asking me if I’m okay. What am I supposed to say to them?

You don’t say anything to anyone. You don’t even need to tell them about it. No one needs to know, it won’t serve them. Every superpower has its downside. In the case of dissociation, the panic that should come in the moment, waits, comes other times, comes when it’s not necessary—can take over even if you’re not threatened. So just be still. You will feel something, sometimes, but often you won’t be able to tell what happened and what didn’t. What happened and in what order.

My brother was home for two weeks. On one of the last days I walked by the bathroom. My brother was looking at himself in the mirror and told me to join him. ​I stood next to him and faced the mirror. In the reflection I couldn’t tell if we looked alike. I made my face calm to look like his. We both stood there, looking like our father. ​He told me that I had to learn how to look and walk. He pushed his dark eyebrows closer to his eyes and his cheeks rose in response. He managed to spread his eyelids open wide. He clenched his jaw. I laughed. He released the face. ​Do it. So I did. He is nine years older and back then I still followed his direction. ​He told me to make it angrier, to look like someone’s just messed with me and I killed them, like I might kill the next person who bumped into me. We laughed at my face. This is what you have to do. Then people will look at you and think, Oh boy, she’s crazy, I’m not messing with her. No one will mess with you.


Between this atrocity, the latest marvel offerings, the latest Indiana Jones, and the latest Avatar I'm wondering if my film palate is too discerning these days or are big films just getting shittier? Everything is somehow overwrought yet derivative. The last thing I watched that was ambitious that I remember blowing me away was the Watchmen series

I feel this too, I’m so sick of unoriginal continuations of existing IP. I’ve been enjoying A24 movies and shows though, Beef and EEAAO absolutely blew me away. I also loved Pearl and Frankenstein's Monster's Monster, Frankenstein. I love their metamodern style.

Edit: not A24, but Barry was also fantastic. Plot points that you expect to be dragged out over 1-2 seasons are resolved quickly, because the show has a dense, concise story to tell and doesn't waste time.

I have to do something more fun, i cant do cardio or weights no matter what i watch or listen to. Dance and martial arts are super engaging.

I dont understand the questions, what is the context of both of these things?