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Joined 6 months ago


Phobic describes the motivation for the act, which is a ban.

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What does it say when you blatantly name your company after the surveillance tool of SAURON, and hardly anyone mentions it?

Believe them when they tell you who they are.

The main suppliers of inexpensive EV's are Chinese manufacturers. Most solar equipment is Chinese made. Watch the upcoming trade deals. It will be interesting to see if joint chinese-ethiopian manufacturing agreements pop up in Ethiopia, due to labour rate arbitrage.

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I can't recall the study right now, but there have been more than one, so it shouldn't be too hard to look this up: people typically get more liberal as they age, but society becomes even more progressive than that, so they fall behind and feel like they are becoming more conservative.

This does not include the regressive types who are trying to create Gilead, however.

Copy, cut, paste, undo. Use those keyboard shortcuts and if you work with documents for a notable part of the day you will save a half day a year or so.

On mobile, site popped up an overlay of a standard tech support scam, "your phone is infected" etc.

That kind of crap is a common drive-by malware vector.

The irony is overbearing: an article about the fog of war, in a publication whose slogan is "Fighting Israel's media war."

They tell you right in the header that it is propaganda.

License plate:


Nice story but site is a drive-by malware risk.

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This week's rental for me:

  • hammer chisel, 24h, about $70 canadian.
  • E20 excavator, 8h runtime but over the weekend, around $500 with delivery and fuel

Not going to buy those things or pay someone to operate them. It's a good deal.

The gulf war under Bush Junior saw millions of people marching regularly for months. I shot over 800 hours of video of those marches myself, in Detroit and Windsor.

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Being served all the time is a form of child abuse in my books.

Spoiled kids are abused kids who often become abusers.

Spoiled means less likely to be a healthy adult.

Giant springs are fucking scary. Energy is dangerous when you store a lot in one place.

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Huh. The downvotes suggest lurker brigades, as your comment is reasonable discussion and any one who disagrees could just join the discussion. That sucks.

After reviewing their comment history, I think Masquenox has strong controversial opinions and a bellicose attitude, but is not a troll.

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Holy guerrilla marketing, batman!

I charge $90(CDN), pay myself around $40. Solo contractor with occasional support staff.

Need to up my rate, it's a bit low for what I do, even though I'm no genius or expert specialist.

I, too, am forced to use Chrome for parts of my work.

I just run Chrome for that set of tasks. Then quit, or tab to Firefox for regular browsing.

This is SOP when dealing with uglies like google, microsoft, amazon, adobe, or meta: do the toxic thing or software they require, as sandboxed as reasonable, then get back to daily life and more knowable risks.

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It's worth contemplating how absolutism influences our various cultures. Genocide feeds on it.

The number of empty houses in North America is absurd. Zoning and regulatory structure are as much an issue as construction.

Decommissioned mines can be used as gravity batteries.



People are so touchy about being judged, so ready to be insulted. It all works in favour of the authoritarians.

Sure, we need to talk out the terms and agree on things, but that only works when people have open minds and critical thinking. In the meantime the epic struggle is between those who work, and those who own.

All the quibbles about left and right, about borders and morality, about identity, is distraction from solving the problems of fundamental disparity.

Basically, living in a kleptocracy sucks. Owners vs workers, authoritarians vs egalitarians: these are the real battles.

Yeah, seargent punishment is worse, not to mention detective punishment, or even undercover punishment.

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.308 pricing reasonable on a per-bear-stopping basis, but makes a mess of dinner.

Yeah, but that's just it, there is no one thing that fulfils all your needs if you are forced to use a particular tool, but it lacks privacy or freedom or other features.

I use chrome because I have to and also am curious and I need to know about how Google runs its shit. I run Firefox because of various features it has that are good for web development. I run Safari because it is fast and relatively private outside of the Apple ecosystem And has some great developer tools.

The effort of one keyboard twitch to move from one browser to the other is not really any amount of friction for me. It's easier than switching from one tab to another inside the same browser, so I don't get your fixation on a single tool.

And as a PS, I won't touch Brave with a 10 foot pole anymore because of their Fuckery with crypto.

Well some people called it the Iraq War but it was the same war started by his daddy so we just called it Gulf War 2.0. It still lingers, mission was not accomplished.

I don't have any of the footage sadly. The documentary never got made. I don't think anyone has used the footage, probably sitting in a university archive somewhere.

However there were regular marches of notable size in both Windsor and Detroit, which were loosely coordinated with the millions marching elsewhere around the world. People showed a fair bit of opposition.

I think some of that energy segued into the Occupy movement too.

I think you are referring to rules in the USA. In Canada, we have 'fair dealing' laws that would allow you to rip your CD and sell it. In part, this is already funded by a levy on blank CDs here.

I think the topic is less about largesse and more about being badass at really, actually literally like totally, super fucking important work.

That letter is a fantastic rebuttal and dressing-down, thank you for the link. Fani Willis is a true badass.

No no no no, I keep looking at cats and being grateful that they are so small. Why would you create A.I. based on a predator?

"We should have known better than to keep upgrading the cat, Manny. It knows us too well." Accellerando, C. Stross

It will run macOS 11 Big Sur, which isn't fully out of date yet. "How to download and install macOS"

You will want to install via USB probably. See "use a bootable installer " on the link above.

I would wipe/install.

Because his next line of shoes will be made out of concrete instead of gold plastic.

Lawler suggests that he's getting around $5000 per piece and there were three pieces, so that's around $15k going to the local skating rink.

They're not, they're asking you, the reader of the thread, to cast light upon the situation... but you chose differently.

If you live in the USA, you inevitably support the government. Not voting supports the greater evil, voting supports the lesser evil.

So vote, and organize anarchist enclaves, or socialist groups, or justice NGO's. Sink or swim.

Sherrif you say so, I guess...

(For those wondering at the joke this far down the thread... it's "corporeal punishment"--corporal is a rank.)

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Yeah sadly I think 'Benito the Cheeto' is off the table, due to trademark.

It means you're looking for a fight, which usually involves bouncers and shit.

Millions of people is a pretty good dataset for statistical reliability. That country can be considered a useful example of what's possible.

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