Trump Demands Biden Remove Ad of Him Insulting Dead Troops to politics – 909 points –
Trump Demands Biden Remove Ad of Him Insulting Dead Troops

Trump Demands Biden Remove Ad of Him Calling Dead Soldiers ‘Suckers’ and ‘Losers’ - The former president said only a “psycho” or a “very stupid person” would’ve made such statements.


Convicted felon Donald Trump approaches self awareness and quickly sidesteps.

The former president said only a “psycho” or a “very stupid person” would’ve made such statements.

I mean, he's right...

The definition of "being right, but for the wrong reasons."

In fairness to Trump (there's a sentence I never thought I'd write...)

"“He said I stood over graves of soldiers and I said: ‘These people are suckers and losers,"

That's technically correct. He did not say those things in public.

Edit I watched the ad, it does not specify that Trump said these things in public, just that he said them which is true.

He said them privately to staff members.

Confirmed by Trump's former Chief of Staff, John Kelly:

But my favorite quote out of all this is the one that barely gets mentioned:

Trump saying at a 2017 Memorial Day event in Arlington National Cemetery: "I don't get it. What was in it for them?"

Trump is ENTIRELY transactional. The idea that good men would fight a war for their country purely because it's the right thing to do escapes him entirely.

That's. Hmm. I never considered he might be on the Autism spectrum before.

He's not. He's just an asshole. He can read social cues, he just doesn't care. That's why it can be tiring to deal with people with autism. They're not assholes, but they act similarly.

Antisocial personality disorder is its own thing. It's not related to autism.

The idea that good men would fight a war for their country purely because it’s the right thing to do

Since when is it the right thing to do? 93% of wars, particularly ones where the US is involved, are about making rich people richer.

World War II was not which is the cemetary which sponsored these quotes.

World War II was not what? About making rich people richer?

You don't think the Nazis did it for money and power? Where do you think the killed jews property, businesses, money went? Real eastate, priceless artwork, jewellery, savings, some pretty prominent businesses. Hell, they even ripped out their gold teeth.

Ever seen pictures of the mountains of wedding rings and gold teeth ready to be melted they found in the camps?

The leading Nazis lived in wealth and luxury. This whole war was about power and superiority over others, which only come with MONEY.

Do you think we're talking about Nazi soldiers in relation to this statement? The cemetery should be your queue.

The people in any of these soldier/veteran cemeteries were never the ones profiting of War. That doesn't change the fact that wars are fought because of money. Including WWII.

I'm not who you were talking to, but I think you and I can agree that war is primarily a means to increase the power of the aggressor. Money is one form of this, perhaps the main one - though I'd argue things like direct control over other territories and their populace is another (connected to money re: control of resources, sure, but that's just one aspect).

That said, the American WWII dead buried at Arlington, or the Canadians and Brits buried in Dieppe for that matter, or heck, even the Soviets buried in Warsaw (regardless of how you may feel about the former USSR in general) - would you say that their lives were given, primarily, in the name of money/power? Or in defence of that being stripped from others by force?

I'm not going to pretend there isn't an argument to be made for the former, but I am legitimately curious about your thoughts here. Is it ever just to take up arms?

There are always more than one side in any conflict and most of the time they are not as clear as in WW II, but I argue that wars are always started because of material gain besides other factors.

Look at the British empire, they exploited their colonies to the max taking all the resourses for themselves. They didnt invade india just to have power over it. They did so for the wealth of their own country. So did every other colonizer. The US wages wars over oil or to to keep the world as capitalist as possible. Russa is waging war in Ukraine not because Putin wants to holiday in Kiev. Israel wages war over the question who is allowed to prosper on that land.

Not every act of aggression is about money, but I do believe that one of the root causes for every war is material gain.

Where are you getting 93%?

98.6% of statistics posted on the internet are made up on the spot.

Ballpark figure, simple statistics, basic understanding of the capitalist and corporationist mindset.

But yeah it's only an approximation. The real value is likely closer to 100%.

understanding of the capitalist and corporationist mindset.

So, half dunning-kruger ...

"Corporationist"? Really? Who are you, a rapper in a TV interview?

Ballpark figure

And the other half made up.

I love the confidence that safety and distance give people to make stuff up and argue it as fact.

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I think that's a question of perspective. We, judging from hindisght and with access to more Information, can tell that. But the people signing up out of a misguided desire to serve probably didn't. Their motivation - regardless of result - was probably to do the right thing, which is a sentiment that Trump evidently doesn't just not understand, but doesn't even seem aware of. "What's in it for them?" betrays a fundamental ignorance of even the concept that his ilk leverage to get people fighting their wars.

I think I'd like to see the numbers to back up your statements about the war in question, WW2. Or, sit back in your armchair because it's still Monday morning somewhere.

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Trump is ENTIRELY transactional. The idea that good men would fight a war for their country purely because it’s the right thing to do escapes him entirely.

In fairness, you only need a bunch of good men to fight a war purely because it's the right thing in order to counter the bad men fighting a war in order to do a bad thing.

Maybe if Trump's attitude had been more common in Berlin in the 1930s, or more common in the US during the 1960s or in Israel or Russia during the 2020s, we'd have skipped a few nightmarish atrocities without having a bunch of good men perish in the process.

You are cherry-picking and going off rails.

But to humor you, how far back do you want to go?

Because the U.S. was founded on atrocities committed against the people who already lived in North America.

And the U.S. funded operations to topple legitimate governments in Central America, a time in which a lot of good people died because of it.

So, don't paint the U.S. as "the good guys who should listen to Trump."

But again, this is entirely a red-herring.

The truth of the matter is, Trump is a piece of shit who doesn't respect the people who sacrifice their lives for his safety.

So, don’t paint the U.S. as “the good guys who should listen to Trump.”

There are plenty of good people in the US who have resisted the Trumpian brand of ethnic nationalism and the capitalist death drive. And quite a few of them died for their country (or, at least, their friends and family and neighbors). But they're not the ones we celebrate on Memorial Day. Not officially, anyway.

The truth of the matter is, Trump is a piece of shit who doesn’t respect the people who sacrifice their lives for his safety.

Trump was never in any danger. His father was a fascist who idolized the Italian and German dictators running roughshod over Europe. If they'd somehow managed to marshal enough fossil fuel and methamphetamine to do a reverse D-Day and put Axis soldiers onto the Atlantic seaboard, the Trump family would have been the first in line to great them as liberators.

Why on earth would he be celebrating the Roosevelt Democrats and Eugene Debbs Socialists who were out firing on his ideological allies and business buddies on the other side of the Atlantic?

Trump wasn't going to pay homage to the allies of Mao Zedong and Joseph Stalin. You think he wants to bend the knee for a bunch of tankies?

“You can never criticize bad things because good things exist, too!” ☺️

Trump is compromised. He is with the tankies. Because the tankies own him.

Edit: downvoted by tankies.

He is with the tankies.

We talking about the college leftists protesting Israel or the police riding around in military surplus?

We're talking about traitor Trump being friends with Putin.

Edit: downvoted by traitor lovers.

What kind of fucking weakass reasoning is this? “Genocidal maniacs are the moral equivalent of those who would give their lives to stop them”. The fuck?

"What was in it for them?"

Sounds like a perfectly reasonable question to me... far more reasonable than simply assuming the people who perpetrated the US's colonialist mass-murder campaigns in the third world was simply "good men" (supposedly) "doing the right thing."

Good job making Trump sound more rational than you, hero.

This take just baffles me.. you can disapprove of a war, and still respect people willing to put their life on the line for something they believe is right. Even in war, opposing sides have a long history of showing their enemy a certain amount of personal respect, even though they clearly disagree about something to the point of killing each other over it.

Your take is just condescending and unempathetic. You can respect someone for sacrificing themselves without agreeing with them about what they're sacrificing themselves for. Regardless, it shouldn't be hard to see how someone fighting to depose an infamously brutal dictator (Iraq) or a fundamentalist regime that stones women for wanting a divorce (Afghanistan) can believe that they are doing something good.

Masquenox is a troll. Don't take their bait.

After reviewing their comment history, I think Masquenox has strong controversial opinions and a bellicose attitude, but is not a troll.

After reviewing their modlog history, I think Masquenox displays a level of emotional incontinence that is effectively the same as trolling.

lol putting that up on the shelf with 'verbal incontinence', I like it.

I do set a line between 'cantankerous' and 'troll' more leniently along the annoyance scale than others. I say let the dork be a dork, not everyone has social skills.

I do see what you mean. I think when a dork engages in repeated personal attacks they cross the line for me regardless of their intent.

It's a philosophical question akin to Baudrillard's "simulate a robbery" idea.

'Repeated personal attacks' -- oh, well I missed that, that's different from clumsy or cranky.

Thanks. Now I have to go ask the duck what "bellicose" means...

This take just baffles me… you can disapprove of a war, and still respect people willing to put their life on the line for something they believe is right.

A Toast to the Troops... All the troops. Both Sides.

You can respect someone for sacrificing themselves without agreeing with them about what they’re sacrificing themselves for.

RIP to Sgt. Rufus "Baby Ears" McGuffin. He died doing what he loved. Ripping the ears of babies and putting them on a big necklace that he would wear around camp.

"All the troops, both sides" is half my point when pointing out that enemy combatants historically have often held respect for each other.

Yes, I respect a combatant fighting for something they believe in that's bigger than themselves, people not fighting for personal gain, but because they want to give someone else a better life. That's regardless of what side they're on- even if they're on the side I'm actively trying to kill.

enemy combatants historically have often held respect for each other.

Torturing POWs to death as a form of respect

He died doing what he loved. Ripping the ears of babies and putting them on a big necklace that he would wear around camp.

Just another "All American Hero," eh?

and still respect people willing to put their life on the line for something they believe is right

Apply your bullshit logic to the Waffen-SS or the KKK, then. Go on... I'll be waiting for you right here.

Your take is just condescending and unempathetic.

Really, genius? I guess this must be the first time you've ever confronted the idea that not all people who experience warfare are mindless zombies willing to die for whatever cause the rich people (or you) told them they should die for? You and the rest of the shitlib hive mind on here are hysterically cramming onto the jingoism train simply to own Trump without realizing what a self-own that is turning out to be.

infamously brutal dictator (Iraq)

Are you talking about the "infamously brutal dictator" in Iraq that the US helped into power? That the US helped to deploy chemical weapons in his war with Iran? That one?

a fundamentalist regime that stones women for wanting

Are you talking about the "fundamentalist regime" that only exists thanks to the massive support the US provided to these very same fundamentalists back in the 80s together with their fundamentalist allies in Pakistan? That "fundamentalist regime?"

Good job, hero - you've highlighted why we should all be asking, "What was in it for them?"


Good. It's far too spicy for you, liberal.

lol spicy

also: bwahaha! you think "liberal" is a put down of some kind? like caring about other people is something to be ashamed of? What kind of egocentric narcissistic psychopath are you?

like caring about other people is something to be ashamed of?

Did you liberals suddenly start caring about anything except preserving your precious status quo? When?

since always, since you've literally described conservatives.

You don't know what "liberal" means, do you?

Listen closely, as I am about to do the job your history teachers obviously failed to do, and I'm about to do it for free.

There is no such thing as a cohesive "conservative" ideology.

The world you exist in? It's liberalism all the way down.

You want to check, liberal? Easy.

Do you believe in private property? Funny that - so do the (so-called) "conservatives."

Do you fetishize rule of law? Funny that - so do the (so-called) "conservatives."

Do you absolutely worship the concept of the liberal nation state?

And so forth and so forth...

They are you, liberal - they worship the same absurdities you do. It's just the operational details you actually disagree upon.

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Ok, I'll try to make this simple for you: I can hold respect for a combatant that puts their life on the line in an effort to do something they believe is making the world a better place, rather than for personal gain.

The KKK is immediately excluded, because there was/is little to no sacrifice being made by those lynching others. The same goes for SS soldiers running a concentration camp. I was quite clear in pointing out that what demands respect is the act of putting your life on the line to protect or help others.

As for who put those regimes in place: That is completely irrelevant as to whether you can have respect for an individual who sees the atrocities committed by the regime, and believes they are doing good by fighting it. I have a hard time thinking that a soldier in Afghanistan is thinking a lot about who put the Taliban in power, or what they personally stand to gain from the fight when they decide to go there.

Ok, I’ll try to make this simple for you:

You already have - you will happily endorse some of the world's most vilest people as long as they saluted a piece of colored fabric (preferably the one you worship) before doing so.

There is absolutely no further simplification required.

The same goes for SS soldiers running a concentration camp.

So you are perfectly ok with them as long as their their victims was free-range? I wonder what excuses you will come up with to glorify your vaunted drone operators who perpetrate terrorism while drinking Starbucks or your CIA operatives who pay proxies to do all the rape, murder and torture for them?

That is completely irrelevant

It fucking absolutely isn't - you want to wax lyrically about people dying (supposedly) to "defend their country" from the very same people said country created and helped into power. Asking questions like, "what's in it for them?" is a far more rational response to that than appealing to propagandistic Hollywood Heroism tropes... as you are doing at the moment.

Now you're just coming off as disingenuous. So that I won't need to repeat myself, just read my comments and try to figure out for yourself where you can find backing for what your accusing me of instead of putting words in my mouth and purposefully misinterpreting my comments or taking individual phrases out of context.

Take your time, I won't be waiting up.

Now you’re just coming off as disingenuous.

You coming face to face with the true implications of your own beliefs does not equate to any disingenuity on my part.

War is not "honorable" combatants facing off against each other in a sterile environment as a lot of military historians try to purport - it's slaughter. The vast majority of it's victims aren't even combatants. When you pretend that your preferred group of war criminals "respecting" the "other side" actually matters, are you including all the dead people that couldn't fight back and therefore do not deserve any of this rarified "respect" of yours? Or are they just uninteresting externalities and "collateral damage" that doesn't fit into the militaristic tropes your head has obviously been filled with?

Nah, you're still just making up opinions you want me to have so that you can think I'm an ass. Then you're twisting my words in order to convince yourself I'm saying something I'm not.

It's honestly kind of impressive that you're able to go from "I respect people who are willing to risk their own well being in order to protect others, without care for personal gain." to what you just wrote. Like... that requires some pretty heavy handed misinterpretation.

you want me to have so that you can think I’m an ass.

I don't think you're an ass.

It’s honestly kind of impressive that you’re able to go from “I respect people who are willing to risk their own well being in order to protect others, without care for personal gain.”

Nope. Not impressive at all. Merely the result of not putting people on a pedestal simply because the narratives you have spun in your own head about them conforms to the tenets of militarism and nationalism that you have been feeding yourself.

It requires a minimum of interrogation to come apart and it's implications laid bare.

You're making arguments to attack positions I'm not trying to defend, and you seem completely unaware that you're missing the mark.

I've repeatedly tried to clarify this for you, but the way you're blatantly ignoring my actual position, and instead making up proxy opinions that you ascribe to me and find it easier to argue against makes me think you're either a troll or a pigeon. Either way arguing with you is rather pointless when you'd rather make up what you think my opinion is, and argue against that, than try to assess a position I'm actually willing to defend.

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The Taliban took over Afghanistan as soon as the Americans left.

Did you know why that happened? Because the Afghan military did nothing. They didn't fight. They retreated.

Imagine if a foreign force invaded the U.S. and the army did nothing and the foreign forces took over the government and controlled your life. Do tell, would you feel safe in those circumstances? Do you know why that doesn't happen? Because of the people you and your piece of shit dear leader are disparaging.

So, fuck you.

And fuck off, troll.

The Taliban took over Afghanistan as soon as the Americans left. ran off with their tails between their legs.


You absolutely failed to defeat the Taliban with your billion dollar drones, your billion dollar air-fuel bombs, your billion dollar cluster munitions, your billion dollar airplanes, your billion dollar satellites, your billion dollar "special forces," your cheaply-bought death squads and your two-cents' worth "free market capitalism" - and then you ran off and left a cardboard cutout of a puppet-state military to fix the mess that you and only you caused.

No. Fuck you.

The Taliban does appreciate those death squads your "special forces" created, though... those well-trained torturers, rapists and murderers will sure prove useful to a regime like the Taliban, eh?

Stupid. What you just wrote is so easy to disprove.


What you just wrote is so easy to disprove.

Bring it, apologist.

Bring it.


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Trump doesn't understand the question because he doesn't understand doing things for the betterment of anyone but himself.

For most of history, you didn't ask "what's in it for me" when the king/prime minister/ The Church/ or President came asking (country irrelevant). That's a relatively new luxury due to perspective of the digital age and disagreements with (the US) Government due to transparency.

For most of history "what's in it for you" was actually getting fed and clothed better than the average peasant. Serving the king was what was in it because you didn't have to sleep in pig shit and milk the cows every morning. You'd actually get fed for mealtimes instead of playing the barter game all summer and fall just to have enough food to store in salt barrels for winter. And even better, if you tickled enough enemy hearts with your pointy stick there WAS some land and money for you, provided you survived.

Some countries through history also revere their veterans (with actual respect and benefits) so military service itself was the honor. While I understand it's a dramatization -the beginning of Disney's Mulan is a great display of it. Her father is it is '60s or '70s and has already served once and has a bad leg. The emperor sends out a call for war and the guards show up in town. When they call his name he sets aside his cane and picks up the summons because that's what you did. It is what was expected of him and he did it without complaint.

You're arguing for both sides of the argument.

First you argue that people obeyed rulers because they didn't question authority.

Then you argue people obeyed rulers for their own benefit and material gain.

Trump doesn’t understand the question because he doesn’t understand doing things for the betterment of anyone but himself.

Perhaps so, perhaps not. But that doesn't make the question any less valid.

For most of history, you didn’t ask “what’s in it for me”

Yeah... that's not really true at all. Peasant and/or commoner soldiers in both ancient and medieval wars expected to be rewarded with loot and, of course, rapine - that's the whole reason sackings was such a common thing in those days. Any king or emperor who didn't provide that was gambling with his own life.

The story of Mulan you mentioned has more to do with Confucian morality than reality - wars in China, by and large, worked on the same rules as those everywhere else. Medieval Japan is a good example - those samurai expected. One of the big reasons for the civil war that racked Japan shortly after the Mongol invasions was driven off was that there simply wasn't any newly-conquered land to hand out to all the retainers - the war was a defensive one.

No... the institutionalized expectation that a lowly prole should sacrifice "selflessly" for an abstract and immaterial notion such as the nation state is a pretty modern thing - it's a product of the Enlightenment.

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He got specific when attacking John McCain, "I like people who weren't captured."

Biden's team should shoot back with that: "I like people who weren't convicted."

That will backfire if his son gets convicted.

Hunter isn't running for President.

Yeah. It’s more so how the conservative media will create an alternate reality about how it does matter that I find worrisome myself.

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Then just change it to, "I like presidents/candidates who..."

You mean a drug user lying on a FFl application? Let's look at Don Jr and his orange daddy's FFL application.

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If Hillarys people wouldn't have pushed trump so hard, it would have been McCain vs Hillary, McCain would have easily won...

It's insane how much better shit would be today if Hillary wouldn't have gambled or cared about literally anything more than being the first woman president.

McCain wasn't running in 2016.

You're right.

I was thinking he did but I guess it was Jeb! And Ted Cruz as the Republican establishment picks in 2016.

And Hillary Clinton didn't push Trump. Prior to Russia making him much more likely to win via a concerted and effective propaganda effort, she was probably happy to be facing him, but that was long over by the time he became the nominee.

Bold move, citing an article that relies solely on a WikiLeaks email. One dating to April 23rd, 2015, long before it was clear that Trump would be the nominee. Or that he would be assisted by Russia. As I said. In my previous comment. Which you're responding to.

But y'know, it lets you keep hating Clinton. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Edit: Oh, and I just spotted that it's by Ben Norton, Russia's favorite supposedly-left-wing-but-weirdly-pro-Trump-and-pro-Putin "journalist!" You know, the guy who was with this garbage hole until 2022!

long before it was clear that Trump would be the nominee. Or that he would be assisted by Russia.

How are either of those things relevant to the fact that Clinton elevated Trump? It's possible to elevate someone and for them to still lose, it's also possible for two different people to elevate someone, so neither of those things contradict the claim at all.

How are either of those things relevant to the fact that Clinton elevated Trump?

Because she didn't. The "pied piper" strategy is to smear your opposition as being in line with the weirdest fringe of their party. That also included Ted Cruz, by the way. That's not elevating anyone, it's saying, "Trump is a mainstream Republican, they have to own him."

That's not what the Pied Piper strategy is or what happened.

Bold move, citing an article that relies solely on a WikiLeaks email

Wikileaks didn't write the emails, they only leaked them. For all their fury about the leak, the Hillary team never once denied that they had written those emails.

before it was clear that Trump would be the nominee

Yeah, when you want to make someone the nominee, you tend to make the related plans before they succeed. At least that's the direction I'M used to time and causality moving in.

Or did you think anyone was claiming that the Hillary team wanted Trump to win the GENERAL election? 🤦

Have an upvote for correcting yourself. It is a skill that is pretty rare in the forums.

Or if the popular vote mattered. She did beat trump by 2.1%… just not in the right states/areas to get the win.

Even better, how much better would things be if the republikkklowns weren't racist, hateful clowns?

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If it is getting under Trumps skin I’d double down and release more of them. Fuck him.

What did he say about John McCain? "I like people who weren't captured."

Trump has never given a shit about the military or veterans. I'm surprised at how many veterans love him.

The military doesn't attract the brightest minds.

Reminds me of a joke that did the rounds shortly after Finland joined Nato.

Finnish general: "You know, it's difficult, we have mandatory military service, but around 15% are unfit for service"

Other Nato generals: "That 15% is where we have to recruit from"

I don't know I think that's kind of a shitty thing to generalize about. Not sure where your located, but atleast here in the US there are plenty of folks who join the military at a young age to get themselves out of bad situations and try to correct the course of their life. Obviously there are a lot of people who join because of some dangerous nationalistic or racist ideals, but that structure and purpose can help some folks.

I went in because it's how poor kids go to college, here.

My buddy went in from Montgomery AL, as his economic alternatives were terrible, and he did report a high numbers of ex-felons attempting self-reform in his Marines unit; some with success, others missing the mark. He leveraged his time to great success by the time I met him, all his boyhood chums dead or jailed by 25.

I've known several members of my nation's armed forces who enlisted as a career and were capable of many other options, but they chose this one. We do choose it like Fireman, even though here it's thankless.

It seems entirely environment-dependent, though. I see one guy on here who claims to be ex-military but talks as if out of an armchair, and definitely has 'outlying' beliefs that would draw criticism from serving members.

I just can't predict it.

Yep that's right. I have friends who could've done many things with their lives but they value our armed forces and joined up instead. It's something I hold in high regard. It's not a washout only ensemble.

To be very clear I am talking about enlisting as a means to an end, not as an embrace of militaristic ideology or worship.

Buddy, you do calculus under fire and report back to me how well you do. By the way, if you take too long you die. If you get the wrong answer, your friend dies.

I'm a reserve officer, trust me I have some idea. Also, you're missing the point by quite a margin.

I don't think I am. If you think everyone around you is dumb then I feel sorry for the people you're supposed to lead.

You're further proving that you missed the point.

My family has a few people who just got out of the military.

I explicitly pointed out that Trump called them, and their grandfather (whom they claim to love very much) suckers.

Their response was, more or less, "Yeah but Trump is better because he has balls!".

The majority of people in the military are, in fact, suckers.

From experience, you're not wrong. Let's be honest, being a service member doesn't separate them from their faults as humans. You take an undereducated kid from Mississippi and make him a Soldier, they're still that undereducated kid with no critical reasoning skills.

Please take my critical thinking away, I don't like it very much anymore. Seem like it's the only thing keeping me from happiness lately.

The military actually rejected Trump pretty hard. Enough conservatives in the military refused to vote for him in 2020 that it went blue for the first time since at least the Dixie Flip in the sixties. They aren't the group you should be worried about.

It's cognitive dissonance.

My family, in or out, are 7 shades of angry at those comments. But we aren't in range to vote for him or an opponent.

Our local conservative elitists may one day say the same thing, but as lifelong politicians from college they're smarter than that. If they did, I know too many of my family (who know better) would do mental backflips to somehow make it okay to still vote for them.

It'll sound like "yeah, well Milhouse said we're losers but Hairguy wore a tan jacket that one day so I'm still going with Milhouse" and I can only not invite them to Thanksgiving so hard.

Show them Lindsay Graham saying D-Day was a failure. Next we need to set one of those idiots up to say something bad about a medal of honor winner. Shouldn't be too hard. "Hey would you stand in front of an angry mob like Randy Shugart or Gary Gordon?"

Always keep in mind that Trump is a person with a very weak mind. It might actually be the case that he has forgotten about many of the misdeeds he has done, and considers himself an innocent and successful man just because he does not remember about reality.

It's more insidious than that. Malignant narcissists like Trump believe their gaslighting and lies define reality for everyone.

Not just a weak mind. The weakest mind. I've talked to everyone, and they all tell me, they say: I've never seen a mind so weak. You won't find a weaker mind. (etc for 20 minutes)

I think you’re right but I think it goes further in that he genuinely doesn’t grasp the concept of reality. I think for him reality is whatever he wants it to be in the moment, and anyone suggesting it is anything other than that is lying, unfair, disloyal, and so on. So even if he does remember it, it doesn’t matter.

I wish I could find the quote, but Rudy said almost exactly that about him and Trump.

Veteran here. Donald Trump fucking hates 'the troops'. The number of active duty and prior service who still (or ever) support that anti-American shit stain blows my mind.

Here's some light reading - this list is WAY outdated at this point, so feel free to contribute some more links in the comments. These are examples of things he's done specifically to attack the US military / veterans:

I guess this is part of hating "the troops"?

The Trump Administration helped hundreds of thousands of veterans find employment in the civilian workforce, and it eliminated every penny of Federal student loan debt owed by American veterans who are completely and permanently disabled.

It's so fuckin' funny how his apologists will ignore a mile-high stack of his personal deficits to point to a solitary instance of someone in his administration making a humane decision and attributing that to the most selfish prick who has ever ascended to the presidency.

Just ROFL.

I'm not an apologist. Show me, directly from the horse's mouth what Trump said. I searched for it, but it's all about the accusation made about Trump making a statement.

Sure bud. Remember the time when he shit on POWs?

Yep. I did. It was during the time he was disrespecting McCain.

So... Then what is your point?

There's a difference between disrespecting a specific person, which I don't agree with vs disrespecting dead servicemen and women.

If anyone can provide the proof from the horse's mouth that'd be great. Otherwise all I'm seeing is a rumor and we're all supposed to believe it, blindfully. I don't roll that way.

I like people who weren't captured.

McCain wasn't the only one he was denigrating there.

I'll make it easy for you: if he was insulting Obama and said "I like people who aren't black," then would be specifically insulting the former president, but also black people in general.

Can you follow now? Or does your intentional obtuseness preclude that?

I understand, but the OP posted about Trump, "Calling Dead Soldiers ‘Suckers’ and ‘Losers". That's all I've asking about. Is if there's an actual video or audio clip of Trump making this statement. That's a pretty effed up statement.

Yes I'm acknowledging his past regarding McCain and POWs, I don't find that acceptable. Just so we're clear.

So are you saying that the only time that you consider something actual proof is if it is recorded? I mean, there is reports directly from John Kelly (former White House Chief of Staff), but you think he is lying?

Maybe you can dig what you need out of here:

Word of mouth means nothing today. Just a bunch of high school kids participating in rumors.

I understand, but the OP posted about Trump, "Calling Dead Soldiers ‘Suckers’ and ‘Losers". That's all I've asking about.

Well seeing as you never SAID you were asking about Trump, "Calling Dead Soldiers ‘Suckers’ and ‘Losers" that can't be true.

OP said "Trump hates the troops" and you replied with "show me what he said". They did that. Now the goal posts are being moved.

Did you search for it?

Google searched, "trump hates troops" and "trump insults dead troops".. I was hoping to witness it directly from the horse's mouth.

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They never found a direction from Hitler setting up the death camps for the final solution. By your reckoning he wasn't responsible.

In courts of law, a first person testimony is considered evidence. Quite a few people have heard Trump say these things.

The thing is, most people wouldn't lie about this sort of thing. Or even be capable of making it up. Our minds just don't work this way. If any of this was incongruent from what we already publicly see from him, it would be harder to believe. But it exactly follows every other "hot mic" situation he has had so far. It's not like we're taking it on faith that some otherwise completely upstanding citizen is rumored to have done one terrible thing behind closed doors. Even if it turns out this specific thing isn't one of the things he said, he has said worse anyway, and not even behind closed doors. This would just pile on to an already disgusting pile of terrible things to say about people.

Our minds don't work this way? LMAO I'm done. Literally Youtube will destroy this argument. So yeah, I don't just accept everything at face value. It's just one person's word vs the other in this story.

4 people vs one *

*corrected your obviously good faith error

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Ah yes, of course, doing something right obviously means none of the wrong happened.

Hey if you have the direct link to Trump saying what he said, I'll be more than happy to check it out. It would definitely be effed up if Trump disrespected dead servicemen and women.

Besides John McCain article, I just read accusations. Is there anything directly from Trump?

Dismissing credible accusations from multiple sources, and completely disregarding his actions such as skipping memorial visits because of rain. You’re just going to set an unreasonably high standard in bad faith so you don’t have to consider that you could ever be wrong about something. Cool move.

He did where have you been

Ah good, can you provide the audio or video clip directly from Trump's mouth making these statements?

Hang on let me exfiltrate my bugs in the oval office

This is going to be a pain

So, in your opinion, did anything in the universe verifiably happened until after 1857?

We are in a political climate where anything is believable. Like the idiots who think Biden shat his pants in France.. when it clearly looked, to me at least, like he was hesitating to sit down (he wasn't supposed to sit down in the first place).

We also live in a world where Deepfakes exist. You'll just accuse any evidence of being fake and keep moving the goalposts.

I don't trust chit from the media. I would even say, I don't trust it unless I see it with my own eyes and hear it with my own ears.. but now that AI is around.

So asking for evidence is pointless. You're still not seeing it with your own eyes and hearing it with your own ears because it could have been faked.

Asking people for proof when you will not believe anything they could possibly provide (short of bringing you a time machine to see it for yourself) is entirely disingenuous.

So we're gonna pretend like false allegations don't exist? I'd think by now people would wisen up. How many false allegations have we witnessed? How many lives ruined because of accusations? Families destroyed? Men imprisoned over lies?

I try to be careful about what I accept as fact.

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The man who openly mocked a disabled woman in front of thousands of MAGA doesn't actually have normal boundaries. That's his entire character.

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So…. dumpster fires can still provide warmth, what’s your point?

Just block, don't argue. A person who would post this while ignoring everything he's said in public, and then force you to debate them on whether he ever said anything in public? That's not good faith. Block. This is not a person you want to talk to.

Hmmm... A department of Justice press release written in 2021 praising a current administration effort. Sounds like something that must be 100% factual and not written for any other reason than pure truthiness.

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Follow up ad:

Trump: "only a “psycho” or a “very stupid person” would’ve made such statements."

Trump: *insults dead troops

Trump: "only a “psycho” or a “very stupid person” would’ve made such statements."

Trump: *insults POWs

Trump: "only a “psycho” or a “very stupid person” would’ve made such statements."

Repeat ad nauseum for every stupid arms services quote (or any other quote) the dumb idiot has said.

Head on applied directly to the forehead.

Anytime you see that despicable FAKE statement used, remember that it comes from the FASCIST SCUM that is destroying our Country

One word away from the truth. That's got to be a record for the great cheesy poof.

Did Trump just acknowledge he's a very stupid psycho?

Acknowledge, no.

Pretended he didn't do what he clearly did, saying only a psychopath would, not realising how psychopathic it is to try to deny the verified quotes? Yes.

Check. So he confirmed it, without realizing himself. That means he double confirmed it imo.

Why? None of your cult will care. You can shoot someone in broad daylight, remember?

I didn't expect agreeing with a trump statement in my life, talking about the last part of course

I demand trump shove a hamberder and covfefe up his asshole (the one near his mushroom, not the one under his nose).

Sounds like a good life lesson about not saying things you don't want others to hear.

I hope the people who still see ads on the content they watch are the same folks who need to see these.

Nothing I watch has ads anymore, so if I needed this information to know what kind of person Trump was (somehow) I would not be seeing it.

A good way to induce people who don't normally see ads to watch an ad is for its target to make the ad a news story.

"Who put up all these mirrors up? Are you calling me ugly?!?!"

Did he just call himself a very stupid psycho?

Normally, "or" in conversational speech does not align with the logical or but with the logical xor. So Trump called himself either a psycho or very stupid, but not both.

At least that's how I think conversations work. I don't talk to people, I'm bad at that.

You're right. Don't be hard on yourself.

I like how this comment could either be very harsh or quite supportive, depending on how the reader chooses to interpret its meaning.

Yeah and I wish we could remove Trump from this world. Not happening either. Fuck humanity, we all deserve what we'll get.

I wouldn't say all, but yeah most people probably. It's so unbelievable that people like Trump are so popular, and that people are voting and acting against their own interests (because they are stupid?).

Think about someone watching all 3 Back to the Futures and coming away from them thinking Biff Tannen was the real hero in each story.

Trump voters.

They absolutely are voting against their interest but these are the people who only pay attention to politics 2 months every four years. There are people who will vote for Trump because of the stimulus payments that he delayed just so he can have his signature on it. Even though Biden got families even more assistance. When people are struggling they blame the president.

I'm afraid that gen z may be more red then we expect simply because they can't afford to live on their own. Biden needs to put stronger restrictions on utility companies and landlords but there are even Democrats who won't allow that.

What did everyone collectively do?

Endlessly eat, shit, fuck, fight, and consume for 5,000 years without any regard for anything but ourselves.

Lol You just describe all basic life. I would agree f Everyone that are all for being no better than a locust. Humans have the ability to do better. That fact you are aware enough to be upset over this idea is proof. Everyone should Promote the idea of better balance than a cartoon villain. Lead by example.

Just 5000? Ok Rabbi.

I was referring to the Bronze Age, urbanisation, and civilisation, genius.

Trump would fill his pants if he was ever in any kind of war zone. But you know that’ll never happen because he’s a coward.

His pants are already full. That's why he wears diapers

Definitely not defending the psychopathic geriatric clown, but he's also like almost 80.

He did draft dodge or something back in the day. So you're not wrong at all, I just wanted to point out people that old are rarely deployed. And "rarely" is a bit of an understatement there.

Okay, he was and is a coward who browned a pair of pants the second anyone brought up the mere possibility he might be drafted.

And to be clear the people who refused to go, who burned their draft cards at protests, or even just stayed home until the police showed up aren't in this picture. Trump proactively got a doctor to lie so he wouldn't have to worry about it.

Good point. I was referring to leaders that visit warzones to support allies and so on. He would never do that.

There's no way this could blow up in his face. I mean, drawing attention to an ad that quotes something he directly said... No possible way this would have the opposite effect. Genius level thinking going on here.

when will his supporters wake up??

When will Jim Jones' supporters wake up? Cults do extensive mental rewiring to people's brains. Their minds literally cannot conceive of their leader doing anything evil anymore.

No, the question isn't when his supporters will wake up, it's when will the people who still think he's "bad, but the lesser of two evils" wake up?

To be fair, it seems that many of Jim Jones' supporters woke up when they were at the end of a gun being commanded to commit suicide.

It took that.

Whew. Good point. And sobering.

The other side of that was that many of them did not, and were holding the guns and doing the commanding.

He is smart enough to understand what he said was bad but dumb enough to not realize that applies to himself.

You can’t gaslight everyone whenever your own words get used against you. Eventually you make your own life seem like a hoax.


Yes, WW1

The cemetery contains the graves of 2,289 war dead, most of whom fought in the vicinity and in the Marne Valley in the summer of 1918.

Those guys probably had it easy though. They didn't even have drone strikes or surface to air missiles in that war. They didn't even have AC so these wimps never had to deal with hours of a boring trial in a freezing cold court room like today's heroes have had to do.

Ahh. My mistake. I thought it was about visiting Normandy.

Generally speaking I hate the troops but in WWI most of them were conscripted and didn't have much choice about being thrown into the meat grinder. Trump has the same kind of callous disregard for them as the people who sent them out to die.

Is there an actual video or audio recording of when Trump insulted dead servicemen and women? Pretty effed up, really.

Not sure about audio but info came out and was corroborated by members of staff and people close to him back in like 2017 closer to when it was said. Was one of the 29 issues coming out of the administration at the time.