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Joined 13 months ago

Hexbear is... I'm just old I guess, I don't understand. My instance is not defederated from them. Whenever I'm reading a post that originates from hexbear, I can always tell. Like it will just hit me and I will look at the source and yep, it's hexbear.

But I don't exactly understand why. I can't see that they have any particular worldview, they just have a unique (and contrarian) way of expressing... all worldviews, seemingly. It feels like an inside joke that I don't have enough information about to understand.

Doesn't seem like bots, Russian or otherwise. Too vague. Not enough of a directed agenda. Is it just trolls? They seem to earnest to be trolls.

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I'll try to give an ELI5 kind of answer here.

Before the Internet, "networks" were mostly one-offs you would dial into with a modem. Big or small, users would dial into the systems to enjoy whatever content was available on them.

The Internet was created as a way to connect multiple, disparate network nodes like these. Now, instead of just letting people access your content, you could now let them access other people's content as well.

There were lots of programs made to do this. IRC for chatting, Archie and Gopher for searching FTP sites for downloads you might want. There was also Usenet - a threaded discussion forum. The discussions looked a lot like Lemmy - there were subject lines and when you clicked on them there was threaded discussion you could read and participate in.

When this was all initially going on the Internet was mostly text-based. We may have been accessing Usenet from our Windows 3.1 laptops (I used a program called Agent), but all these programs were doing was trading text. Slowly though, bandwidth started creeping up.

As bandwidth began to creep up, people realized that huge text posts to Usenet could be used to post things like photos encoded to text. And thus was uuencoding born - and it didn't stop at photos. But because Usenet posts are limited in size, big files would get posted as multiple parchives - in multiple sections/posts that could be stitched back together into a whole again.

It was in this way that Usenet - a system designed for conversation - became a way to trade files.

Meanwhile the web happened. Discussion quickly moved to the web because you didn't have to download a separate program to view web forums. At the time, web forums were inherently inferior (they couldn't do threaded discussion) but they were also inherently superior (they could be moderated). Yeah, Usenet was unmoderated and because of this it was basically a huge pile of dogshit by the time the web got huge.

Usenet did continue to flourish though - as this sort of Frankenstein file-sharing system. The problem is that most Usenet servers were hosted by ISPs because they wanted to host discussions - not file-sharing. So they shut their Usenet servers down. But the file sharing was just too useful to die, so dedicated Usenet providers popped up and picked up the slack where the local ISPs left off. It wasn't hard. Usenet is just a protocol - anybody can adhere to it and create a node.

And clients changed too - from the readers I used like Agent, to new readers that recognized that people using Usenet aren't looking for discussion anymore. They're looking for an easy way to find the files they want and a program that will seamlessly stitch together all those PAR files behind the scenes for them to get it.

This was the purpose behind Newzbin, which was an elaborate way to access the remaining Federation of (now mostly dedicated, paid) Usenet servers and easily find and download all they had to offer. It was super easy and worked very well, so naturally, it was fucked into oblivion by Hollywood in 2010.

The great thing about Usenet though, is you can't kill it by killing off one node. The other great thing is that it's pretty stupidly complicated by today's standards, so it still exists because it's been largely forgotten while Hollywood focuses on stuff like torrenting.

If you want to access Usenet, you will need to purchase access to a company that runs a Usenet server and get client software that can help you find and stitch together those PAR files. I am out of the loop, so I am afraid I cannot help you any further with that. But hopefully if you know the history of it and how it works in theory, it should help.

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Now they just need a Factory to create more Factories and they...

I apologize, this is Factorio, not Java.

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Exactly this. If you don't want me to quit without notice, do you also vote against politicians who vote for "right-to-work" legislation?

Yeah, you don't get to write a fucking law that says you can fire me on the spot for any reason at all and then insist that I give you two weeks.

Besides, these days it's a different world - there's a labor shortage. A serious one. Warm body? You're hired. Nobody gives a fuck. They can't afford to. Especially in minimum wage.

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For anyone curious, I'll save you a click. I don't think it's particularly funny, but Santos is an idiot, so more power to them I guess.

Every Bethesda game since Skyrim (and arguably Skyrim, depending on who you talk to) has followed the exact same script: exponentially longer development time to shart out marginal graphics improvements, dumbed-down mechanics and vastly less engaging storytelling.

Up until Starfield I had managed to enjoy all of them for what they were (with modders' help of course). But Starfield is so aggressively dull I had a free 30-day trial of Microsoft GPU and could only manage maybe a week of playing it on the cloud before I was literally too bored to bother.

Given Bethesda's trajectory, I have to agree with you. ES6 is going to be pure shit.

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I think it goes something like this: "If I vote against Russia's interests, Putin might release some of the abundant kompromat he has on me."

Yeah, this guy was a real MAGA hater and totally not 100% sucked in by their nonstop obsessive conspiracy bullshit rhetoric. 🙄

"During the online tirade, Mohn describes his father as a federal worker and rails against the Biden administration and the border crisis while declaring himself the new acting US president under martial law. The video was removed over its graphic violence, YouTube said. "

In the YouTube video, the man identifies himself as Mohn and apparently reads from a written statement and at one point holds up what appears to be a bloodied head inside a clear plastic bag. He says his father, who was a federal employee for over 20 years, was a traitor to his country.

“America is rotting from the inside out as far left, woke mobs rampage our once prosperous cities,” he says in the video.

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If I can't find something I want to pirate, I will sometimes break down and buy it, but always in physical media, which I immediately rip into my collection. I don't use physical media, it's too inconvenient, but I'll be damned if I'm going to pay some megacorp so I can rent media and pretend I'm actually buying it.

Oh the answer is quite simple they will be "out" because they enable godless whores to have sex outside of marriage without consequences. And by consequences we mean forced conception and birth and with any luck the mutilation and/or death of the woman if anything goes wrong.

As Jesus intended. Next question.

If motherfuckers aren't scared shitless by this (even Christians, because this asshole is talking about imposing HIS brand of Christianity, can't wait to see what they do to the Mormons) then we are all going to get what they deserve.

Guns should be more tightly regulated in this ridiculous country, but I like guns. However, I don't make anything my entire personality, including guns. It's a sign of a weak mind.

Tattooing ARs on your eyebrows is a pretty good sign that guns are your whole personality.

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organizers held a straw poll at the convention for Trump’s running mate: South Dakota governor Kristi Noem tied with tech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy

Boy you'd think the gallows set up for Pence would make a motherfucker think twice, but I guess you'd be wrong.



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The Nazis had teams of archaeologists running around the world looking for all sorts of religious artifacts. Hitler was a nut on the subject. He was crazy. He was obsessed with the occult.

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Good for them. The people deliberately killing Facebook, I mean.

Emphasis on moron.

It's Jesus, basically.

You have to understand that these women are whores. If they didn't want to be pregnant, they should have kept an aspirin between their knees. The ones that have legitimate medical issues are collateral damage. Unfortunate, but they too have to suffer because when you start to write exceptions to rules, well then, some whores might be able to lie their way out of it, and we can't have that.

Whoring and lying are sinful. In their eyes, most of these women are sinners of the worst kind: whores, liars and remorseless at that - even potential murderers!

Because they are Christians, just like their Abrahamic cousins the Muslims - these people are all in the business of punishing sinners. It couldn't be more obvious. If this looks like "evil" to you, then you're likely one of those kinds of sinners they haven't got to yet. Don't worry, they will.

Whenever I see this I feel compelled to point out that earthquakes are not weather. One day my message will get through.

Oh god, I know all of these.

Also fuck Tim Kosse. Bundled Filezilla with malware and fucked up my machine in 2014. Had to reinstall Windows. I'll never use it again.

I use WinSCP on Windows and Forklift on MacOS.

I actually believe he's just plain dumb - he's never had to improve himself and wasn't too bright to begin with. But he has something that is hard to come by.

That culty gift of gab. He utterly captivates huge swaths of people with just his speaking cadence alone. Granted, he's not captivating them because there is any actual substance to his words. But people are dumb as dogshit. That he has money and peripherally gives lip service to supporting their political causes is really only secondary. He speaks to them and it's impossible to not notice it.

That shit is worth gold. Note that everyone is pretty much in agreement that if he dropped dead tomorrow the cause would suffer a potentially irreparable blow, because there isn't anyone else in the party that has what he has. Very, very few people do. Anybody think Don Jr. could pull that off? No fuckin' way.

So Trump is extremely valuable right now because he is able to get all these people to turn off what few critical thinking skills they possess while the party's powers-that-be quietly lay the real groundwork for dictatorship. Once that groundwork is fully cemented, it will not matter who the autocrat is in charge, he will be a figurehead.

Because that's proven to be such a winning topic.

If it lets an insurrectionist like Trump on the ballot, the supreme court will be putting out a welcome mat to autocracy

And they will be among the first up against the wall if that day comes, you can bet on it. I wonder if they have the slightest shred of self-preservation. If they are more afraid of maga now and not what maga will become, then their self-preservation instinct is badly flawed. We'll see.

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Alternatively focus your grievances towards the company.

But why would the company care? They're marketing directly to a certain kind of person here. Anyone that would pay these prices - and plenty must pay because Blizzard hasn't blinked ONCE during any of this bullshit - has so much money that they wouldn't care if the colors were three times that.

Blizzard acts like their bread and butter is the upper-middle-class and it must be true because they don't change at all as near as I've been able to tell. Not only do their sales not take a hit, they just keep growing.

Our pillow.

And the disk drive was still slow as shit. I always wanted an Apple //e and we couldn't afford it. Biggest mistake my parents ever made imo, if they'd've sprung for it I might have gotten into tech 10 years earlier and I'd be filthy rich rn.

Anyhow, I got one, with Duodisk drive and everything. I regret nothing.

I could hear this.

I miss how civil everyone was towards each other.


Money is free speech and corporations are people. It's patently ridiculous.

I think Lemmy needs to work on the basics first. I made a post on a .world community from a .dbzer0 account and it got several upvotes and comments. When I look at it from the account I posted it with, it has 0 upvotes and 0 comments.

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watch them rule 9-0 after trump is sworn in that the immunity trump says he has doesn't exist

lol as if Clarence Thomas would do any such thing. That wouldn't trigger the libs.

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This was a thing like 10 years ago too, iirc. Ads had threads and you could post in them and up/down vote them. That... didn't go well. For advertisers, that is.

Truthfully in a technical aspect: somewhat. But USENET is also largely unmoderated. So for the purposes of meaningful discussion, there is little comparison.


Russia: Imma turn every government in the world fascist!

What could go wrong?

I remain unimpressed.

Federal law is more what you'd call "guidelines" than actual rules.

Bunch of people, mostly old dudes, have a fundamental aversion to not being the smartest person in the room.

Talk about hitting the nail on the head. And where does this come from? We all know that guy. He's our dad, or whoever - but we all know at least one. So it's nearly ubiquitous. What I wonder is: what is this a product of? From where does this arise?

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I deleted my original comment before you replied because I am not really in the mood to defend this but the OP was talking about the pain of developing for different browsers and I don't care what is a fork of what, this is a fact: Chrome, Firefox and Safari all render differently and have to be catered to individually.

Also, Safari, between desktop and mobile, has 30% of the market to Firefox's 8%.

I don't LIKE it, but there are "effectively" three, not two, rendering engines.

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Tin-foil hat time but I'd be willing to bet they have mechanisms to do something resembling naked shorting with crypto. I have no idea what that voodoo might be, but they conjure shares out of thin air for shorting stocks, and they've managed to package crypto into ETFs some-fucking-how so why not. I feel like I'm increasingly noticing that nothing really seems to crash anymore.