Trump Demands Biden Remove Ad of Him Insulting Dead Troops to politics – 909 points –
Trump Demands Biden Remove Ad of Him Insulting Dead Troops

Trump Demands Biden Remove Ad of Him Calling Dead Soldiers ‘Suckers’ and ‘Losers’ - The former president said only a “psycho” or a “very stupid person” would’ve made such statements.


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McCain wasn't running in 2016.

You're right.

I was thinking he did but I guess it was Jeb! And Ted Cruz as the Republican establishment picks in 2016.

And Hillary Clinton didn't push Trump. Prior to Russia making him much more likely to win via a concerted and effective propaganda effort, she was probably happy to be facing him, but that was long over by the time he became the nominee.

Bold move, citing an article that relies solely on a WikiLeaks email. One dating to April 23rd, 2015, long before it was clear that Trump would be the nominee. Or that he would be assisted by Russia. As I said. In my previous comment. Which you're responding to.

But y'know, it lets you keep hating Clinton. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Edit: Oh, and I just spotted that it's by Ben Norton, Russia's favorite supposedly-left-wing-but-weirdly-pro-Trump-and-pro-Putin "journalist!" You know, the guy who was with this garbage hole until 2022!

long before it was clear that Trump would be the nominee. Or that he would be assisted by Russia.

How are either of those things relevant to the fact that Clinton elevated Trump? It's possible to elevate someone and for them to still lose, it's also possible for two different people to elevate someone, so neither of those things contradict the claim at all.

How are either of those things relevant to the fact that Clinton elevated Trump?

Because she didn't. The "pied piper" strategy is to smear your opposition as being in line with the weirdest fringe of their party. That also included Ted Cruz, by the way. That's not elevating anyone, it's saying, "Trump is a mainstream Republican, they have to own him."

That's not what the Pied Piper strategy is or what happened.

Bold move, citing an article that relies solely on a WikiLeaks email

Wikileaks didn't write the emails, they only leaked them. For all their fury about the leak, the Hillary team never once denied that they had written those emails.

before it was clear that Trump would be the nominee

Yeah, when you want to make someone the nominee, you tend to make the related plans before they succeed. At least that's the direction I'M used to time and causality moving in.

Or did you think anyone was claiming that the Hillary team wanted Trump to win the GENERAL election? 🤦

Have an upvote for correcting yourself. It is a skill that is pretty rare in the forums.