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Joined 4 months ago

Outraged enough yet? No?

Expect a LOT more of this if you keep urging people to not vote this year. Because this is a tase of what’s to come.

So…. Let’s get this straight:

He’s being selfish for trying to stop a tyrant from turning America into a dictatorship run by a rapist/convicted felon…

But people who are not voting, are…. Hero patriots protecting democracy? Do I have that right?

There’s a fuck ton of clowns here that are not voting.

Holy shit this was funny!

If the police were also armed with pellet guns, this never would have happened.

Oh I can’t wait for the lawsuits to follow this bullshit.

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That certainly is.

The human race? Absolutely.

I get what you’re trying to do here man, and I’m not falling for it. You’re not going to get me on a defensive to waste my time.

The entire comment chain is there to see that I’m right regarding my accusations of you. And your sad attempts to victimize yourself fall VERY flat When held up against reality, soooloo, I really don’t needled to keep going in circles over this with you. Your comment history and mod logs show you’re a liar and a troll. Mine don’t.

Though I do enjoy watching you try hard. It’s so embarrassing for you.

I love it!

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Cool story! Loving the dedication. Keep at it!

Love your commitment to the bit. Hilarious!

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And there’s people here wanting you to not vote against this. VOTE LIKE LIVES DEPEND ON IT.

Now let’s see them call themselves out in response.

My god man. Are you actually trying to say that free speech should be regulated to allow only what YOU like to hear?

The ACLU adhered to constitutional law. That YOU don’t is irrelevant. They said they abhor his ideology but protect his right to say what he wants. Because … that’s how it works.

Do you also hate the military? Because they exist to defend the freedoms Americans enjoy. Like free speech. Which means they also defend the rights of asshole wannabe Nazis.

You can’t cherry pick the laws. Do you see how MAGA conservatives circumvent and violate the constitution on abortion rights and biblical studies in classrooms?

Yeah… you’re doing the same thing by whining about how the ACLU protected someone’s rights in a country where they’re allowed to speak.

If you don’t like what people say- don’t listen to them. But YOU have no right to dictate the rights of others. Even if they’re asshole Nazis.

Now go ahead and accuse me of whatever will make you sleep better at night.

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It’s funny how MAGA bots pretend to have a cause so long as it reduces the amount of people That vote against their boy. I’m pretty certain there aren’t many people that actually believe that tire here in good faith.

Because we both know that your gEnOciDe is going to be worse under Trump. And you don’t give two shits it seems.

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We both know you are.

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Well, considering that you hate Biden, and according to you- the military… right there seems to be two things you have in common with Trump. The third being that you don’t seem to ever think before you speak. Because nearly everthing you say is either flat out untrue, or rearranged half-truths. So it’s not a giant leap to mark the similarities between the two of you.

And I didn’t call you a Nazi. Stop trying to be a victim here. That shit doesn’t fly. What I did say is that you possess very striking similarities to MAGA trolls.

So, you know… if it quacks like a duck…..

Do you see the hypocrisy here bud? You’re upset that I’m accusing you of lying, then accusing me of “loving genocide” which is a lie.

Then antagonizing me to block you. And claiming you’re NOT a troll?

You’ll forgive me if I don’t believe you, right?

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To be fair though. Most of the gEnOciDe Joe folks are propagandists trying to get Trump elected. So…..

A blog post from 2017? Really?

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Yeah, but in fairness- Trump itself is particularly appalling.

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ROFL! The ACLU is now “rooting for Nazi terrorists”?

Does this have anything to do with that nonsense you posted from 2017 about how the ACLU protected someone’s right to free speech even though they admittedly abhorred what they were saying?

Yeah… that’s called the 1st Amendment. And that prick has all the rights illustrated within it just as you do to say your dumb shit here.

Oh no my friend. Everyone is a gEnOciDe dEniEr but you and you alone.

I’ve been playing your own game against you kiddo. And your reactions are priceless. You can’t take what you give.

Considering it… trolling a troll.

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And yet…. There are people here that are urging you to not vote against this clown.

Try and imagine that.

Then try and imagine why.

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Soooooo…. They’re just going to run right past separation of church and state and dive headlong straight into Christofascism….

Right in front of everyone watching, knowing there is nothing anyone will do about it.

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Don’t forget though… ground rapidly shrinking…. Something something don’t care if genocide continues as long as Biden isn’t elected!

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Holy shit balls I feel seen!

Oof! FIXED. That was a horrible typo.

I’ll add in the entire Seattle public library system.

And MAGA bots whine when they’re accused of something while simultaneously accusing others of things.

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Since he’s the one saying it- there’s no chance it’s true.

My guess is that he didn’t even dial the number.

Yep. That’s how it seems to me as well.

K. And you scream gEnoCiDe sUpPorTeR at anyone that even come close to suggesting that Biden isn’t that bad.

And I’ll block you when I think I need to and no sooner.

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You have to know that I have no fucking clue what you’re taking about. But then again, you’re probably used to that as you never seem to either.

Please don’t insult vaginas. They did nothing to deserve that.

You re not wrong.

It doesn’t. But it puts their agenda up front and center for those that can be manipulated by it a whole lot easier.

Sort of similar to how people here will urge you to not vote for Biden. Most people will see this as people essentially just shitting into a fan, but at its core, it’s really a way to circumvent having to directly show support for Trump on a left-leaning social media platform where they’d get banned.

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ROFL!!!! This is quite the take.

The tits probably did.
