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Joined 11 months ago

In the days of old when knights were bold and toilet paper wasn't invented, they'd wipe their ass with a piece of grass and walk away contented.

Presumably this is in preparation for time travel.

Can't say for Tobey, but apparently Daniel Radcliffe did deliberately do something very similar to stymie paparazzi.

edit: Spelling.

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Did I misunderstand what "separation of church and state" meant?

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Plus it puts on a Santa hat around Christmas.

I am not qualified to answer this, but I did once see a similar question asked on Reddit. The best response I saw was from a commenter whose name I can't remember, else I would credit them.

That commenter said that his infant daughter had required an operation on her rectum. The commenter asked the surgeon how the surgery site could possibly not become infected and was told "the asshole knows how to handle shit."

That answer seemed reasonable to me and I probably will never forget it.

Moreso the bug apocalypse.

While I very strongly agree with your message, I have to say that this is one of the least fitting usernames I've ever seen.

Did you see that ludicrous display last night?

This is an interesting interpretation of "achievable."

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A while ago, I went to Good Will and saw (and bought) a stone relief of the Vitruvian Man. I love the art itself, but even better was that the staff of the store had taped a tiny piece of paper over the genitalia. That will never not be funny.

Unless it's trained on preexisting Facebook posts.


I like you.

An ancient article posited that, seen from above - as might be the theoretical perspective of the sculptor - every aspect of the statue represents the subject being in a state of fear, due to being about to fight Goliath, hence the shrinkage.

Unfortunately I cannot find the article, nor prove this to be the case.

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Well, of course dating apps want your date-a.

(I'm just kidding and sincerely hate this.)

I once made an RCE reference on Reddit and was viciously down voted without apparent reason.

I hereby upvote you both because I appreciate this reference and because my past self deserves closure.

I like how you spell "the downside." It's very innovative.

Also cotton moguls, I think?

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From context, I assume Mobile Device Management, though I've never heard it it being used other than by an employer.

I don't solder, so I'm no expert, but I've only ever heard it pronounced "sodder" (though agreed, leaving out the "l" sound is an odd choice).

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It's in a book.

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But how are floors counted in Antarctica?

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I'm pretty sure there's nothing in this image that means anything to me.

Except the first username ... Unfortunately.

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Based on this ruling, I don't think I'm qualified.

So the ground is ground floor? Clever.

(To be fair, I think it's referencing Futurama)

Maybe I'm missing the joke, but I'm pretty sure 00:XX is correct.

Please do not judge me too harshly if I'm wooshing.

I'm not alarmed. You're alarmed.

No judgement for your choices, but just so you know, it's basically no work for the majority of games.

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A similar question was recently asked on asklemmy. Caveat: there were many probably more informative answers there as there likely are here. However, I'd like to reiterate my answer:

I am not qualified to answer this, but I did once see a similar question asked on Reddit. The best response I saw was from a commenter whose name I can't remember, else I would credit them.

That commenter said that his infant daughter had required an operation on her rectum. The commenter asked the surgeon how the surgery site could possibly not become infected and was told "the asshole knows how to handle shit."

That answer seemed reasonable to me and I probably will never forget it.

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If by "electric candle lighter" you mean one of those "plasma" or arcing ones, they're awesome, but cannot light anything that won't fit between the two ends of the arc. I love mine for candles, but have yet to successfully start my charcoal grill with them. I imagine a campfire would suffer similar issues.

Hopefully you have better luck!

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This sounds like something Quagmire would say.

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Both of those links are crazy in very different ways.

Is that accurate? I haven't kept up with comics in a long time, but when I sort of did, it was said to be an hour rather than a day. (I always assumed this was so you wouldn't worry about people being trapped for 24 hours or however long.)

Not trying to be argumentative or anything, just curious if the lore changed, or maybe I misremembered.

My grandfather founded a liquid propane company and I have the adding machine he used as a register. It may not be quite literally the oldest thing I own, but I consider it the coolest old thing I own.

The sides of it are plastic so you can see the mechanisms and it weighs a gazillion pounds. My wife hates it because we've moved it through three houses. I love it and will never voluntarily let it go.

I can't say for certain, but I think that might be by design.

For the first half of the first sentence of your post, I thought you were taking about Neuralink.

I saw that post earlier, but it seems in the picture like the demon (or whatever, I don't want to pigeonhole) is saying "Kevin" rather than being labeled such. I didn't get it until you connected the dots, so thank you.

It is perfectly okay to say those things, as well as to threaten escalation, but it won't make you any friends and probably will result in a hostile work environment ... Which is fine, but should be anticipated if taking this approach.

I have no comment on the second half of this response.