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Joined 12 months ago

I've already left, but seeing them marching towards an IPO makes me even happier with my decision. I just fear that the mountains of helpful troubleshooting and advice on Reddit will be locked away forever soon, while the rest of the web falls to SEO and AI-generated nonsense text...

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Software devs in general seem to have a hard time with balance. No comments or too many comments. Not enough abstraction or too much, overly rigid or loose coding standards, overoptimizing or underoptimizing. To be fair it is difficult to get there.

Nothing like trying to make sense of code you come across and all the function parameters have unhelpful names, are not primitive types, and have no type information whatsoever. Then you get to crawl through the entire thing to make sense of it.

Idk, I don't see a problem with saying a new language is unintuitive. For example, in js I still consider the horrible type coercion and the "fix" with the triple-equals very unintuitive indeed. On the flip side, when learning C# I found the multiple ways of making comparisons to be pretty intuitive, and not footguns.

I have basically the same story, except it was one of my actual friends on Steam asking me to rate their CS:GO team. I fell for it since I was trying to be nice, and luckily changed my password before they could turn around and use my account for the same thing.

My well-trained monkey brain scrolled right past your comment, then I did a double take because I realized Lemmy shouldn't have ads. Thanks for that little scare, lol.

I've had many other jobs and few experiences in them have been as humbling as programming. My favorite is trying everything to fix an issue then realizing the problem is that you're pointing at the wrong database or running the wrong branch.

This is the book that started it all for me 5 years ago. Now I'm a software engineer!

I think it's a complement. We're not in the dark ages anymore where you had to be intimately familiar with each target platform and have different people who each know everything about their little part of the stack. Nowadays it's feasible for one person to be productive in devops, database, backend, frontend, etc. because so many people have gone to great effort to get us there. I personally get a lot of enjoyment out of being able to stand up an app by myself without necessarily needing to work with six other teams. That way we can have an actual vision for an overall user experience rather than getting caught up in compatibilities and discussions of ever changing best practices.

It helps people relax and feel good, basically. In a similar vein, there's no informational content in a sitcom and yet they continue to be made. Some people enjoy crocheting or playing guitar hero, even though they might not be learning much from them. Personally I like a good blend of entertainment and education, but I also don't really try to justify to myself why I might enjoy one person's videos over another's, it might even come down to the voice or some other entirely subjective factor really.

That's a shame, I love that book.

Might need some evidence of this one!

Interesting, yeah. I inherited a Blazor project though and have nothing positive to say about it really. Some of it is probably implementation, but it's a shining example of how much better it is to choose the right tool for the job, rather than reinventing the wheel. For a while I was joking about setting the whole project "ablazor" until we finally decided to go back to a React/C# ASP.NET stack. If you're thinking of using Blazor still, though, I think two fun things to look into are "linting issues with Blazor" and "Blazor slow". I've heard people praise it, but they tend to be those who consider themselves backend devs that occasionally get stuck making frontends.

It's my birthday too! Happy bday!

Working on a full stack app hosted in Azure for the last year or so, which has come with a lot of learning. Working on the legacy system next... wish me luck!

Infinite Jest, especially the sections surrounding the boarding house. Its strange mix of exaggerated reality and absurdness really made me question and rebuild a lot of my ways of thinking.

Maybe the word "audit" is incorrect? If they didn't provide you any guidelines, I'd definitely recommend asking. But it's possible they're just looking for your perspective on best practices and possible improvement ideas, more like a general code review.

Just ordered a copy!

I wrote a json prettifier a couple months ago with just a couple lines of code. I thought it would take a while but ended up taking like 10 minutes.

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Just an anecdote, but I've definitely eaten those bad boys after several months. I've never been led astray by just checking for mold and giving it a sniff.

I'm pretty sure you could buy one of those with a straight six, I bet they're even more of a dog!

Suddenly I need to order a lot of explosives...

I've heard it's more of a problem on the library side. But I've personally had pains with ts when working with quirky features such as enums or discriminating unions. Part of the problem in my opinion is that the types all disappear at runtime, so you lose a lot of the joy of a statically typed language. For example, an API can pass you unexpected garbage and all your ts type wrangling helps not at all.

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For a long time I tried, but one day I just decided to focus on the hobbies I care the most about. I dumped a lot of time into software for my career, then kept up with bass guitar practice and dirt biking. All the other hobbies are things I might pick up if I have a surplus of time, but I've accepted that I'll never go that deep into them.

Out of curiosity, why not go off-the-shelf? I think you can buy ready made systems for that job.

I did, I was in high school at the time and I had just discovered Firefox. I remember it was a while before it was possible to have nested replies. Before Digg I think I just used StumbleUpon. Good times!

I've had about 20 cars in the last 16 years, from an '88 Plymouth Reliant to an '82 Datsun King Cab pickup to an '08 Subaru Outback. But my favorite is my '20 4runner because I don't have to think about bringing my tools and extra fluids/belts along on a road trip.

That said, man I had some great memories driving around in my '91 Honda Prelude with a 5 speed and a loud stereo. Always felt cool driving that car, even though the speedometer didn't work, the transmission grinded on every shift due to worn out synchros (if you didn't double-clutch), and the engine burned a quart of oil every 400 miles!

Do you enjoy driving at all though? I feel like there are a lot of people who love driving but don't care if they're doing it with a "boring econobox". Listening to music and cruising down the highway on a warm summer afternoon is fun to me no matter what car I'm in.

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Yeah! I think I still have the exact same tastes as when I was a kid. I always wanted a dirt bike and now I have one, and I always wanted a fast computer with a good sound system, which I now keep relatively up to date. Maybe my kid self would be disappointed that I don't have a fast car though!

The problem with modern UI design in a nutshell...

If you're not being sarcastic, why limit yourself to only one thing? If you're working on some amazing UI with tons of CSS animations and a full audiovisual experience, and it takes intimate knowledge of everything frontend, I guess it would make sense. But if you're just making internal CRUD apps, I don't see a reason why a given domain is special enough to have its own job title.

I unironically use this one all the time, because it captures both sentimental and practical value for me. I just compare the thing itself with the joy of having that much more clean empty space.

I use Vscode with markdown preview, with a git repo. The only downside is that Windows incessantly wants to group instances of an application, so it's hard to keep my notes separate from my coding stuff.