
1 Post – 541 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I'd enjoy Katie Porter. Dunno if she's ready for something like the presidency, but I'm ready for a president like her.

jumps over the lazy dog.

Otherwise there's no "s."

It tells a short story that's visual and full of words people know how to spell.

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Democracy is a fist fight. I've grown tired watching Democrats spend their time wringing hands and clutching pearls.

THIS? This is good stuff. Get in the fray, fight for what's right, for us, for results. I'm enjoying this.

It's this part.

We're telling them they've gone too far, seeing rules... and giving them weapons. Are we giving them seasons so they listen?

And if they don't listen, doesn't this make us complicit and with exceedingly poor intensional optics?

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The video title is "Depressed" not "Depressing."

He based that on the suicide rate. It's hard to have a metric for happiness/depression, but that's a credible one.

The article took liberties with the message.

He spoke directly with many people across South Korea. Interview style and not coming at it with a load of certanties.

By the second sentence he said, "South Korea."

I don't know why so many people here have to imagine a slight and then react against it.

Hawaii was occupied and taken. Taiwan was not.

That Mao captured the mainland does not make the island conquered. Or annexed.

And we didn't fight it because the enemy were bad people. We fought it because we were attacked.

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I remember reading the original articles. It's a worthy story with good reporting behind it.

Pushing to have these removed only makes him seem even worse.

That is unless he wins in a fair trial. I'm at the point that I trust Reuters over an Indian court and that that's true troubles me deeply.

I'm glad this is being said. There are problems all around and fervor seems to be creating large envelopes of "allowed activity" for those who are willing.

This is a complex situation, but some things are clear. This is one.

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"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair."

- A Tale of Two Cities

Matter. Get it adopted. Buy and implement only Matter devices in the future.

Needs a year or two, but if we can get that tech widespread, this cloud stuff will be less essential.

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She used an "investigation" in an effort to make the threat actionable, though. She wasn't done after the threats.

This is why people are saying they're not confident in the economy despite "trusted" measures like inflation, fed rate, and Dow Jones.

Because there's something more going on and no one's doing enough about it.

"God said this is mine."

I suspect Netanyahu wants a Trump presidency. I don't expect him to do Biden any favors - quite the opposite, really.

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Are we finally getting to the point where we realize the courts will not save us and only a favorable election result will?

I mean, that or an aneurysm, but those are the only way.

The judge in Donald Trump’s hush money trial ordered the media on Thursday not to report on where potential jurors have worked and to be careful about revealing information about those who will sit in judgment of the former president.

We don't have to guess who will follow the instructions. It's been days since this happened

Meta will be okay making money off lemmy indirectly for a while. Then, if they grow, they'll want more than a toehold.

When it's Facebook, trust that greed and power are the goals.

Wife had an important conversation with her adult son. One of those, "I didn't tell you this before because you were a kid; you are clearly an adult now. There are things in family history that you should know."

Went well. I wasn't there because I'm not blood and wasn't around for the relevant events. Besides, they need time without step-dad.

Spent entire day worried for them and hoping it would go well. Sounds like it did. Good outcome for a kind of draining, high-stakes day.

That's quite literally in the Bible. People are stated as having extraordinary lifespans (e. g., Methuselah).

Then there was a flood after which people saw a rainbow for the first time ever. Gods promise not to flood us again.

The implication seems to be that the earth was in a firmament bubble and the bubble burst, sending down water. Then we had direct sun and not the filtered kind that He* created us for.

No longer in our best element, we die earlier.

I'm not saying the above is true, I'm saying I've heard this for decades now and it checks out against biblical description.

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The spirit that enabled slavery never died. Angry, hateful people gonna be angry, hateful people.

And angry peoe will vote for them.

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Is joining hexbear an option for you? It's not like we're obligated to only have one account across the lemmyverse.

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He can pay. He chooses not to, then acts like staying in SF is a grand show of loyalty (no one else will rent to him, he's a deadbeat).

He's pure gift who has managed to have companies that work despite him. He's the Zaphod Beeblebrox of business. But both heads are empty.

He gave a comment, then said "no comment." What he really said is we're innocent and we're not interested in replying to facts.

Reddit had things like over40, over50, and conversation subs.

If lemmy doesn't have that, I think it should. Those were good places, less bubbled, and often more grounded. Just limited patience for those who constantly need help.

But if conversation is what's desired, those worked.

I may not know you, but I hope the responses help and that your week kicks some ass.

Here's to a good 2024.

Yeah... I've been evaluating moving to Plex or Jellyfin.

Kinda getting done with a lot of this smart stuff. The Monopolies are flexing and I don't enjoy it.

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Obama broke Occupy. Biden and Clinton are vocal about not supporting the anti-genocide protests (except to say the protestor have specific rights).

There are no political leaders sympathetic to protests here. Only those who could maybe be cowed if we really fought. If that was likely, the FBI would infiltrate and agitators would create reasons for enforcement.

We're talking Floyd levels of riot that would remind people of Jan 6th and leave people feeling justified. MLKs proymtests were NOT popular at the time... We're looking for something and someone like that. Closest we've got is Shawn Fain.

My riot, for now, is my vote and my tepid support of formerly-Dark Brandon. He's done a lot. More than most. But Garland was a shit pick. And now we're here with trials delayed all over the place because Garland dithered.

That and the dash cam.

If you're worried enough about police integrity, have a dash cam and have it on. I've seen videos (rare) where the cop lied about speed and the dash cam was used to knock it down.

Even cheap ones could be used to figure out speed based on landmarks and time stamps. GPS speed would be more conclusive, though.

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He did it on Thursday.

Now... That was still too late, but then when he set rules, they weren't based on hypotheticals.

This is my test, essentially, too.

To put more detail around my lines:

  • Order at counter and food brought to me may be 5-10% on the upper end

  • Order at table, food delivered to table - normal tipping rules

  • Everything else? Please stop asking and starting paying a living wage or as close as you can.

If I'm going to tip someone for taking my order, then it's either insulting to those who perform table service or the top tip % has to go up. I say people should get paid by their employer and let's end this tip thing.

Associates of those fired created issues. Those associates were (and remain?) employees.

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We'd have to account for their height, wouldn't we?

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I dunno that Bibi was confused. He had an opportunity, he needed something to change politics, and now we're here. He's not omnipotent within Israel, but clearly enough Israelis are okay with this.

Or komrompat. Or both.

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national security.

I'd argue they're a threat to world security. They back wars we shouldn't fight, fossil fuels, and regimes that should be weakened - not supported.

Replace the mature trees at any cost. If those don't "take" do it again.

And again. And again. Until the soil accepts the fully mature trees.

Onve they've lost millions, I hope they'll serve as a proper cautionary tale.

No. He's a political candidate. What we're hoping for is a speedy denial of an appeal. But he'll slow play that part as much as he can, too.

All this wait-until-the-campaign-year BS is just BS. Prosecute when you have sufficient proof. I can't believe it all happened to land this year on accident.

And, no, I am very definitely Not defending Trump. I'm upset they didn't do this shit last year. Or the year before.

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Although I think your larger point is well made.

If you find this meme relatable due to anxiety (I do), meditation helped me so much.

My employer pays for a meditation subscription and it didn't just teach me breathing or how to think about "nothing." It taught me to note the thought/feeling, label it as one of the two and let it go.

I'm not where I want to be, but I'm much closer.