Arizona is boosting efforts to protect people from the extreme heat after hundreds died last summer to – 205 points –
Arizona is boosting efforts to protect people from the extreme heat after hundreds died last summer

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The spirit that enabled slavery never died. Angry, hateful people gonna be angry, hateful people.

And angry peoe will vote for them.

John Browns spirit is still marching as well. The problem is that those who march in contrast are cowards who hide behond legalism and state sponsored thugs. Used to be you could just kill them and their bitches, now thered be an investigation and thats assuming they dont catch ya thrpugh security cameras or some shit

How do you think John died?

He was hung by that bastard Lee, the failure of Brown was neither spirit or tactics it was method. He shouldve kept at bleeding the slavers and eventually he may have killed enough to succeed at starting a slave revolt. The problem is he jumped two steps ahead.

He was hanged for committing crimes against the United States. He was one of the sparks of the war yes, but Grant would’ve executed him too.

Don’t forget that the heroes of the civil war immediately went west to commit a horrific genocide.