2 Post – 679 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Mr. Nedib, who comes from somewhere far away. Yes, that'll do.

Sisyphus would only be happy if he ends up on a game show where he can win a car if he picks which one of the three doors is correct. Sisyphus picks door number 1 and then the host reveals door number 3 as one of the doors that does not have the car. The host gives Sisyphus a chance to change his pick to door number 2. Does Sisyphus change his pick?

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One of the cliches in a lot of rom coms involves a woman who's too busy with a career to have ever fallen in love. To make this work, usually the woman has a high paying but long hours job like lawyer or executive or something like that. It would be the kind of job that people would like to have because of the money and the power. Having the woman be something like a janitor wouldn't work because a. it doesn't pay well and b. it isn't a job most people would dream about having and most certainly wouldn't sacrifice love for. I think that's part of the reason why a lot of rom coms depict wealthy people.

I had a WWJD bracelet at one point in time. The late 90s were weird like that.

I put Jack in my soda.

She tried but she couldn't read the application.

Wow, that computer can run Windows 98? Here I am on Windows 11, not realizing that I'm 87 versions behind.

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"There are people worse off than you"

Thanks, that totally solves my problem.

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Well no, she can't buy Kanye. He's not a Supreme Court Justice.

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They couldn't even get 12 women to pose.

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The McDonald's Monopoly promotions

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Digital billboards. It's annoying that they have to cram more ads on the side of the road, but the worst part is that they're too damn bright and can be blinding at night and it feels like they make driving more dangerous because of this.

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They can't even get their buildings to stand up straight. Look at this mess:

If you wanted The Police to find you you'd write Sting sucks instead.

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Jon Stewart is going to be on TV and Tucker Carlson is not. Nature is healing.

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These days I don't even want a ringtone on my phone.

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The mod broke the first rule of talking to Fox News: never talk to Fox News.

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I don't use the apps on my smart TV because I have a separate streaming device and I don't trust that the smart TV apps will be updated properly.

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If it makes you feel any better, it doesn't matter which one you pick, it'll be wrong either way.

Well that escalated quickly

Believe it or not, jail.

NPC when referring to other people. It does nothing but dehumanize them.

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So are humidifiers and dehumidifiers

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McCain wasn't running in 2016.

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I mean, all sorts of creatures shit in the ocean and people still swim in it but one person shits in the pool...

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Final wish: Increase childhood cancer by 500%.

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Casually using racial slurs.

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I like presidents who aren't convicted felons.

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Pop up ads. You'd be on a webpage and suddenly you'd be in a completely different browser window and had to x out of that one. And the next one. And the next one. And so on.

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Beans. Lots and lots of beans.

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GabeN comes to your house and threatens to break your legs if you don't pay.

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Sir, this is a Walmart. Your receipt says Circuit City.

School said I was gifted but I think I was just a big fish in a small pond.

How wholesome

That's more than what I learned about it in school, because it never came up at all.

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Packets of mustard

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I'm surprised he can do something besides talk about Rampart.

Survived another week

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It's a town of 226 people, I don't think they're too interested in urban development or anything that would involve taxes instead of extorting out of towners.

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