Lord Wiggle

@Lord Wiggle@lemmy.world
2 Post – 245 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

To force a country to recognize their existence which was illegally obtained. Those areas of land were taken by military invasion. They just gave back a part of what they stole for Islamic countries to recognize the Israeli state.

I've been in the navy for over 15 years, so yeah, I know better...

But... Isn't it supposed to do that? 👀

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And that, kids, is why you should pirate. Paying customers are restricted and being ripped off. Piracy gives freedom, it pays off, it makes sure you dont have to agree to stupid user agreements which take away you rights. Make sure to support your favorite creators though, through other platforms like Patreon. Don't take the money away from them. Just take away the power and control away from the evil mega corps like Google and Meta.

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You can still watch YouTube without ads using grayjay.app including sponsor block.

Thanks to Louis Rossman

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Just Vivaldi browser works too. On your phone I recommend grayjay.app

Get the RiMusic app. YouTube music without ads.

The awesome algorithm for recommendations on YouTube was turned off to prevent fake news bubbles. This means that when you listen to a song and want YouTube to create a Playlist with similar artists for you, this doesn't work anymore. But this function does still work with YouTube music.

My win10 upgraded without asking. Win11 is horrible, I'm going to wipe and reinstall win10 again. As soon as update support stops, it's Linux for me. Screw Microsoft. They even added ads as notifications and they are going to put ads in the start menu. Wtf! This is the end of windows, I'm sure.

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I keep getting videos of Rogan pushed on YouTube, while I constantly mark them as "not interested" of report them as "fake news". He's like a horrible decease you never can get rid of.

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He sounds like Putin. A fascist shouting "they are fascists and I'm the only solution". Hitler did that too, he blamed the jews for acting elitist and racist towards the Germans. It's kind of a fascist and narcissist thing to do, blaming others for what you are / for your mistakes to hide what you are / hide your mistakes.

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4G for what? They don't have internet openly available.

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Oh how I wish this was true. Would have made this world a better place.

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Assange fled to a consulate in London. After years of annoying everyone in that small building he thought it would be smart to unveil sensitive information on the government of that consulate. So, they kicked him out by letting the British police in, now he's getting prison time because fuck freedom of press apparently. Snowden fled to Russia. He would have never seen the light of day if they would have cought him. Probably Guantanamo Bay torture for the rest of his life. So their situations are different, I don't know why that would make a difference to the trust in them.

Both have a strong moral compass, otherwise they wouldn't have done what they did.

I'd rather trust and believe whistleblowers with a very strong moral compass, acting in the interest of the general public, then big tech companies hoarding in our data, breaking copyright and privacy, all for those tasty billions. Those companies only have a moral code towards their own bank account.

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So let me get his straight. Trumps lawyers are trying to legalize Biden killing Trump? So even his own lawyers prefer him to die instead of becoming president again.

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Europe says Meta is ruining people their privacy and rights. Meta is like complaining there are guards and a locked safe ruining their bank heist. It's what those measures are for, keeping you in line.

In the navy I preferred the night shifts. Nice and quiet. Day shifts were hectic, always stupid shit happening. Night shifts in the CIC were cozy, chill, having some coffee together, making grilled cheese sandwiches, being able to do work in full concentration as no one bothers you constantly. On the bridge it was even better. Extreme darkness, having nice conversations with your colleagues while watching the stars and the lights of other ships on the horizon. Only downside is the night shift has to get out of bed for fire drills etc during the day, so sometimes that leaves you with only 2h of sleep every day during sea trials. But that's only 2 to 6 weeks of sleep deprivation so not all too bad imo.

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Finland is NATO. He'll NEVER invade Finland. Have fun dividing up your oh so great, properly trained and well equipped army haha! Not like he'll need the troops in Ukraine, that war is going as smooth AF.

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Did Trump just acknowledge he's a very stupid psycho?

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Those are actually French toilets. They were designed like this so you can check for blood and other abnormalities. British toilets were designed so the poop would fall in the water, reducing the stench. The British design proved more popular, yet the French design is better with less splashing and for checking. It's important to check, to find out if there's something wrong with your intestines like cancer (black blood) or a tapeworm. The British didn't find this important, just like washing hands after pooping.

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They are committing loads of war crimes and crimes against humanity. Why is it news they are being accused of this single crime done in West Bank? Sounds like it's an isolated incident while in fact it's daily business.

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Israel used to be an apartheid state, but seeing the horrors they inflict right now it looks more like a nazi state. It ticks all the boxes: locked down ghettos, starvations, stopping press freedom, genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity.

Friend of mine bought an EV. Didn't even last a month. He landed in a tree.

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They are saving lives by not building those flying death traps.

I'm moving to Finland.

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If South Korea does this, he'll tell his fat buddy Kim to send more shit balloons over the border.

Elon is so dumb, he doesn't even know the difference between the UK and the US.

Right wing extremists do whatever the fuck they want and don't care about the judicial system. Haven't we learned that from WW II?

16 foot. With that many feet, it's not a snake but a centipede imo.

It was meant for porn en now the biggest part of it is porn. I'd say a success.

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"Removal", how exactly? Because doing it with bombs isn't very efficient so far. Are they looking into a final solution already? Fucking embarrassing...

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"We didn't detect a Webcam on your device. You can only watch videos on devices with a Webcam. Do you want Premium*? Click here for only 29,99 per month.

*With Premium you also only can watch videos on devices with a Webcam"

This is only 2025, a year later they also want a list of the people you love the most so they can kidnap one to demand you buy Premium, which will mean they will get you premium looking ads instead of shitty looking ads.

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Compatibility is greatly being improved, making gaming on Linux very compatible. Steam runs great on both Windows and Linux. Chromebooks aren't made for gaming. And Apple is being Apple, so... Maybe complain about Apple instead. But if you are an Apple user you probably prefer to blame anything but Apple.

The words 'Mac' and 'free' aren't allowed in the same sentence.

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Yeah I know! Totally real!

Stealing from Amazon? Sure, who cares, fuck Bezos. Stealing from the poor and homeless? Seriously, go fuck yourself. Congratulations, you just created a new level of low. I hope a judge will force them to give their house to those homeless kids.

Time for Linux. I don't like to change, I've used windows from 3.1. But I see no other option. They will pull the plug on 10 while at the same time are trying their best to make their shitty 11 even worse.

Sure, that works too, however with grayjay you can follow creaters across platforms. So in case someone's account gets banned by YouTube due to whatever bullshit reason, you can continue following them on other platforms. Next to that you won't get spammed with Shorts junk. If you want to download a video to watch it offline, you can actually watch it offline (you don't require a connection like with YouTube to watch something offline)

Anyone who does should be trialed for crimes against humanity.

Doesn't matter what you use, Musk can't take criticism.

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Is this a deceleration of war? If the inquisition is over, why is Israel continuing their inquisition?